He told me that I would be cursed for questioning his authority and God would punish me. The congregation has been deceived, lied to, and hounded to give sacrificially, all the while the senior pastor has been making hundreds of thousands of dollars. In the early 2000s, Harvest embarked on an ambitious expansion plan, aiming to form "10 churches in 10 years." Since then the church has opened locations in Elgin, Highland Park, Niles, Crystal. Now that these differences with MacDonald have come to resolution, our focus and full attention are on the future of Harvest Bible Chapel, they said. My heart breaks for the ones who will walk away from church and walk away from God. The Lord knows and he keeps the books. chose to suffer. If you know anything about abuse it can take years to come forward. Count on it. No shame here for Lina. 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I love Dr. Dobsons admonition that while it is tempting to want to get out of a painful situation, often the only way out is through. Although he denied stabbing the photo, MacDonald said, I may have put my knife up against it or into it.. Its where I was led to Christ. And these things are only the tip of the iceberg. I attended Harvest for five years, and left five years ago. We just determined to treat the circumstances as a loving God giving us a different direction. God is a for-others being he can not lie, therefore, he can not be for Himself. I really doubt theyre sending texts and emails asking for money. For a different church model, see My Dream Church https://sites.google.com/site/mydreamchurch/. Thank you for your openness and sharing! Let us examine ourselves for unconfessed sin and seek to live in fear of the Lord lest bitterness overtake us.. It was love at first sight!! There is no question in my mind that what I did see and experience increasingly at Harvest was a culture that functioned and was sustained by fear and the desire to please James at any cost. If so Id be in agreement but again- this is not a political post. , Titus 3:10-11 says as for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once, and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful, he is self condemned. Also 1 Timothy 5:20 says as for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, which is what we are doing, so that the rest may stand in fear. , Nothing is covered, nothing is unresolved, nothing is ongoing, only this attack from the enemy. Really? I really think you hit the nail on the head when you said you realized something dark about yourself, that you had been a woman ruled by fearand I could identify with what you said since I had been that woman too. I dont take joy in this situation, but I rejoice in the truth. In October, the church reported its chief information officer to police for suspected embezzlement. Continually praying for healing, reconciliation and restoration for His church. Laurie Newman, a Harvest member, told Christianity Today that she believes the church's current leaders, like Bradshaw, are "good people who want to lead the church the way God wants it to. Why would we be any different? In keeping with our past private statements to Harvests leadership and to our pastorsThe primary issue is not reconciliation or peacemaking, it is repentance, GCC elders said in a January 17 statement. Lina, thank you for your honesty. Nancy You sound like you still attend thereand you seem double minded. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. Our enemy loves this. I am so proud of Lina and she is speaking out the words that I would never say because I live in fear of that kind of authority. We never gave up on God because He never gives up on us. You are loved. Only time will tell whether Harvest can outlive its founding pastorand the scandal that has enveloped both him and his elder board. The moment I read about someone saying something about planting child pornography on the Christianity Todaycomputers, I knew I had to figure out what the heck was going on. While many in the congregation were willing to give it a second chance, some members raised concerns about many of these individuals closeness to MacDonald, and their willingness to cover for him for so long. It is a cry to the current leadership, to evangelicalism at large that there are some very serious problems that need to be dealt with. He also makes vulgar comments about Wheaton College executive director of the Billy Graham Center Ed Stetzer and repeatedly degrades Julie Roys, the reporter who wrote the World Magazine story. Data Coordination. Churches should switch to a different model that is biblically aligned. That, it seems, was what it took to finally break his hold over his current elder board; to finally convince the elders that they were wrong to keep listening to his excuses. These are the same elders who signed the letter of unconditional support for James, and then they fire him? The womans bible study lead by two women who referenced Pastor James constantly are still in charge. What would it take to convince an elder board to question its pastor? I didnt know you personally, but was a part of and benefited from the many programs that you offered through womens ministry. I too had been a part of HBC both as a staff member and member of the church and was there in total over 15 years. Thank you for having the courage to write what you did and for your ministry Lina. That IS A LIE!! This post reminds me of something that happened at my former church. And where I live that mostly rules out every English speaking church there is! That is just so day to know that people are leaving churches. It may not be warm and fuzzy but speaking truth, especially when compelled by the Spirit, is never wrong. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. I used to go to a church in AZ pastored by Jon Gaus. Please support my writing! Your time at Harvest made a huge impact to my small group and strengthened my faith in Christ . 1.) Sometimes being good will require us to say harsh things. I hope to become braver. Maybe you were called in front of the elders and asked to rewrite because thats horrendous theology and an awful way to be an ambassador for the Gospel. Secrest, who founded the church in 2016 and affiliated with Harvest last September, said he didnt know at the time about the ongoing concerns raised about MacDonalds leadership and the churchs financial status, which led to Harvests lawsuit last year. I was counted as one of the privileged ones and considered it a great honor to know James personally and even be considered as part of his inner circle at that time. All Rights Reserved. The church has responded by hiring Lawrence Swicegood, the executive director of communications at Gateway Church, who was also hired by Harvest Bible Chapel when facing its scandal involving James MacDonald. This young lady has done the work and is doing the work of the great physician. On February 13th, the elders at HBC fired MacDonald, citing highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald that were given to media the day before. That, apparently, was what it took to get him fired. The unrest at Harvest began in the fall of 2013, when two elders were excommunicated and another was indirectly censured, Roys writes. I kept thinking people would wake up and see the truth and understand that my leaving was not a betrayal to James but a stance against his leadership style, and the leadership style of the XLT, and James sons, and most of the remaining elders. She is sharing her heart and personal experience in an open, vulnerable way, in kindness and love. I regret staying at Harvest after that meeting with the elders. Therefore Lina did what God moved her to do in His Boldness and Courage, being fear had silenced her. This should not be! I follow Jesus in His Strength the best I can in the light He has given me. Like in Ezekiel, many people are trying to sound the trumpet of warning!! Walked out of that service. He has harmed thousands of people. (My) fear was in upsetting James An eight-month investigation into pastor James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel, his Chicago-area megachurch, culminated last week with the publication of a World Magazine article by Julie Roys. In fact, even though there is no patents or rights given to the Bible every man-made church that has plagiarized, promoted or used the Bible without the expressed consent of Jesus Himself or the authority of His church begin their ministries as thieves. *For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. (It wouldve done no good to tell them how they erred when previous months didnt get it done.) God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. A friend sent me a link to sermon about this yesterday: https://radical.net/sermon/kingdom-community/. Were they afraid? Have you sought the Lord in prayer and fasting?Exposing sin is not hurtful then you would be against every prophet in the Bible. Nellie, We cant judge the HEART of others, we can judge their actions and behaviors. In any case, Im saddened to hear that this happened to James McDonald. What you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the housetops.. Its very important that people share their stories. Thanks for being so honest. I should have left that week, but I was too afraid to cause damage to Jesus and His kingdom and the women I was leading at that time. The harsh language of Harvests public excommunication of these individuals did receive pushback, and in 2014, MacDonald expressed regret at the language used, and announced that the church had reconciled with the elders. I am airing on the side of no. But the truth needs to be out there. maybe its time for all of us to wake up. I attended Harvest Bible Chapel for over 8 years and served as the Womens Ministry Director at the Rolling Meadows campus for three of those years (thats the flagship original campus by the way). Im about to lead a teaching tomorrow night about the mark God placed on Cain after he killed his brother Abel. Be kind not hurtful. Christ alone is to be worshipped. It was so hard not to be bitter, and it took a long time to want to be part of another church and not be so cautious. Mahoney and Bryant shared concerns about Harvests financial dealings, and provided a platform for other former Harvest members, who accused MacDonald of a controlling and abusive leadership style and pointed to an overall lack of accountability for MacDonald at Harvest. May God be glorified through this. I saw the horrible video of the three Elders that were fired, It was autrocious! I didnt want to be rebellious against authority. He kept going back to you disobeyed the pastor so youre wrong (me in this case for talking to the youth and his mom about it after it happened). My coworker who was Catholic and going through a painful divorce, was led to Christ by me. I didnt want to upset James. Sitting in the pews, I could not see how deep the cancer was at HBC. God is purifying His Church. So beautiful. Lina, I know that you did not take writing this lightly, and that it was preceded by much prayer and asking for the Holy Spirits wisdom and guidance in order to strike a balance of truth and grace. who we really love. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. Those who would shame someone for standing on the side of truth and grace have missed the mark. Praying for you, many blessings for all you do. Not everyone is so blessed, and for those of you who have left HBC and have had to find a new local church, there are healthy ones out there. I also was silent about why my family left (also the week following the video). I havent seen the video but abuse of power at any level is sickening!! The Asbury Revival Is Over. Perhaps the Holy Spirit prompted Lina to share from the HEART. Thank you and thank Lina. Many many of us are praying for all of you in Naples. Of course people can join in with instruments too. Elgin Quick Links Baptisms, February 19th It was an extremely long and difficult decision to finally leave (we did our best to leave peacefully with the good of Christs church in mind) knowing very well that our reputations and many of our friendships we had there would be severely if not permanently damaged. Lina, this took courage and Im glad you said it. Lauren Boebert And Marjorie Greene's Adult "So Your Problem with Christianity is the Jesus No, the "Second Shift" Isn't Feminism's Fault. Hence the Response Statement Regarding Pastor James and Anne Green yesterday on HBC in the news. God bless. Perhaps my fear had its legitimate reasons. 5. A peacemaking process, while helpful for personal and relational reconciliation, is not the approach to address failed governance, biblical disqualification, and a toxic leadership environment.. He was a ruler of his churches. However, 2 of the groups meet in Panera Bread. But that does not matter. Nicole, I am sorry if you are offended. We talked with two deacons and the assistant pastor. You are courageous! MacDonald was manifestly not okay with the criticism. Be blessed dear Sister. He invitedme to go when we first started dating. 2023 RELEVANT Media Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thats what happens when I get older chronologically! Did you see the link to my web page. Sadly, this cancer has spread to other churches that were once part of the fellowship. Start praying for Jesus to heal the entire body of which He Alone is the Head. I feel angry that the people who were supposed to be watching over the congregation allowed this to go on. The church, which has a weekly attendance of more than 12,000 at its seven campuses, is also associated with Vertical Worship, Harvest Christian Academy (HCA), and MacDonalds Walk in the Word TV and radio ministry. Still, things seemed off. When is God pleased at his church? Yes, I was there for ex-communication video. Two top Harvest Bible Chapel pastors today announced they're resigning, following a "season" of difficulty sparked by the termination and scandal involving disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald. But as every Christian knows, we walk and we live by grace. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand., And even JMac was right when he quoted 1 Corinthians 16:13: Its difficult to understand how people can now know what they know and still only criticize the ones that feel compelled to now share their story. In Him, Ive been in the medical field for over 40 years and know a thing or two about human anatomy. For me, I live with the regret of not taking advantage of the opportunity to come over and get to know you. Also I Cor. Some women were still in the middle of the trauma and were still currently attending Harvest. I am a 60 year old grandfather who wants to get a tatoo around my ankle of all six of my grandchildrens names. Lina isnt hanging Harvest Bible Chapel. Dont stop trusting or loving. James MacDonald was forced out Tuesday night as senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel, a church he founded in Rolling Meadows some 30 years ago. God is using this to grow me as he does in all trials, so for that Im grateful. Then came Roys story, MacDonalds decision to sue Roys and the bloggers behind The Elephants Debt (presumably rubber stamped by the current elder board), and the realization that discovery would mean everything coming out. 102 reviews of Faith Church "I have been to a few churches in my day. I would recommend A book Joy Starts Here and The Pandora Problem Facing Narcissism in Leaders & Ourselves as helpful to possibly understand how whats happened can be explained and perhaps bring healing and prevention as members move forward. The Elephants Debt, which had posted criticism of MacDonald, including stories by former Harvest members, elders, pastors, and staff, throughout 2012 and 2013, went on a posting hiatus at around this time. I thought something was off but had only my own suspicions to go on as we were told not to criticize. The current model for pastor directed churches says that the senior pastor is the priest this is Old Testament. Less well known was that these individuals agreed to leave Harvest aloneto stop publicly criticizing the churchin exchange for a promise that the current elder board would enact changes. As one person whom MacDonald led to the Lord remarked to me, Its like finding out your wife is a serial killer. The disillusionment, betrayal, and loss can be excruciating. Pray for those still there trying to care for the confused and hurting hearts. Everybody and anyone has an opinion about what should happen to and for Harvest whether this means the self-identified victims, or the buildings, or the leftover and future leadership well, everyone is entitled to an opinion about everyone and everything. 1st at services, then recording those messages fir walk in the word and finally by publishing them. It was engaging at times. Why kick him and the church while their down Lina? God loves truth. The ungodly jockying for power and control is still an issue in all our churches. You are being bold and telling the truth and just wanted to encourage you.I always loved your passion for Gods Word and pray Gods blessing as you stand strong Him! What Can Christians Do About Climate Change? The link was in my post above. I speak as one who has gone thru it, like you. In any case, we had a final meeting with the pastor and his assistant pastor (who was his son-in-law) to tell them that I was leaving their church. 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