The agreement in a life insurance contract that states a specific sum of money will be paid to a designated person upon an insureds death is called a(n), Which of these is NOT considered to be a right given to a policyowner? Question: Which of the following statements concerning the cash flow-production cycle is true? The San Diego County criminal justice system offers shock probation only for certain defendants convicted of certain types of criminal activity. D) increased social costs, A) increased opportunity for rehabilitation, Which of the following is a difference between parole and probation? also called reentry. Extended Term Who the policyowner is and what rights the policyowner is entitled to. All of these would be factors that determine how much coverage can be purchased EXCEPT This policy does not apply to individuals serving on temporary limited positions of one (1) year or less in the competitive and excepted services, or members of the Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level (SL) or Scientific or Professional (ST). Advise new hires and managers/supervisors of their probationary status; the length of the probation/trial period; the requirements for successfully completing the probation/trial period; and consequences for failing. J let her life insurance policy lapse 8 months ago due to nonpayment. During the probationary an agency is responsible for assessing a candidate for a finalized appointment in the federal civil service, and deciding either to continue or terminate the candidates employment. a. intensive supervision is more expensive than prison b. intensive supervision diverts a large number of offenders away from prison Oc intensive supervision has significantly better outcomes compared to regulan supervision treatment-oriented intensive supervision has significantly better outcomes compared to supervision-oriented intensive supervision O d. The reason for the change in the law stems from the increasingly complex nature of much of the work performed by DoD employees, Pahon explained. Choose which products you want delivered to your inbox. The law also allows DoD and its military departments to exercise their discretion to extend a covered employees probationary period past the new two-year requirement, Blanks memo read, and added DoD policy for that provision is being developed. In a life insurance policy, which provision states who may select policy options, designate and name a beneficiary, and be the recipient of any financial benefits from the policy? S dies 5 years later in 2008 and the insurer pays the beneficiary $10,500. Increased proceeds can be provided through accumulation of interest This results in the parole revocation of Tommy. Insurance companies can charge an interest rate based on the policyowner's credit report. + 106 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS + 1. 7511's definition of employee. OpDiv/StaffDiv Employee Relations (ER) staff should be consulted as soon as performance or other issues surface. A. Which of the following tasks is Roy performing in this scenario? B) probation Donec aliquet. Prior service under a detail to a supervisory or managerial position is creditable, Service during a supervisory or managerial probation/trial period from which an employee was separated or demoted for performance or conduct reasons is, Service credit towards completion of a supervisory or managerial probation/trial period is transferable between, If the supervisor or manager is new to the federal service and has not previously served an initial probationary period for non-temporary positions in the competitive service, the individual. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Which of these Nonforfeiture Options continue a build-up of cash value? C) curfew Insurance companies can charge an interest rate based on the policyowners credit report, Past-due interest on a policy loan is added to the total debt. S dies 5 years later in 2008 and the insurer pays the beneficiary $10,500. 2023 Law Offices of Kerry L. Armstrong, APLC. Which rider provides coverage for a child under a parents life insurance policy? The Consideration clause in a life insurance contract contains what pertinent information? In both the criminal and civil systems, persons found guilty can be made to pay fines. Which of these types of life insurance allows the policyowner to have level premiums and to also choose from a selection of investment options? Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. She inquired about the background of Hilary, a defendant in a robbery case to provide the info to a sentencing judge. In other words, a probation officer supervises a criminal defendant on shock probation after their release from incarceration. C) Probation and parole serve a relative lack of punishment. D) split sentencing, Jason is sentenced to 150 days in a confinement facility similar to a military style boot camp with a highly regimented environment. Pay face amount minus the past due premium. B. D) rehabilitation opportunities, Tommy a convict in a burglary case is placed on probation. > HR Policy Library Below, the California criminal defense lawyers at The Law Offices of Kerry L. Armstrong APLC go over the details of shock probation. B) client supervision Which of the following statements is true of probation? C. In the civil system, a person found to be just short answer question Show transcribed image text Expert Answer 1.c. Change the beneficiary, if revocable, Modify a provision in the insurance contract. Probation and Parole Probation is a prison sentence that is suspended on the condition that the offender follow certain prescribed rules and commit no further crimes. Amount of premium payments and when they are due. Donec aliquet. 351-1-50 Responsibilities In the criminal system, a convicted person must be sentenced to jail or probation. N is covered by a Term Life policy and does not make the required premium payment which was due August 1. Expert Answer. What is the Suicide provision designed to do? What kind of rider did S include on the policy? B) social costs -- An employee transferring from another agency who has not completed a probationary period and is appointed to a position in DoD may be required to complete a new probationary period. (c) The number of people on probation has decreased over the last 40 years. The term applies to parolees released through discretionary or mandatory supervised release from prison that was released through other types of post custody conditional supervision in those sentence to a term of supervised release. Warrants apply to law enforcement only. What action will the insurer take? Quickly and professionally. Donec aliquet. When a misrepresentation on a life insurance policy application is discovered, what action may an insurance company take? D) presentence investigation, Susan is a probation officer. B. General conditions tend to be fixed by a state statute, wearas special conditions are mandated by the sentencing authority (court or board) & take into consideration the background of the offender and the circumstances of the offense. In this scenario, the payment made by John is best referred to as _____. 351-1-60 Initial Probationary and Trial Periods Specialized courts that help reduce recidivism and improve public safety through the use of judicial oversight to apply graduated sanctions and positive reinforcement, to marshal resources to support the prisoners reintegration, and to promote positive behavior by the returning prisoners. C. When a suspected perpetrator is taken into custody by law enforcement they must be given a Miranda Warning. above (5 CFR 316.304(a)). 1. In both the criminal and civil systems, persons found guilty can be made to pay fines. If you have any questions, please call us at(619) 514-0267 or contact us online. During the claim process, the insurer discovers that L had understated her age on the application. Since the purpose of shock probation is to rehabilitate the defendant through minimum incarceration, it is reserved for defendants who are most likely to be successfully rehabilitated. A) the comprehensive crime control act T took out a $50,000 life insurance policy with an Accidental Death and Dismemberment rider. Which of the following statements is true of probation? A) Probation and parole expose the community to greater risk than does incarceration. D) it stresses an officers derive role, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. The consequence for failing to successfully complete the supervisory or managerial probation/trial period is the employee's removal from the supervisory or managerial position, but not necessarily termination. In the criminal system, a convicted person must be sentenced to jail or probation. The practice of sentencing offenders to prison, allowing them to apply for probationary release, and exacting suxh release in surprise fashion. C) it depicts probation or parole as a helping profession C) parole board Evidence of insurability is required when the option is exercised Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. A probationer who does not successfully complete a trial period may have due process rights as an employee, as explained in this policy, if they have previously served in a competitive service position and completed an initial probationary period. D) lorenzo who is convicted of kidnapping his bosses daughter for ransom, C) Gia who is convicted for the possession of marijuana, Timothy a convicted robber is not granted an early release by a parole board. Which statement is true if Ps premiums are waived due to a disability? B) Griffin v Wisconsin (1987) Supervisors set expectations for performance, provide feedback, and make the final decision whether a probationer satisfactorily completes their probation or trial period to continue employment. This requirement, if adopted, should be applied uniformly across similar positions within the Division (e.g., for all positions hired under the same excepted service appointing authority). A probationary period ends when the employee completes his/her scheduled tour of duty on the day before the anniversary date of the employee's appointment, in accordance with 5 CFR 315.804(b). Insured must be totally disabled to qualify, Insured must be eligible for Social Security disability for claim to be accepted. Commonly the answer for which of the following statements is true concerning the outline and matrix formats used when creating a format task organization is none of the above. Select one: O a. Keynes's analysis started with the recognition that the total quantity demanded of an economy's output was the sum of three types of spending: consumer expenditure, planned investment spending, and government spending. 351-1-70 Supervisor and Manager Probationary or Trial Periods The American Psychological Association defines shock probation as a criminal sentence in which an offender is incarcerated for a brief period and then released into the community under the supervision of a parole or probation officer.. Absences in a non-pay status in excess of 22 workdays, except for periods of military duty or compensable injury, extend the probation or trial period by the amount equal to the time off in non-pay status. This policy applies to individuals hired under non-title 5 excepted service authorities, unless the provisions in the non-title 5 excepted authority specifically exclude individuals from appeal rights or exempt those individuals from 5 U.S.C. beneficiarys age, M has an insurance policy that also has an outstanding policy loan at the time of Ms death. A) parole revocation 351-1-30 References Incarceration exposes young people and first-time offenders to hardened criminals who may lead the defendant into a life of crime. Calculating a Federal Annuity FERS and CSRS, Retirement Eligibility & FERS Minimum Retirement Age (MRA), Higher Special Rate Pay for Some Federal Jobs, LWOP Leave Without Pay in Federal Government, Law Enforcement Retirement Countdown Clock, Webinar: Your Federal Retirement Benefits, Public Service Loan Forgiveness (Sponsored), Report: Federal Employee Benefits & Divorce, Military Service Credit for Federal Retirement, FLTCIP Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, FEGLI Federal Employees Group Life Insurance, Dual Employment in the Federal Government, Probationary Period for New Federal Employees, Like this article? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. B) it authorizes the allocation of one probation officer per federal judge 5 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 315, Subpart H, Probation on Initial Appointment to a Competitive Position, 5 CFR Part 315, Subpart I, Probation on Initial Appointment to a Supervisory or Managerial Position, 5 CFR Part 316, Temporary and Term Employment (trial period for term employees), 5 CFR Part 432, Performance Based Reduction in Grade and Removal Actions. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. The criminal justice system will never have enough money to combat crime in effective ways. Vaccines can be marketed without undergoing extensive testing, entesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. A) shock incarceration How much will the insurer pay? a) lack of parent permission b)complex mental health system c) difficulty paying for servicesd) cultural and . D) Jamal is not allowed to possess firearms, B) katie is ordered to attend an alcohol education program, Which of the following is not one of the disadvantages of probation and parole? Search warrant C. Jury ruling D. Subpoena 5. S buys a $50,000 whole life policy with a $50,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment rider. The change doesnt apply to employees appointed prior to that date or those appointed in excepted service, the spokesman said. Which statement regarding the Misstatement of Age provision is considered to be true? New York Times, February 10, 2002. Reduced Premium. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services C) it requires release from county supervision within one year for persons who demonstrate good behavior D. The basis for sharing net incomes or net kisses must be fixed. The curve shows that when the price goes down, suppliers will tend to supply more. B) the national probation act According to the company's standards, 0.02 direct labor-hours are required to fulfill an order for one item and the variable overhead rate is$3.25 per direct labor-hour. C) client supervision The OpDiv/StaffDiv's Employee Relations staff must be consulted prior to the end of the employee's probation or trial period to ensure the performance-based or adverse action requirements specified under 5 CFR Parts 432 and 752 are followed and the proposed action is legally supportable. > 315-1: Probationary and Trial Periods. (However, the probationary period cannot be less than one (1) year, accordance with 5 CFR 315.802(d). The probation or trial period for part-time employees is computed in the basis of calendar time, in the same manner as for full-time employees (5 CFR 315.802(d)); and, For intermittent employees, i.e., those who do not have regularly schedule tours of duty, each day or part of a day in a pay status counts as 1 day or credit toward the 260 days in a pay status required for completion of probation. P cannot assign ownership of the policy while premiums are being waived, Which of these are NOT an example of a Nonforfeiture option? C) parole acts as a deterrent for positive behavioral changes while probation acts as a stimulus for positive behavioral changes A) diagnosis a. Regardless of the reason, the longer probationary period offers employees a greater opportunity to showcase their talents and for supervisors to properly assess their capabilities, Pahon added. C. A partner's capital only changes due to net income or net loss. B) presentence investigation $100,000, L takes out a life insurance policy and dies 10 years later. Evaluate and provide regular feedback to probationers regarding performance and conduct throughout their probation/trial period. Which of the following statements about accumulated interest earned on dividends from an insurance policy is TRUE? Insurance companies can send delinquent interest accounts to a collection agency Of the following approaches, which is not used by investigators to obtain documents? C) opportunities for profitable employment Which of the following intermediate sanctions is indicated in this scenario? S would like to use dividends from her life insurance policy to purchase paid-up additions. Extended Term The Consideration clause in a life insurance policy indicates that a policyowners consideration consists of a completed application and. Toll Free Call Center: 1-877-696-6775, Content created by Office of Human Resources (OHR), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA), has sub items, about EEO, Diversity & Inclusion, Office of Organizational Management (OOM), has sub items, about Office of Organizational Management (OOM), has sub items, about Office of Human Resources (OHR), Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), has sub items, about Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), has sub items, about Program Support Center (PSC), Federal Real Property Assistance Program (FRPAP), Physical Security, Emergency Management, and Safety, has sub items, about PSC Federal Occupational Health (FOH), Supervisor and Manager Probationary or Trial Periods, 5 United States Code (U.S.C.) Such rights may include having: an action taken against them only for such cause as will promote the efficiency of the service; at least 30 days advance written notice of the reasons for the proposed action; a reasonable time, but not less than seven days, to answer orally and in writing and to furnish affidavits or other documentary evidence; the right to be represented by an attorney or other representative; a written decision, and the specific reasons for the action, at the earliest practicable date; and the right to appeal the action to the Merit Systems Protection Board. What was the name of Enron's fair value accounting model? P is the insured on a participating life policy. Juvenile Simple Assault Charges in San Diego. ER staff must be consulted prior to taking a performance based or adverse action during a probation or trial period to ensure compliance with applicable federal laws and regulations and HHS policy. The correct options are: Setting off as a single cell genetic information from both parents, copies of DNA are passed on from cell to cell in the bodies of multicellular organisms. B) they are less expensive to operate per offender than imprisonment In 2010, P takes up scuba diving and dies in a scuba-related accident in 2011. The company uses a predetermined variable overhead rate based on direct labor-hours. Although the court exercises a certain amount of discretion, the following defendants are most likely to receive shock probation: Remember that no defendant is entitled to shock probationa court always enjoys the discretion to turn down an application. However, those employees who are newly appointed to a supervisory position who are required to serve both a supervisory probationary period and a probationary period will serve [both] concurrently.. A court order taking away a convicted offender's probationary status and usually withdrawing the conditional freedom associated with that status in response to a violation of the conditions of probation. In a life insurance policy, which feature states that the policy will not cover certain risks? 2. How much will Ds beneficiarys receive? Past-due interest on a policy loan is added to the total debt ASA/OHR may conduct periodic accountability reviews to analyze compliance with this Instruction, HHS and OPM policy and guidance, and applicable federal laws and regulations. The parole in authorities do not prop provide specific evidence or reason for the denial of his parole. A young, married teacher has two children and owns a Whole Life policy. Which of these features would limit the insurers obligation in the event N was killed while flying as a student pilot? It is not taxable > Office of Human Resources (OHR) If the court approves shock probation, the defendant will likely leave prison within a few weeks of submitting the application. Claims are denied under the Suicide clause of the policy, Which of these statements about a Guaranteed Insurability Option rider is NOT TRUE? that the matter has been fully litigated, or resolved and closed. (d)Only nonviolent offenders may be sentenced to probation. A) they contribute to the breakup of an offenders family Which of the. upon the offender. Insured must be eligible for Social Security disability for claim to be accepted D) shock probation, Which of the following statements is the of the second chance act? C) mixed sentencing Modify a provision in the insurance contract She will have to report to an officer once a month who will supervise her progress this is an example of ___________. The facility involves high standards of discipline and strenuous physical exercises and labor. B. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Assignment of ownership dividend amount used toward purchase As January 6, 2021 (initial date of policy issuance), individuals who are initially appointed to a non- temporary position in the excepted service must satisfactorily complete a two (2) year trial period, unless the law, Executive Order, or regulation authorizing the excepted service appointment specifies a shorter trial period. An official website of the United States Government, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, (Follow Terri Moon Cronk on Twitter: @MoonCronkDoD), Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, Memorandum from Julie Blanks, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Civilian Personnel Policy. The use of split sentencing, shock probation or parole, shock incarceration, mixed sentencing, community service, intensive probation supervision, or home confinement in lieu of other, more tradtional sanctions, such as imprisonment and fines. 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