We need your support in this difficult time. Here is the following statement from the ACLU regarding the vaccine: Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. In 2015, there were 1,214 complaints filed against federal judges. Galileo was no adherent of the Ptolemaic system, as you might have learned at one time or another, yet he was as addicted to epicycles as any orthodox Ptolemaist. It is his core allegiance to centralized state power that is the main reason for concern regarding his influence and priorities at the Department of Justice. It's alarming that Elie Mystal has seen all the evidence in an ongoing investigation Fiddling while Rome burned. I was surprised our US Jewish government allowed the abandonment of war materials in Afghanistan . Instead it adds to the dangers of wars which surround us. Why should our depositors and our government be forced to flnance the munition factories of Germanv and Soviet Russia? Maybe apocryphal: when Tolkien proudly announced his latest English Epic, Lewis remarked: Not another fucking elf!, Just as apocryphal as Jack Lewiss passing the post prandial port at High Table and telling JRRT , tonight Ill fucking pray for you.. Was the fuel crisis in America genuine, or was it somehow linked to the possible purchase of Russian gas? And 7 days before Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, Amy Coney Barrett--a Federalist Society member and regular feature speaker at Federalist Society events--filled Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat. We still dont know who this person was. Leo's first task was building the lawyers division to serve as a pipeline for rightwing lawyers to rise through the Federalist Society ranks toward the Federal courts. They also declared the Russians needed 550,000 tons of industrial alcohol for the purposes mentioned. I am losing faith very fast. This vacancy would decide the partisan balance of the Court, which meant the 2016 election would determine whether the 5-to-4 rightwing majority that had delivered so abundantly for the donors would end or be renewed for years or even generations. Even before the Republican majority expanded to 6, that run of wins reached 80--80 partisan 5-to-4 decisions--a judicial rout favoring very happy rightwing donors. When I finished writing checks for $100 million, we would have added 100 million to the nations money supply. In Garlands case, nearly his entire career has been within government. with a strong banking fence getting the currency of the Federal Reserve Banks-exchanging that currency for gold and transmitting the gold to the foreign confederates.. Some indicated the drought in Russia was the worst in a House of Trump had peace to keep with House of Koch. It doesn't really care about fostering young legal minds. That is from one Bush aide to another. Money talks. Ludwig Erhard, Germanys Minister of Finance at the close of World War II, had said. What in this blasted world is really going on Oscar Wilson? So without these Leaders of The Flock, you are perpetually lost, have no agency, inadequate innate resources. Circuit Court. His record clearly shows an instinct for supporting the power of central government via its agencies, and he is thought safe, as a government insider. THE THIRD FEDERALIST SOCIETY Within the Federalist Society, is an operation funded by dark money and designed to remake our judiciary on behalf of a Forget the slave labor camps, forget the genocide of the captive nations, forget the butchery of Budapest, forget the annihilation of 30 million people, forget their anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-church, and anti-home doctrines, and to forget all that is dear and place our faith in them. This is why private banks strove to borrow extra money from the Federal Reserve in the face of such an impending crisis. Interantionally the USA faces isolation from other countries, hate, and will become the target of nationalits/islamists/ terror.Internally this jewish obssession with anti WHITE non jews is driving a deep wide division between the American govt and its people..Could you imagine if 90% of the Bidens regime were white anglos non jews?????? Jewish organized interestslike all interests that organize for specific objectivesform their network, assets, influence and authority, in institutions. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. On that day Senator Everett Dirksen in conversation with Secretary of the Treasury Fowler, William McChesney Martin, and a dozen other senators said. As I weighed the words of Louis McFadden and other Iawmakers, I also witnessed the fairtastic scene of Americas vanishing gold. The cases were already built in real time, in front of all of our eyes. As the New Yorker's Jeffrey Toobin has written, Leo quickly attracted the preeminent scheme funders, including the foundations of rightwing megadonors John Olin, Lynde and Harry Bradley, Richard Scaife, and, of course, the perennially mischievous and malign Koch brothers. They were afraid that their paper would be canceled with the stroke of a legislative pen. Karen Harned It receives millions in anonymous donations. There is a sentence in a very, very old book that goes something like this a goat with a small horn boasting great things.. However, the evidence against him was ironclad, and as the details emerged, it was seen as a particularly vicious and barbaric act. The original Constitutional Convention was tasked to write amendments to the articles of Confederation, but wrote an entirely new Constitution in strict secrecy. March 1, 2023 Biden Administration, Congress. Group has an Executive Committee that meets once a month via conference call. Sinai, 1956. The Role of the Modern State Solicitor General: Current and Former SGs Weigh In, Apache Stronghold Pursues Claims That Conflict With Precedent, Supreme Court Rules That Day Rates Are Not A Salary: Helix Energy Solutions v. Hewitt, Public records, Excel spreadsheets, and textualism: Kansas Supreme Court affirms the separation of powers. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Why must it be in the international courts and the arenas of the world?, In searching for the answers to those questions, I seemed to find a twofold answer. Why cant we retain our financial destiny in our own hands? 9 FILLING STATIONS CLOSE, Just because there are some crimes where conspiracy to commit it is a crime, I'm willing to be patient with the process -, What I'm saying here is the crime itself is so specific to begin with, A group of people getting together frequently to plot attacks on the Capitol, If they'd killed US Military personnel, then I'd see your point about treason. She has been especially hostile to sexual harassment claims, once dismissing such lawsuits in a Federalist Society speech as petty interoffice disputes. In one case, a woman provided graphic testimony about the severe sexual harassment and abuse shed suffered at work, saying that a male co-worker had pinched her butt with a pair of pliers and another had pinched her breast. Government. According to people who attended the lecture and the complaint they later filed, Jones made a number of inflammatory comments, including suggesting that blacks and Hispanics are predisposed to crime and prone to violence. world trade had reached the staggering figure of $159.2 billion. Facts are facts, but it depends on who you ask and when. I wish I could say its a new or recent thing, but its not. Truth is elusive, as just the definition and scope of the concept are multi-faceted. So scheme donors' dark money flowed in ever-larger amounts to the Federalist Society, to Leonard Leo, and to Donald Trump. Erhard knew that inflation, allowed to continue, was like sending a pilot across the ocean with a plane in which was insufficient fuel. And his fortunes grew considerably during the Trump years, Przybyla reports. What is going on in Charlottesville is a civil trial, not criminal. Headlines of this nature were being seen more and more frequently in many areas of the nation. Hopefully it wont be as grisly this time as before in history. David Cervantes: Policy Advisor at US Department of the Treasury In fact all of human history stood in the balance for if Jesus so desired He could have ended the human experiment right then and there. And the dark money sluice gates into the Federalist Society provide the perfect means of influence. According to a 2003 email from a White House staffer to the then- Presidential Staff Secretary, a young guy by the name of Brett Kavanaugh, Leo coordinated ``all outside coalition activity regarding judicial nominations.''. Philip D. Williamson. Serious-minded leaders, such as Senator Henry Jackson and Commerce Secretary Peter Peterson, and others, raised the question. join us with a tax-deductible donation today. Techno tyranny indeed! To ensure impartiality, the 5th Circuit chief judge referred the case to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., who then kicked it over to Garland, who appointed a special committee of three DC Circuit judges to handle the complaints against Jones: Garland and two other judges. Keep all of this Judge Garland was a member of the Judicial Conference of the United States, which voted to approve the amendments to the FRCP that took effect on Dec. 1, 2015. You don't audition without someone to audition to. The theme of the threatened child who becomes a great leader was employed from Mesopotamia to Rome; e.g. Read Politico's full report at this link. If it doesnt lead to a domestic war, it feels lika a certainty that a war with Iran will take care of it. He wasn't even subtle about it. Are you kidding me? The truth is, the transformation has been a very slow, systematic process. He believed Garlands panel had appropriately considered whether a controversial speech was a violation of the judicial code of ethics, and he said the report makes me proud to be a federal judge. Garlands committee, he wrote, deserved high praise for teaching us a lot about federal judicial ethics in the real world.. It is possible to buy a certificate of gold ownership, which can be exchanged for the money value of the gold, however, no actual gold can be obtained or is ever owned. Itwas too heavy to carry on the streets as a legal tender or medium of exchange. Andrew Cohen, a CBS commentator and lawyer whos written extensively about the death penalty, tweeted at the time: Farce of the Day: How federal judges herded together to protect 5th Circuit Judge Edith Jones, a national disgrace.. Gorsuchs ascension to the nations highest court owes at least in part to his inclusion on a list of possible nominees that the Federalist Society helped compile and that Trump issued during his 2016 campaign for the presidency. Anyway, rewind to 2016 and recall how large the Supreme Court loomed over that Presidential campaign. Yep. Israel, 1948-1949 Ambitious judges noticed. Merrick Garland Has Risked Justice by Betting on Impartiality The investigations may end up being smothered to death in an abundance of caution. He concluded that those in a position to affect the inflation were too strong and beyond control. I picked up the daily paper, the Register Guard, and read an article reprinted from the Washington Star, which said. There is no deterrent to continued chaos and violence. The sixth largest enterprise in the United states, the largest railroad of the country, the Pennsylvania Central, went bankrupt. They include the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Soros Foundation, and by penetration and control, the Obama Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, and with ties to the UK bio-research Wellcome Trust, among others. And according to Politico's Heidi Przybyla, he has made a fortune in the process. They protect the most vulnerable, people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease.. Put otherwise, their interest has been in who the actual Author is. Like I always say, we need to figure out how to get this information to the masses- difficult yes, but I believe that it is somehow doable. Andrew Pardue, Erik Baptist, It is important to appreciate that the current administration and its larger network, are almost exclusively from the law sector and law academy. Indo-China, 1945-1954 One article read as follows: The national energy ..crisis,, here yesterday and gone tomorrow, seems almost elusive, and the experts dis_agree even on its existence. 1958 $21 ,593,000,000 It doesn't care about galas or podcasts either. hundred years, and affected 27.5 million acres of land. This is the gatekeeper. But Congressional disapproval had been hardening. It is time to rediscover Yuri Bezmenov on YouTube. Gen. Counterfeit Messiah? Mira Resnick: State Department Deputy Assistant Sec for Regional Security That was the case in 2017, Merrick Garland. Congress Minutes reports: Attorney General Merrick Garland is set to testify before the Judiciary Committee today, in Join now to unlock comments, browse ad-free, and access exclusive content from your favorite FDRLST writers. Only when Kepler showed that the ellipse rather than the circle was natures default in ordering the rotation of the heavenly bodies did the Copernican system rid itself of epicycles. Now it seems the people directly affected by the current fuel shortage, have different opinions, as two stories by Associated press at left, and International press at right, reflect. Neither was a President of the United States an American, either. Listen on Apple Podcasts. But to all who follow the trend of monetary matters, the announcement was no surprise. Dont pretend you have. Its a different kind of governmental system altogether, run by altogether different people. In Brazil, over 5OO%. Those primary strategic foundations are largely controlled by Jewish interests, but at a heightened level of direct operational and governance authority, largely by financial leverage. Each member rose to the top of the group's donor-approved slates of nominees. For what it is worth, I think the rest of the accommodation was for house of Trump to turn over all energy and environmental positions in government to climate change deniers approved by house of Koch, and at the end of the day, it was probably a lot of the same dark money behind both of those accommodations. 1959 $20,478,483,000 They said that it took nine tons of wheat to make two tons of alcohol, which in turn would make one Decades ago, as a young theology student, I recall how shocked and ashamed I was to discover that my churchs Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 commanded that Jews (and Muslims) be required to wear special clothing to distinguish them from the native Christian Europeans. Drew Watkins, Revelation 13? Schweitzer, the nephew of Albert Schweitzer, was an elite Protestant, born in Alsace-Lorraine, who had served as number-three man in the Bank of France, and had been elected managing director of the International Monetary Fund. Just one more act of chutzpa, and critical mass will be reached. or click here to become a subscriber. All rights reserved. Trump's new White House Counsel, Don McGahn, even joked about this role, of course, at a 2017 Federalist Society event. Rachel Levine: Assistant Sec for Health Long before we wake up from our dreams of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold which could have kept us from catastrophe will have vanished, and no rate of interest will tempt it to return. If men hoped the United Nations would bring peace to the world, their hopes proved groundless The list of wars fought since 1945 seemed almost endless: Indonesia, 1945-1947 Meantime, a Happy New Year (Tishri 1-2 5782) to all your closest readers, monitors and scrutineers. By 1973, the volume of trade in the free world was $367 billion. Garland is doing nothing. But the Jones complaint attracted considerable media attention, in part because some liberal judicial watchdog groups publicly pushed Garland to conduct a serious inquiry. and start your re-education Poupon Marx@!!!!!!! The monetary facts offered little hope for the survival of their paper. Pierre is not in any way pompous . She would only say that Garland was an integral part of that process and the decision to dismiss the complaint against Jones. Still am. Joshua Kleinfeld, AFJ noted the dismissal of the charges in a press release but devoted most of its message to criticizing Jones rather than Garland. J. C. Boggs, We are in deep & getting out will require an epic struggle. Unlock premium content, ad-free browsing, and access to comments for just $4/month. 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