a novel with a very sad or serious story The Socratic method was a statement about ethics. What long-term political factors led to the collapse of the Roman Empire? at } \$ 5.00 \\ Posted 8 years ago. dividing the empire into eastern and western regions. Persia would have to attack Athens and Sparta by land. The Peloponnesian War began. What happened to the Roman Empire after Constantines death? He computed the circumference of planet Earth. This method became known as the sieve of Eratosthenes, as it works by filtering out the non-prime numbers in the same way that a sieve filters solids out of liquids. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. The number of paid officials increased, which was beneficial to the lower class citizens who served in office. He invented the armillary sphere, around 255 BC. Eratosthenes was a friend of Archimedes and made several important contributions to mathematics and science. He computed the circumference of planet Earth. The Peloponnesian War ended. How are these elements of Judaism still visible in modern Christianity? What contribution did Alexander the Great make to the Hellenistic civilization? how did they exchange the information about stick Shadow at the same time ? were the friendly territories located on all sides. What was one cultural contribution made by the ancient Greeks? The New Testament references some Jewish teachings, The Twelve Tables of the Roman Republic were a written, Jesus of Nazareth eventually became known as Jesus Christ. Golden Age. i. those who became Christian. (b) Choose one of these and describe how workers are affected. Persian Empire. In addition to being a mathematician and geographer, Eratosthenes was also a very gifted philosopher, poet, astronomer, and music theorist. she was a goddess of war. They illuminated only the water at the bottom, not the sides of the well as on other days, proving that the Sun was directly overhead. What was one consequence of Roman expansion beginning in 300 BCE? Read this law from the Twelve Tables. Early Christians were persecuted for their beliefs. After study in Alexandria and Athens, Eratosthenes settled in Alexandria about 255 bce and became director of the great library there. The Delian League was formed. So.does that mean that..if the well had not been located exactly where it was that he would not have been able to calculate the circumference? He calculated the value of the infinite number known as pi C. He computed the circumference of planet earth D. He developed military tactics that still apply today 2 See answers Advertisement Fonsor The most significant difference between Athens and Sparta was that she was a goddess of war. forty years. How did Greek scholars know the Earth was a sphere? He was one of those ancient Greeks who changed the world. Direct link to James Hicks's post His figures would have co, Posted 6 years ago. the Greeks. Alexandria was a Greek city-state that invented drama and democracy. 100 BCE. What happened to the Roman Empire after Constantine's death? The Delian League was formed. homemaking. Aristotle advancements in science and culture in the final era of ancient Greece. iv. was the ocean that completely surrounded it. 4. i. the clergy. Arches of triumph are found in all American cities. Eratosthenes was a famous mathematician who developed latitude and longitude as a way to measure the Earth. Direct link to TicciToby #PamalaWeek's post Did he have a wife or kid, Posted 4 years ago. wrote a geometry textbook that was used for nearly 2,000 years. The new coins were rejected by the officials. The Hellenistic Age came to an end around Who was forced to raise food for the soldiers? If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. How many branches of government did the Roman Republic have? He calculated the value of the infinite number known as pi. to fund the government and the military. We dont know which unit Eratosthenes used. Delian League. Greeks. His teachers included the scholar Lysanias of Cyrene and the philosopher Ariston of Chios who had studied under Zeno, the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy. welcomed him and crowned him pharaoh. football games. at the Battle of Marathon. While serving as the head librarian and scholar at the Library of Alexandria, Eratosthenes wrote a comprehensive treatise about the world, which he called "Geography." Ancient Rome was smaller than any city today. thirty years. His method involved taking a table of whole numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) Around 255 BC, he invented the armillary sphere. It stopped the persecution of Christians at the hands of Romans. Which of the following traits of Athena are responsible for her status as the patron goddess of Athens? Which statement best describes the empire created by Alexander the Great? The official religion of the Roman Empire was a form of paganism in which worshippers prayed to Roman gods and the emperor. he empire split, and the west fell into decline. i agree the greeks just were stubborn and didn't want to believe that or the information wasn't passed on to the greeks. While the well being at a spot where the shadow was negligible was convenient, he could have used two sticks a known north/south distance apart (east/west wouldn't have been useful) and used the change in angle in place of the 7.12 degrees mentioned in the article to find the circumference. Alexandria was an Egyptian trade center and home to a diverse population. helots Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; You can get your paper edited to read like this. Dark Ages. He returned to Cyrene and made such a name for himself in scholarly endeavors that the Greek ruler of Egypt brought him to Alexandria to tutor his son. The Greeks were the first to write dramatic plays. Herod. Eratosthenes was a 2nd century BC Greek scholar who is credited as the founder of the discipline of geography. Earlier estimates of the circumference of Earth had been made (for example, Aristotle says that some mathematicians had obtained a value of 400,000 stadia), but no details of their methods have survived. Eratosthenes, in full Eratosthenes of Cyrene, (born c. 276 bce, Cyrene, Libyadied c. 194 bce, Alexandria, Egypt), Greek scientific writer, astronomer, and poet, who made the first measurement of the size of Earth for which any details are known. advancements in science and culture in the final era of ancient Greece. Which list of events of the Athenian Empire is in the correct chronological order? "Biography of Eratosthenes, Greek Mathematician and Geographer." education. an assembly. How was Julius Caesar killed? The Greeks wrote the first pieces of literature. their belief in the afterlife Carthage. The Delian League was formed. Jesus selected twelve men to be his disciples. The new coins were rejected by the people. In Europe, the foreign invaders were primarily Germanic tribes and Huns. a novel with a lot of action and suspense, a play about human emotions with a sad hero. Demand averages 1,500 units per week. After he gained control of the Roman Empire, Constantine moved the capital to If you were living in Greece at the time of Eratosthenes, how do you think you would have reacted to his proof? Yes, Jews were able to practice their religion. four. The people needed fewer coins to buy the same amount of food as before. What were Eratosthenes major achievements? a branch of a larger religious group Kwami Endabe's charge account uses the unpaid-balance method. Updated on January 14, 2020. splashes of wall paint. In addition to calculating Earths circumference, Eratosthenes created the Sieve of Eratosthenes (a procedure for finding prime numbers), tried to fix the dates of literary and political events since the siege of Troy, and is thought to have created the armillary sphere (an early astronomical device for representing the great circles of the heavens). Greeks. to stop the persecution of Christians How come that the greeks already figured out that the earth was a sphere, while during the reneissance most people still believed the earth was a disk ? Athens and Sparta were unbeatable when the two were united. He sacrificed his life to spread Christianity. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Ancient Greek scientists have many inventions and discoveries attributed to them, rightly or wrongly, especially in the areas of astronomy, geography, and mathematics. worked to assassinate him and take back control. Which statement best describes the roads of the Roman Empire? One contribution of Eratosthenes was trhat he was the first to calculate the circumference of the Earth and also the tilt of earths axis. The Greeks were the first to write dramatic plays. Aristarchus of Samos (310BC to 230BC) argued that the Sun was the "central fire" of the cosmos and he placed all of the then known planets in their correct order of distance around it. He also knew the approximate distance between Alexandria and Syene, so he could set up this equation: Eratosthenes estimated the distance from Alexandria to Syene as 5,000 stadia, or about 500 miles (800 kilometers). He wrote a geometry textbook that was used for nearly 2,000 years. He also created an improved star chart that included all 1,027 stars visible from Alexandria at night with respect to latitude and longitude so it could be used by sailors or travelers on land or sea who needed directions at night. They resented not having a say in the government, Classical Greek sculpture was characterized by the portrayal of, During the Golden Age of Athens, male citizens. Democracy developed in Athens around How Did Democracy Develop in Ancient Greece? If he used the Egyptian one, his error would have been less than 2 percent off the actual Earths circumference of 24,860 miles (40,008 kilometers). to help you write a unique paper. Direct link to ekellystudent's post i agree the greeks just w, Posted 3 years ago. iii. expansive borders faced constant attack. Persia's leadership did not match the well-trained Greeks' leadership. The Roman Catholic Church dominated European society for one thousand years. at$5.1070,600lbs. Athens and Sparta declined. Which was an achievement of the Roman Empire? The Greeks wrote the first pieces of literature. He accepted persecution rather than deny his beliefs. Athens and Sparta were Persia's next target in growing its empire. An undated illustration of scholars at the Library of Alexandria Bettmann/CORBIS. This map shows Alexander III's empire The Hellenistic Age was characterized by architecture. Most people have adopted the Roman religion. Egyptian, Indian, and Persian influences. developed military tactics that still apply today. What became of the Eastern Roman Empire after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire? His writings included a poem inspired by astronomy, as well as works on the theatre and on ethics. His contemporaries gave him the nickname "Beta" because he was very good, though not quite first-rate, in all these areas of scholarship. In about 240 B.C., Eratosthenes wrote a book called On the Circular Motion of Land and Water, which contained his theory that Earth was a round sphere rather than flat surface supported by columns or pillars as Aristotle believed. The Hellenistic Age was characterized by. Greece. Alexander conquered most of the Mediterranean region, including parts of Africa, and advanced into Southern Asia. Jesus's disciples and followers spread the message of Christianity, by traveling to speak to people across the Roman Empire. He calculated the value of the infinite number known as pi. Eratosthenes was an Ancient Greek scientist born in the town of Cyrene in about 276 BC. Who wrote The Republic in ancient Greece? The west covered a large territory and was at more risk of foreign invasion. He was a man of learning, becoming the head of the Library of Alexandria. Egypt. He is said to have drawn the first known map of the world, including meridians and parallels, for which he is considered as the inventor of geography. In his old age, Eratosthenes became blind and he died of self-induced starvation in either 192 or 196 BCE in Alexandria, Egypt. all, especially the poor and weak The Hellenistic civilization included a blend of Greek culture with Most power rested with the council. \text { based on } 100 \% \text { of normal } He computed the circumference of planet Earth. A century after Eratosthenes, the Greek astronomer Posidonius of Rhodes (c. 13551 BCE) calculated the Earths circumference. Which statement about the Qur'an is true? Direct link to Emily Stork's post According to space.com,(w, Posted 4 years ago. strong, fiery emotions. Athens placed the greatest emphasis on aquaducts. The breadth of his interest was huge and his. They feared that Athens could not protect them from Persia. The Romans were polytheistic, meaning that they worshipped They imported water from other countries. His measurement of Earths circumference may have varied by 0.5 to 17 percent from the value accepted by modern astronomers, but it was certainly in the right range. ii. Admirers of the Greek thinker called him Pentathlos, after the Greek athletes known for their prowess in a number of different events. Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276 BCE192 or 194 BCE) was an ancient Greek mathematician, poet, and astronomer who is known as the father of geography. He also designed a system for finding prime numbers whole numbers that can only be divided by themselves or by the number 1. iv. government. had no control over how they were governed. Why did the Roman Empire produce more coins? against a force of three hundred Persian troops. He wrote a geometry textbook that was used for nearly 2,000 years B. Athens focused on citizenship, while Sparta focused on the military. When the chief librarian of the famous Library of Alexandria died in 236 BCE, Eratosthenes was appointed to the prominent position around the age of 40. Why was the spread of Christianity to non-Jews significant? Alexandria was an Egyptian trade center and home to a diverse population. Rosenberg, Matt. Roman women had many more rights than other women of the time. Persia was a tiny country compared to the size of its empire. was the tropical weather that helped plants grow. Nile Home Flashcards Early Civilizations- WH. The Spartans worked to stop a second Persian invasion of Greece. He invented a system of longitude and latitude and made a map of the known world. How did the political system of ancient Athens differ from the political system of the United States today? How does Christianity differ from ancient Roman religion? Which answer best describes what this means. gladiator contests. Updates? Tiber. Eratosthenes calculated that Earths circumference was 250,000 stadia (about 46,000 miles) around 5 percent less than modern measurements show today! a religion that opposes the beliefs of another. It helped Christianity emerge as a separate faith. why did Ptolemy, not consider Eratoathenes measurement but rather Poisdonus' measurement. As inflation increased and the Roman Empire experienced greater political instability, what occurred? Greek civilization The Greeks created the first musical instruments. : } Each tire requires hour of direct labor. Renaissance. He computed the circumference of planet Earth. The Socratic method used questions to find the truth, After Alexander the Great invaded Egypt, the Egyptians. iv. Who wrote nearly half of the books of the New Testament? The Roman Catholic Church dominated European society for one thousand years. Some people feared Caesar wanted to become king and destroy the republic. He made a calendar with leap years and laid the foundation of chronology in the Western world by organizing the dates of literary and political events from the siege of Troy (about 11941184 BCE) to his own time. Eratosthenes Project. During the ancient period, Greek Contributions to our modern culture, in art, architecture, drama, philosophy, government, math, and science are invaluable. The concept of the spherical earth was gradually accepted during the Middle Ages (before the Renaissance) - at least among the more educated members of the population. Eratosthenes may have been related to another scholar from Cyrene named Aristagoras or Aristarchus who studied in Athens under Plato. Which was an achievement of the Roman Empire? The Delian League was formed. He is credited with devising an algorithm for finding prime numbers called the sieve of Eratosthenes, in which one arranges the natural numbers in numerical order and strikes out one, every second number following two, every third number following three, and so on, which just leaves the prime numbers. Modern architects have adopted Roman techniques. Eratosthenes already knew the approximate distance between Syene and Alexandria, as measured by camel-powered trade caravans. Why did city-states in the Delian League revolt against Athens? the birth of Alexander the Great. Gill. Eratosthenes. ThoughtCo. Roman women had the same rights as women in other societies. In Alexandria, also in Egypt, at the same date and time, sunlight fell at an angle of about 7.2 from the vertical. If he used the Greek measure, his calculation would have been off by about 16 percent. Which aspect of government does the United States have in common with the Roman Republic? The Eastern Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire. His conversion meant that Christians would no longer be persecuted. The official religion of the Roman Empire was a form of paganism in which worshippers prayed to Roman gods and the emperor. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? violent unrest Sparta. Duane W. Roller provides a rich background, including a history of the text and its reception, a biography of Eratosthenes, and a comprehensive account of ancient Greek geographical thought and of Eratosthenes' pioneering contribution to it. ruled the entire world. Given an estimate of the distance between the two cities, he was able to calculate the circumference of Earth, obtaining 250,000 stadia. Alexander III became king. Roman society looked down on education. He was resurrected three days later. i. Where did the Huns originate? founding of the Roman Republic. Eratosthenes was a mathematician, philosopher, historian, and director of the Great Library of Alexandria. became a powerful empire. Alexander conquered most of Western Europe, claiming territory as far north as the North Sea. banning the use of coins Why was the spread of Christianity to non-Jews significant? pieces of bronze. Latin is the basis for many modern languages. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. They observed that ships disappeared over the horizon while their masts were still visible. Christ comes from the Greek word for. Classical Greek sculpture was characterized by the portrayal of During Alexander the Great's reign, Darius III was the king of Euphrates They built a system of aqueducts. strange, odd shapes. The Peloponnesian War began. Plebeians lost their influence in government. & {\text { Standard Costs }} & {\text { Actual Costs }} \\ Had he used Eratosthenes' figure instead, Columbus would have known he was not yet in Asia when he landed in the New World. 500 BCE. Germany. Eratosthenes was born in Cyrene (now Shahhat), North Africa around 276 B.C., during the Hellenistic period when Greek culture dominated much of what is now Egypt and Libya. The rest you'd probably have to consult a historian sorry. Constantine reunited the empire and served as sole ruler, while Diocletian divided the empire and shared emperor duties. Two consuls run the executive branch. Macedonia to the Persian Gulf. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, what filled the void left by the disintegration of the political structure? The second book of "Geography" described the mathematical calculations he had used to determine the circumference of the Earth. Germans. \text { Factory overhead } & \begin{array}{l} It deals with the physical makeup and structure of the Earth. basketball games. They were reserved mainly for civilians, not troops. Greeks. Rome's geography. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. and striking off the multiples of each prime, beginning with multiples of the number two, then multiples of the number three, etc. The Peloponnesian War began. Which of the following traits of Athena are responsible for her status as the patron goddess of Athens? It was both a democracy and a monarchy. Eratosthenes was one of the greatest Greek polymaths, and his work influenced later innovators in fields ranging from mathematics to geography. He calculated the value of the infinite number known as pi. The Persians conquered the Athenians but were soon stopped by the Spartans. Christianity is a monotheistic religion. culture. a play about human emotions with a sad hero Eratosthenes is the ancient Greek mathematician and geographer attributed with devising the first system of Latitude and Longitude. Determine the rate variance, time variance, and total direct labor cost variance. Earth, obtaining 250,000 stadia ( about 46,000 miles ) around 5 percent less modern... Addition to being a mathematician, philosopher, poet, astronomer, and into. Civilization included a poem inspired by astronomy, as measured by camel-powered trade caravans era of Athens. Many more rights than other women of the United States have in common with the physical makeup structure... } \ $ 5.00 \\ Posted 8 years ago other countries writings included a blend Greek! To measure the Earth was a form of paganism in which worshippers prayed to Roman and! 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