There he was. Seriously? he looked at the window, hands throwing in the air in disbelief looking at the culprit casually sitting on the windowsill with one more shiny jewelry in his mouth. Turning around his feet took him to the bedroom. You were looking at him, knowing the wheels in his head were working on full force as he zoned out. Jimin smiled at you, pointing to the screen telling you to look. Seokjin was getting annoyed, thinking your were laughing at him and so he too put his chopsticks down, leaned backwards aswell and folded his arms over his chest, looking at you questionly. I want to say I am sorry but I cant y/n.. because you know, youre not a burden to me. I can say that I am sorry. Raising an eyebrow at his behavior, you watched how he sat down at te desk, turning his back to you. Taehyung was standing there, across the street , heavily panting it seemed as he crossed the road after looking both ways. How could I teach the others if I myself couldnt get the hang of it. SO what do you say? Taehy- He shook his head, pulling you away form his chest as his finger fell on top of your lips, shutting you up immediately. about me going away all the time. Why cant people cry over such things? I am going. Tell me whats going on. Maybe I shouldnt have gone out so much with him. Jin: You plant a quick good-morning kiss onto your boyfriends cheek before he walks downstairs to prepare your breakfast. He stared at the dent in the door he had kicked in anger after losing the game against Seokjin. I love you so much that even if you break my heart I will still love you. But hey, who could blame you. He answered you that he was standing in the corner behind the rack of clothes. Its okay. or did he finally get tired of your lazy ass. this time he laughed, punching your arm quite hard. Are you awake? someone whispered, fingers tracing up and down your arm causing you to wake up slightly. So here he was. It is okay right? He continued. You were a grown woman living with the love of your life eventhough there was now a 15.000 miles distance between your family you should not cry. Hopefully you didnt have to wait so long and you will like this reaction. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. "But I can't stop you, you're too stubborn.". Lets stay like this. Im hurt sweets.. You can just ask me, no need to make such a commotion.. Hey y/n I really really am proud of you of being here you know. Your smile fell and Hoseok could see your eyes welling up and your lips trembling. She can fuck right off. Aaaawhh how sweet of you. Im just great! I think youve found your talent.. And remember what you have told me about if you love something you should let it go and than called it bullshit because heck no why would you let someone go if you love them? It was kind of hot though. I am Min Yoongi. What if you were just walking home glad the weekend had begun but got yanked into an dark alley as a man would press a gun against your temple, threatening if you would dare to resist he wouldnt be afraid to use it? The comforter ripped from his body, the cold not bothering him at all once his feet landed on the ground as he stumbled his way out of the room, his breathing quickened, his heart racing. at least thats what you went for but Yoongi didnt even look your way, dissapearing in his room with a slam of the door. Throwing his jacket behind him and almost kissing the floor while trying to take his shoes off in a hurry. With all the screaming and accusions thrown your way, surely you wouldnt be thinking straight. Jungkook could see how tired you were, your eyes were drooping and kept blinking trying to stay awake. Seokjin had texted you if you wanted to come and of course you had replied with an excited yes with lots of smiley and kissy faces and jumped in your car heading to the venue. BTS Reacts: You Asking For A Massage/Bath Together. Jin/Kim Seokjin. I hope you dont mind but I brought the boys over. street, now serene and peaceful, clearing your mind and soul. How, what?, when? You were lost for words. Hearing Yoongi mumble that you both were unbelievable and Seokjin whining over the waisted food you both bursted out in laughter because clumsly couple striked again. Slowly your hands appeared in his vision but what he saw caused him to groan, snatching the shirt out of your hands, he closely inspected the to small shirt. I never thought you would do this to me. he spat. Before you could answer he ran to the kitched anc came back with a wet towel and began to wipe, trying to get the most out of it. They have phones. Its out. Your hair looked wild, pieces sticking out of your ponytail, hair hanging freely infront of your face. Always sneaking up on you. I, myself am super clumsy. BUT.. please no more otherwise I wont have any shirts left.. You two were sitting on the couch in the dorm, quitely doing your own thing when suddenly he heard those words coming from your mouth combined with your hot breath. However their time apart wasnt for long. Cause that what it was. Me? His eyes fluttered close, feeling his breath caressing your lips, you gently pressed your mouth on his , his soft lips warmed your heart as you moved yours tenderly, hoping he could feel the immense love you have for him, that you never meant to hurt him, never meant to push him away. The wind blowing the rain in your face feeling like sharp nails scratching your skin making it hard for you to keep on going but you did, desperately hoping he wasnt out there in this weather but knowing him he probably was, searching for you made you push harder, the paper in your hands long gone, washed away by the rain. Actually you did not know why you were holding in your tears, Seokjin would not laugh at you. You dont have to be insecure but you cant help it sometime, know that you can come to me and tell me whenever you feel like that. I always have been struggling to stay in the safe zone. And please return these to their owners, I dont care if you cant remember, you better bring those back. These papers can wait and after youre done eating, take a shower and sit down with me in the kitchen to drink some well deserved tea.. So please dont hide your feelings. It was on early morning, hanging upside down on the couch while looking at the morning sky you decided you really needed an ice cream. You were very careful I guess you giggled Making him chuckle as you laid your head on his chest. You did as you were told, now as needy as him. Raising an eyebrow in confusion you made your way over to him and pushed the rack aside and saw him staring at his shoes, nervously fumbling with the hem of his shirt. You had joined Seokjin to one of his shows since he asked you to come with him. I was trying to figure it out why you wantes to be with me. I cant even write a stupid essay. It was cold, you noticed. I dont want to see her cheating face ever again. he left with a loud bang of the door falling closed. I was thinking you would be better off with someone who could do all those things I cant. I didnt mean for this to happen! Anyways its okay sweets. A squirrel freezing in his steps, with a nut in his mouth, just looking at them. Yeah you knew that this was going to happen sooner or later when you started dating Namjoon, he had warned you about it too plus you were always one to brush off opinions of others, not really caring what people thought of you but when you read things as:y/n will damage his image or she is only dating him to become famous too. Well it hurt because they were dragging Namjoon in it too, THEY were the ones damaging his image, making up stories just to sell and it was stupid that you thought he was better off without you. I talked to your brother and asked him if he could arrange this with your grandparents since you miss them so much and well they were so excited that they wanted to talk to you today so his hands squeezed your shoulders reassuring this was real. The one, you were talking on the phone with. You cant even feed yourself. he spat, turning around on his chair, eyes spitting fire. Y/n? This time his voice was soft as he opened the door. Youre unbelievable really. You knew him well enough not to ask to many questions in this situation. With a loud groan you threw the book against the wall as you dropped your head on the desk, tears filling your eyes. You had walked out on him. Great! He jumped as his arm snaked around you waist. You could feel his presence and knew he was standing on the other side waiting for you to come out but he could stand there for a long time because you werent leaving this room until the embarrasment was gone. Dipping down once again, you rubbed your nose against his, laughing as he chuckled too. Originally posted by bangtan-got7-boys. Maybe you were going crazy. You stoop up straight again and gave Jungkook a kiss. I am with you arent I? I bet she wants to go home with me. A shriek of exciment slipped past your lips when you saw a big notepad laying on top of a closet. NONE of the GIFs used are mine. I doing what I love to do with my most precious friends. His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons. Yeah, why wouldnt it be? you laughed loudly and instantly winced how uncomfortable and fake it sounded. Of course you felt bad for running away because that is what you did. How can I sleep when youre like this? He sounded closer, voice soft and careful. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. Babe, I wasn'tI'd never hurt you. And also know that I dont think of you like that. I am certain we were allowed to use the computer. you scratched your head finding it weird what she was saying. Yoongi.. Oh well I think it is so it is okay hahaha. You werent like that, you liked having some freedom in a relationship but the way you behaved this week had got him thinking and after the fight you just had about the issue of you wanting to know where he was every minute you had screamed it out. The desk, your bed, your bookcase and surely your textbooks and notebooks had to endure your wrath the most. You didnt have to do all this but I really appreciate it and to my suprise its all still intact. He was simply protecting you. Your grandparents face greeting you. Ass! you shouted after him. You had stood up from the chair and sat down next to him earlier. I hope this is something you had in mind. you whipped around, halted your movements, eyes falling on his figure and watched him looking around the room, stepping over the things you had thrown around. He said. Ill be right back. he whispered while covering your body with the comforter and ran back to the bathroom, to turn of the still running shower and snatched the towel from the rack on his way back. He only did that when he was flustered or shy so that means. Out of his mind! Just as you could see his face clearly, you tucked him down with one hand holding his neck and pushed your cheek against his and began to rub. Oh well I may or may not called some people and ask them what to get? I have to confess myself this was really a challenge for me to write, so thank you haha. It burned. Im just stating a fact. Seokjin stayed by your side, watching you grow, not only physically, but mentally and artistically, over the years. Just read that book for one more hour and than you deserve your break. And thats when you broke down. You were leaning against the door post, arms crossed over your chest, watching him writing, watching him throwing the pen on the desk, the paper feeling his frustration as it ended up crumbled on the ground. Plus he was embarrassed as heck too. Why do people do that? Just like you did today. You grabbed the bag from his hand and gently put it down as you pulled him into your arms. surprise! He suddenly yelled. Lets go for ice cream! He cheered standing up from the floor and pulled you up by the hand. I practiced and practiced to the point that my legs gave away. . Its not going to work, I can better hand in nothing. What the? Yoongi uttered when they arrived at their dorm after a long tour. Out of nowhere you started to bang your head on the wooden desk, you didnt even know why you were doing it. No y/n youre not getting them back until youre calmed down. he was serious, his voice low and sharp. Namjoon: What if Seokjin sees this. Yoongi: He's more worried about protecting you so you two are battling over who's going to protect each other and the boys can't but laugh at you two. I am sorry. crying loudly, you walked past the guys, taking your coat and left their residence in a hurry. His foot tapped against the floor and his fingers drummed on the table. After the both of you got dizzy, he sat you down on the ground and began to wildly wave with his hands around you. He wasnt sure what to do or what to say afraid he would set you off in another rage however he couldnt let you continue like this. Shouldnt you cherish that person and shower it with extra love? I know I cant take it away instantly even if I want it so badly. Oh no, another one who tries to smile throughout the pain. My heart.. I mean I can kind of understand where youre coming from. The lamp standing on the corner of the desk, illuminated the room in a warm and calming light as the sound of scribbiling disturbed the silent night. I hope you liked them, even though they turned out a little longer than anticipated. Be yourself and the right people and the ones worth your time will find you and I guess I was the lucky one.. It was like you had closed off your emotions, locked in a safe, hidden away in the dark and at the end of the week he snapped, asking you, no demanding you to spit it out. Babe please dont overwork yourself. Im sorry but can we reschedule! You couldnt even tell your own boyfriend what was wrong, how would you pass a simple test than? Jungkook heard the lock turning and his name reached his ears. The world was asleep. I love you so much that even when I step out this door just to get some food I will already miss you. I can assure you, they have not. You told me that waiting for me is worth it, that all those things make our relationship to how it is. That Yoongi realized you werent good enough or that you were a burden to him. You hands slipped away between your bodies as you slid them over his chest to gently lay them down on his shoulders. He was so understanding that sometimes it irked you. He saw how your eyes widened and how you bit your lip, instantly regretting what you did and before he could say something you were gone. I'm not really known with the measurement inches so I wouldn't really know how tall you are but I assume you're not that tall . you began to admire its beauty, its personality. Like way way more.. This is why youre pissed? Originally posted by bambamisaboomyinmypants. You wanted to kick, scratch, punch yourself, you just wanted to hurt yourself for hurting him like this. he chuckled embarrassed. One teardrop fell, marking the notebook in sorrow and its when one will fall, more will follow, so here you were, fists banging on the desk as you cried in anger, upset you couldnt control your emotions. Yesyes my ask is open right now. BTS reaction to you having a cold and they have to take care of you. You did not regret telling him this, you wanted him to know, you needed him to help you get out of this rut. He hummed, smiling down at you. Jimin.. you looked at him with hurt, the guilt eating you alive as newly fresh tears sprung into your eyes. Ssh sweety. No stress! When the both of you were getting ready for bed, you noticed the little dent, snapping your head to Jungkook he would say: Dont you remember? Why wouldnt it be? the laughter stopped as soon as it came, face tilted to side as you looked him right in the eyes, daring him to state otherwise. You were so pissed when Namjoon told you what happened and to take me home. Jimin: You sat there for awhile. ;). She chose to move here for you. What are you doing here? you were surprised, pleasantly so but it was still odd for him to be here really. His glinstening eyes focused on yours, the sight melting your heart. He eyed you the whole night, watching your every move and a smile was plastered on your face until Jimin said something and the whole room fell silent. You know that I love you so much that it even hurts sometimes. Freedom and trust is also important in a relationship but sometimes telling the other what youre doing can re-assure them its all good and you still think about them. Your eyes snapped to his, heart tightening when you saw the look on his face. I dont thats enough and that is not enough of an apology you deserve. Im still here. he whispered in your hair after he nestled you in his chest, arms tightening his hold on you as if he was afraid you would vanish soon. You felt his gaze burning onto your skin, lips trembling and eyes stinging you fisted the robe in your lap, trying not to meet his eyes because once you did, surely the dam would break. I know youre allowed to be pissed at him but lets save that for later okay. Turning his head to the side, he saw you biting your lip seductively and a smirk plastered on your lips. I just feel really insecure when youre with him. he murmered, his voice so soft you almost didnt understand him. And youre still someone who points out the best traits in people.. Everyone hummed in agreement. A stain! Again he yelped, the others too anbandoning their fruits. He would be shocked. Your robe was gone, you would never take your robe for a short trip to the toilet. Glancing towards the door, waiting for Yoongi to appear, your heart began to thump faster. You couldnt hide it anymore and so you told him the truth. I am dumb. Dont you think your precious body deserves a break too? BUT this you carried on .. this is not. A bad grade will only give you more stress than a couple of hours studying a day. you cheered yourself on when you sat back with your elbows planted on the table, hands sliding the textbook closer and closer to the edge of the table but stopped when it reached its destination. Right now you didnt care anymore. Also feeling so bad for the both of you, he called Taehyung explaining everything to him. Jimin sighed sadly. Couple of hours studying a day and surely your textbooks and notebooks had endure... His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons those! Quite hard eating you alive as newly fresh tears sprung into your eyes as you slid over... On his chest punch yourself, you just wanted to hurt yourself for hurting him this... A kiss back to you having a cold and they have to wait so long and you like! Ones worth your time will find you and I guess I was you... You, pointing to the point that my legs gave away: you Asking for a trip. 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