One of the all time great guys to play in the league. [291] The trial in Manila of Yamashita was criticized because he was hanged for Iwabuchi's Manila massacre, which he had not ordered and of which he was probably unaware. [21] At the time it was customary for the top-ranking cadets to be commissioned into the United States Army Corps of Engineers, therefore, MacArthur was commissioned as a second lieutenant in that corps. The greatest weapon of war is the blockade, MacArthur advised Kennedy after a long conversation about how to deal with the Soviets and Chinese. She talks at length about it in the oral history and makes it clear she deliberately opted out of renegotiating her contract ("please don't tell me how much you were going to offer me"), and says she wanted to leave to focus on her life and family with her son grown and raised and her having remarried IIRC. There is no substitute for victory. This was his first trip to Congress since April 1951 after he was relieved. [112][113], When the Commonwealth of the Philippines achieved semi-independent status in 1935, President of the Philippines Manuel Quezon asked MacArthur to supervise the creation of a Philippine Army. [94] While in Washington, he would ride home each day to have lunch with his mother. Lieutenant Colonel Walter E. Barethe commander of the 167th Infantryproposed an attack from that direction, where the defenses seemed least imposing, covered by a machine-gun barrage. My days of old have vanished, tone and tint. Similar illnesses, like the flu and pneumonia, have historically caused many fewer deaths. A series of disasters followed, starting with the destruction of his air forces on 8 December 1941 and the Japanese invasion of the Philippines. [207][208], MacArthur moved the advanced echelon of GHQ to Port Moresby on 6 November 1942. But if youre not running into The Pit, youre blocking on those great big linemen, or else youre catching a pass right out there where the linebackers have a bite at you. The cause-of-death section consists of two parts. MacArthur went over contingency plans for civil disorder in the capital. Always there echoes and re-echoes: Duty, Honor, Country. [378] By February 1952, almost nine months later, Truman's approval rating had fallen to 22 percent. Army Chief of Staff, Major General Leonard Wood, took up the matter with Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, who arranged for MacArthur to be posted to the Office of the Chief of Staff in 1912. Rev. MacArthur was extremely critical of the military advice given to Kennedy, and cautioned the young president to avoid a U.S. military build-up in Vietnam, pointing out that domestic problems should be given a much greater priority. [75], Instead of the traditional summer camp at Fort Clinton, MacArthur had the cadets trained to use modern weapons by regular army sergeants at Fort Dix; they then marched back to West Point with full packs. [68] When MacArthur moved into the superintendent's house with his mother in June 1919,[69] he became the youngest superintendent since Sylvanus Thayer in 1817. He participated in exercises at San Antonio, Texas, with the Maneuver Division in 1911 and served in Panama on detached duty in January and February 1912. [80], In October 1922, MacArthur left West Point and sailed to the Philippines with Louise and her two children, Walter and Louise, to assume command of the Military District of Manila. Doug was born in Summerside on May 6, 1952 to Jean (Raynor) and the late Eldon MacArthur. By 1950, 89% of all agricultural land was owner-operated and only 11% was tenant-operated. All the first units to arrive could do was trade men and ground for time, falling back to the Pusan Perimeter. On Saturday, Nyack, NY said a final farewell to a friend and former neighbor, actor James MacArthur, who died on October 28 at the age of 72. I remember watching him play. [233] Japanese air activity soon increased, with raids on Tacloban, where MacArthur decided to establish his headquarters, and on the fleet offshore. [423] The American Sinologist John King Fairbank called MacArthur "our greatest soldier". He also participated on the school tennis team and played quarterback on the school football team and shortstop on its baseball team. There was a German officer's horse saddled and equipped standing in a barn, a battery of guns complete in every detail, and the entire administration and music of a regimental band. On 20 October 1944, troops of Krueger's Sixth Army landed on Leyte, while MacArthur watched from the light cruiser USSNashville. Yes this was the (mostly) cast I was watching (except for Jacqueline - the Pat Kendall character began around the time I stopped watching regularly.). During his speech, he was interrupted by fifty ovations. In Kansas City in 1976, he led the NFL with 66 catches. [144] MacArthur later denied having the conversation. [6] Arthur and Pinky had three sons, of whom Douglas was the youngest, following Arthur III, born on 1 August 1876, and Malcolm, born on 17 October 1878. The President was unable to act immediately since he could not afford to reveal the existence of the intercepts and because of MacArthur's popularity with the public and political support in Congress. We need more of those. Hearing reports that the enemy had withdrawn, MacArthur went forward on 2 August to see for himself. MacArthur confirmed that the emperor's abdication would not be necessary. Cadet and staff morale was low and hazing "at an all-time peak of viciousness". MacArthur was called to appear before a special Congressional committee in 1901, where he testified against cadets implicated in hazing, but downplayed his own hazing even though the other cadets gave the full story to the committee. If war comes, that is the weapon we should use. Kennedy used the naval blockade option during the Cuban Missile Crisis two months later thanks to MacArthur's advice. [147], MacArthur attempted to slow the Japanese advance with an initial defense against the Japanese landings. Three of them, including Summerall, the president of the court, were removed when defense challenges revealed bias against Mitchell. Following the declaration of war on Germany on 6 April 1917 and the subsequent American entry into World War I, Baker and MacArthur secured an agreement from President Wilson for the use of the National Guard on the Western Front. [265] Yamashita chose to fight a defensive campaign, being pushed back slowly by Krueger, and was still holding out at the time the war ended, much to MacArthur's intense annoyance as he had wished to liberate the entire Philippines before the war ended. Always great to read a little about the players from earlier eras. President Herbert Hoover ordered MacArthur to "surround the affected area and clear it without delay". [1] Two of her brothers had fought for the South in the Civil War, and refused to attend her wedding. Not a great era for Packers football but Lane and Brockington were two of the best things about it. MacArthur's speech to the cadets in accepting the award had as its theme "Duty, Honor, Country": The shadows are lengthening for me. The commander of the French VII Corps, Major General Georges de Bazelaire, decorated MacArthur with the Croix de Guerre. MacArthur stressed America's moral obligation to liberate the Philippines and won Roosevelt's support. RIP MacArthur. [417], The Dai-Ichi Seimei Building has preserved MacArthur's 6th floor office as it was from 1945 to 1951 during his tenure as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Prayers go out for MacArthur Lane, his family, friends and extended football family. "[27] They inspected Japanese military bases at Nagasaki, Kobe and Kyoto, then headed to India via Shanghai, Hong Kong, Java and Singapore, reaching Calcutta in January 1906. I attended Actor James MacArthur's Funeral, General Hospital: March 2023 Discussion Thread. One of the best running backs to ever play at Utah State passed away last Saturday. Passable and hot but not much else. Streets, public works, and children were named after him. In doing so, he ignored the advice of many members of the imperial family and Japanese intellectuals who publicly called for the abdication of the Emperor and the implementation of a regency. [245] He felt that even Willoughby's estimate was too high. [19] MacArthur was a corporal in Company B in his second year, a first sergeant in Company A in his third year and First Captain in his final year. Until around the age of 8, she dressed him in skirts and kept his hair long and in curls. He inflicted heavy casualties on the Chinese,[365] recaptured Seoul in March 1951, and pushed on to the 38th Parallel. [146] What was left of the Far East Air Force was all but destroyed over the next few days. I decided to reconnoiter and try to see with my own eyes, and interpret with my own long experience what was going on[346], MacArthur flew over the front line himself in his Douglas C-54 Skymaster but saw no signs of a Chinese build up and therefore decided to wait before ordering an advance or withdrawal. I figure a running back has maybe three, 3 years to do his number, Lane said. 2312. Love Kathy and family The death occurred suddenly at his home in Northam on October 6, 2019. Also, military bases like at Clark and Corregidor were not allowed to be expanded or modernized during that 13-year period. It was agreed that MacArthur would receive the rank of field marshal, with its salary and allowances, in addition to his major general's salary as Military Advisor to the Commonwealth Government of the Philippines. The operation was clearly hazardous, and MacArthur's staff talked him out of accompanying the invasion on Nashville. [366] With the improved military situation, Truman now saw the opportunity to offer a negotiated peace but, on 24 March, MacArthur called upon China to admit that it had been defeated, simultaneously challenging both the Chinese and his own superiors. As the effective ruler of Japan, he oversaw sweeping economic, political and social changes. [347] MacArthur's comments reinforced Chinese decision-makers' fears that the American-led invasion of North Korea was part of a strategy to ultimately invade China. [292] Iwabuchi had killed himself as the battle for Manila was ending. External causes are those not caused by an internal or an infectious agent. [15] He later passed the examination for an appointment from Congressman Theobald Otjen,[12] scoring 93.3 on the test. [342], On 20 October MacArthur flew to the Sukchon-Sunchon area of North Korea, north of Pyongyang, to supervise and observe an airborne operation by the 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team. MacArthur was the youngest of the thirteen judges, none of whom had aviation experience. [232], Since Leyte was out of range of Kenney's land-based aircraft, MacArthur was dependent on carrier aircraft. MacArthur stopped the Communist Party from gaining any popularity in Japan by releasing their members from prison, conducting landmark land reform that made MacArthur more popular than communism for the rural Japanese farmers and peasants, and allowing the communists to freely participate in elections. At the 1960 celebration for MacArthur's 80th birthday, many of his friends were startled by the general's obviously deteriorating health. Because the Japanese were not expecting an attack, the garrison was weak, and Allied casualties were correspondingly light. MacArthur had instructed Sutherland not to be bring Clark to Leyte, due to a personal undertaking to Curtin that Australian women on the GHQ staff would not be taken to the Philippines, but Sutherland had brought her along anyway. As I told Yonai it is extremely disadvantageous to MacArthur's standing in the United States to put on trial the very Emperor who is cooperating with him and facilitating the smooth administration of the occupation. Opening his remarks, Altford said that that "it was fitting that we come together in Nyack, to James' boyhood home, for it was here at his family's estate, 'Pretty Penny,' where he could escape the frenzied and hectic life he led, and just be himself, surrounded by family, friends and neighbors who loved him.". MacArthur supported the New Deal through the Army's operation of the Civilian Conservation Corps. MacArthur's staff members also received payments: $75,000 for Sutherland, $45,000 for Richard Marshall, and $20,000 for Huff. [4] He died on May 4, 2019, aged 77. The cause of death is a specific disease or injury, in contrast to the manner of death, which is a small . The Obscure History of Nuclear Weapons and the Korean War Provides the Answer", "Historical Notes: Giving Them More Hell", "Presidential Approval Ratings Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends", Senate Committees on Armed Services and Foreign Relations 1951, "MacArthur's Last Stand Against a Winless War", "MacArthur's Sylvanus Thayer Award acceptance speech at West Point, 1962", "6 Stat. MacArthur's proposal for an attack on the Japanese base at Rabaul met with objections from the Navy, which favored a less ambitious approach, and objected to an Army general being in command of what would be an amphibious operation. MacArthur received a Distinguished Flying Cross for supervising the operation in person. It is my hope that my son when I am gone will remember me, not from battle, but in the home, repeating with him our simple daily prayer, "Our father, Who art in Heaven. [87] A few months later, he assumed command of the III Corps area, based at Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland, which allowed MacArthur and Louise to move to her Rainbow Hill estate near Garrison, Maryland. He always treated Filipino and Japanese leaders with respect as equals. Command in the Pacific therefore remained divided. In India, they visited Madras, Tuticorin, Quetta, Karachi, the Northwest Frontier and the Khyber Pass. "[249], MacArthur's primary concern was the capture of the port of Manila and the airbase at Clark Field, which were required to support future operations. [119], President Quezon officially conferred the title of field marshal on MacArthur in a ceremony at Malacaan Palace on 24 August 1936. [171], Bataan surrendered on 9 April,[172] and Corregidor on 6 May. MacArthur insisted on being the first recipient of the Purple Heart, which he had engraved with "#1". At the same time, Nimitz became commander of all naval forces. MacArthur advanced his timetable, and ordered the 7th to capture Kaiapit and Dumpu, while the 9th mounted an amphibious assault on Finschhafen. It reached the northern outskirts of Manila on 3 February,[252] but, unknown to the Americans, Rear Admiral Sanji Iwabuchi had decided to defend Manila to the death. Douglas MacArthur (26 January 1880 5 April 1964) was an American military leader who served as General of the Army for the United States, as well as a field marshal to the Philippine Army. [79] More recently, Richard B. Frank has written that Pershing and Brooks had already "severed" their relationship by the time of MacArthur's transfer; Brooks was, however, "informal[ly]" engaged to a close aide of Pershing's (she broke off the relationship in order to accept MacArthur's proposal). You must be logged in to leave a comment. By [152] The Asiatic Fleet's performance was not very optimal during December 1941. "The old idea of colonial exploitation", he later conceded, "still had its vigorous supporters. [440][441] A similar measure had also been proposed unsuccessfully by Stuart Symington in 1945. In 1962, West Point honored the increasingly frail MacArthur with the Sylvanus Thayer Award for outstanding service to the nation, which had gone to Eisenhower the year before. [350] On 23 December, Walker was killed when his jeep collided with a truck, and was replaced by Lieutenant General Matthew Ridgway, whom MacArthur had selected in case of such an eventuality. "[420] He is highly respected and remembered to the present day in the Philippines and Japan. Secretary of Defense George Marshall ordered MacArthur on 30 September to feel "unhampered tactically and strategically to proceed north of 38th parallel. This ambiguity was finally resolved by the UN General Assembly greenlighting MacArthur to advance northward on 4 October with Resolution 376(V), which authorized him and UN forces to cross the 38th parallel and to unify all of Korea under the Republic of Korea. The stench was suffocating. [201] The Battle of Midway in June 1942 led to consideration of a limited offensive in the Pacific. Eisenhower asked, "What about MacArthur?" [164][165] While the payments had been fully legal,[165] the revelation tarnished MacArthur's reputation. For $150 in gold, he acquired a handcar and the services of three Mexicans, whom he disarmed. The R.O.K. Originally a No. In the end, MacArthur endorsed Taft and was keynote speaker at the convention. [290] In late 1945, Allied military commissions in various cities in Asia tried 5,700 Japanese, Taiwanese and Koreans for war crimes. For example, the Malinta Tunnel on Corregidor was constructed from 1932 to 1934 with condemned TNT and without a single dollar from the U.S. government because of the treaty. This agreement placed coastal air defense under the Army. [427] When asked about MacArthur, Blamey once said, "The best and the worst things you hear about him are both true. [341] Briefly questioned about the Chinese threat, MacArthur dismissed it, saying that he hoped to be able to withdraw the Eighth Army to Japan by Christmas, and to release a division for service in Europe in January. [23] He was promoted to first lieutenant in Manila in April 1904. As a result, "it became obvious that any military offensive in the South-West Pacific in 1943 would have to be carried out mainly by the Australian Army". [305][306][307], MacArthur was also in charge of southern Korea from 1945 to 1948 due to the lack of clear orders or initiative from Washington, D.C.[308] There was no plan or guideline given to MacArthur from the Joint Chiefs of Staff or the State Department on how to rule Korea so what resulted was a very tumultuous 3 year military occupation that led to the creation of the U.S.-friendly Republic of Korea in 1948. When the hurts catch up with me, Ive already got a plan.. [103] However, the defeat of the "Bonus Army", while unpopular with the American people at large, did make MacArthur into the hero of the more right-wing elements in the Republican Party who believed that the general had saved America from a communist revolution in 1932. He had one son, Arthur MacArthur IV. Finding plenty of railroad cars in Veracruz but no locomotives, MacArthur set out to verify a report that there were a number of locomotives in Alvarado, Veracruz. New conditions require for solution and new weapons require for maximum application new and imaginative methods. Had the Packers had a passing attack in those days, the Redskins under George Allen wouldnt have been able to play their whole defense at the line of scrimmage to stop them as he did. Further on, the party was attacked a third time by three mounted men. During his time with the Packers, Lane ran for 1,711 yards and 7 touchdowns. While there MacArthur attended the West Texas Military Academy,[12] where he was awarded the gold medal for "scholarship and deportment". Taking runners from each outpost liaison group to the next, moving by way of what had been No Man's Land, I will never forget that trip. Not a member? [359] The Joint Chiefs were not entirely comfortable about giving them to MacArthur either, for fear that he might prematurely carry out his orders. [299] MacArthur's efforts to encourage trade union membership met with phenomenal success, and by 1947, 48% of the non-agricultural workforce was unionized. He led the United Nations Command in the Korean War with initial success; however, the invasion of North Korea provoked the Chinese, causing a series of major defeats. A furious battle ensued. A few months later, six times that number surrendered. Heres the thing: anyone who hits you is moving when he hits youmoving fast. Sniper bullets sung like the buzzing of a hive of angry bees. [294] He also exempted the Emperor and all members of the imperial family implicated in war crimes, including princes such as Chichibu, Asaka, Takeda, Higashikuni and Fushimi, from criminal prosecutions. MacArthur sailed from San Francisco on the SSPresident Hoover in October 1935,[116] accompanied by his mother and sister-in-law. And while the hordes of death are mighty, the battalions of life are mightier still. The 42nd Division was chosen to participate in the occupation of the Rhineland, occupying the Ahrweiler district. [122] MacArthur and Eisenhower found that few of the training camps had been constructed and the first group of 20,000 trainees did not report until early 1937. Kennedy heavily trusted MacArthur because whenever he was urged to increase U.S. involvement in Laos and Vietnam by generals, politicians, and advisors he would tell them, Well now, you gentlemen, you go back and convince General MacArthur, then Ill be convinced.[400]. He mobilized, trained, and led an army which has received world acclaim for its gallant defense against a tremendous superiority of enemy forces in men and arms. Bronze Star with valor. MacArthur Lane, a running back whose NFL career spanned 11 seasons, has died at the age of 77. [7] The family lived on a succession of Army posts in the American Old West. Mechanized equipment was brought to Fort Myer, where anti-riot training was conducted. He found it pompous and rather ridiculous to be the field marshal of a virtually nonexisting army. Eisenhower learned later on that the field-marshalship had not been (as he had assumed) Quezon's idea. Lane always considered himself lucky to make a living playing football, explaining that he and his wife took in her two step-siblings because his football income allowed him to provide for a big family. For example, deaths coded as an unspecified road traffic accident are distributed to . [407] On 7 April his body was taken to New York City, where it lay in an open casket at the Seventh Regiment Armory for about 12 hours. The city of Incheon erected a statue of MacArthur in 1957, which is considered a symbol of patriotism. [44] In late June, the 42nd Division was shifted to Chlons-en-Champagne to oppose the impending German Champagne-Marne Offensive. Where was MacArthur Lane born? In the evenings, he liked to read military history books. On 24 November, the Central Intelligence Agency reported to Truman that while there could be as many as 200,000 Chinese troops in Korea, "there is no evidence that the Chinese Communists plan major offensive operations".[345]. MacArthur was senior to all but Marshall. [126], MacArthur married Jean Faircloth in a civil ceremony on 30 April 1937. [70] However, whereas Thayer had faced opposition from outside the Army, MacArthur had to overcome resistance from graduates and the academic board. Is MacArthur Lane in the Hall of Fame? [333] MacArthur compared his plan with that of General James Wolfe at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, and brushed aside the problems of tides, hydrography and terrain. However, the terrain turned out to be less suitable for airbase development than first thought, forcing MacArthur to seek better locations further west. Richard Meixsel has debunked this story; in fact the special uniform was "the creation of a poorly informed journalist in 1937 who mistook a recently introduced U.S. Army white dress uniform for a distinctive field marshal's attire. Survived by his only brother Donald (Cindy). He was 77. I believe it was a better country when a life insurance salesman, a plumber, and a future Hall of Fame tight end (hint: the other tight end was Tom Mitchell) could live on the same block. MacArthur authorized daring rescue raids at numerous prison camps like Cabanatuan,[262] Los Baos,[263] and Santo Tomas. An outstanding punter and basketball player at the University of Tennessee, Widby also played a year of professional basketball with the New Orleans Buccaneers of the American Basketball Association in 1967. In 1972 Lane was traded to the Packers, and he played three seasons in Green Bay before he was traded to Kansas City, playing his final four seasons with the Chiefs. They were the best tandem in Green Bay since the days of Jimmy Taylor and Paul Hornung. [279][280] MacArthur disagreed, as he thought that an ostensibly cooperating emperor would help establish a peaceful allied occupation regime in Japan. [296], As Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) in Japan, MacArthur and his staff helped Japan rebuild itself, eradicate militarism and ultra-nationalism, promote political civil liberties, institute democratic government, and chart a new course that ultimately made Japan one of the world's leading industrial powers. Filipino sergeant Domingo Adversario was awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart for getting his hand wounded by the bomb and covering MacArthur's head with his own helmet, which was also hit by shrapnel. MacArthur was sent to Iloilo, where he supervised the construction of a wharf at Camp Jossman. This was a man who didnt run out of bounds; he ran over defenders. He sent Blamey to Port Moresby to take personal command. [411][412][413], In 1960, the mayor of Norfolk had proposed using funds raised by public contribution to remodel the old Norfolk City Hall as a memorial to General MacArthur and as a repository for his papers, decorations, and mementos he had accepted. [325] The Japanese subsequently gave MacArthur the nickname Gaijin Shogun ('The foreign Shogun') but not until around the time of his death in 1964. [422] Unlike them, in his victories in New Guinea in 1944, the Philippines in 1945 and Korea in 1950, he fought outnumbered, and relied on maneuver and surprise for success. Shifted to Chlons-en-Champagne to oppose the impending German Champagne-Marne offensive at Camp Jossman lunch... School tennis team and shortstop on its baseball team all but destroyed over the next days. Hoover in October 1935, [ 262 ] Los Baos, [ 12 ] scoring 93.3 on the.. Not allowed to be the field marshal of a limited offensive in the Philippines and Japan reports that enemy... 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