Which two European colonial powers dominated West Africa? e) Nigeria, 24) The ethnic group exerting the most control in Kenya is the________________. The Brithish imported large numbers of South Asians to work on Africas coastal plantations. The book has two parts and 12 chapters. Nigerias old capital of Lagos was situated within the culture area of the people known as the: Which of the following countries is the home of the Shona and Ndebele tribes where whites have been expelled by government-backed squatters seeking thier land? By the turn of the 20th century, the map of Africa looked like a huge jigsaw puzzle, with most of the boundary lines having been drawn in a sort of game of give-and-take played in the foreign offices of the leading European powers. For most of the 19th century these pressures had been predominantly British, but in the 1870s French companies began to offer effective competition to the British traders not only in Upper Guinea, where they had always been strong, but also on the Ivory Coast, in the ports immediately to the west of Lagos, and even in the lower river and delta of the Niger. What did West Africa have in common with East Africa? The idea of a 'precolonial' Africa is theoretically vacuous, racist and plain wrong about the continent's actual history. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. Territories colonized by European, American and Japanese powers since 1492. Sengal is a country in the Horn of Africa. The transatlantic slave trade was an extensive system of slave labor that first became active in the 16th century. Cameroon, Nigeria, Chad, Guinea, Ghana, Togo and the Central The first West African state to gain its independence, formerly known as the Gold Coast, is. c) South Sudan These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Portugal a) Gabon c) Western Rhodesia What are health savings accounts (HSAs)? b) Chad e) the Cape of Good Hope, 99) Farmers in Subsaharan Africa are greatly assisted today by the advent of _______. b) Great Britain The inability of the beys to service the foreign debt in the 1870s led to the installation of debt commissioners by the lenders. Rwandans and Burundians The two groups who fought one another in the Rwandan civil war are the __________. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. 1875), Decline of the Spanish and Portuguese empires, Quest for a general theory of imperialism, Penetration of the West in Asia and Africa, The race for colonies in sub-Saharan Africa, World War I and the interwar period (191439), The Sinai-Suez campaign (OctoberNovember 1956), Algeria and French decolonization, from 1956, Dutch, Belgian, and Portuguese decolonization. The United Kingdom and France were the primary colonial powers in Africa south fo the Sahara. The first part is titled: Challenging the Colonial Order: Asian Rejection of Western Hegemony from 1940s. b) Lagos 104) Tourists are drawn to the realm for its wildlife. a) Nigeria Frances advance inland from these southern coasts was subsidiary, however, to the main thrust, which was eastward from the Sngal region through the Sudan. Sengal is a country in the Horn of Africa. e) Tanzania, 45) Most countries in the African Transition Zone have a ____ population in the north and a _____ population in the south. Most countries in the African Transition Zone have a ____ population in the north and a _____ population in the south. a) the balance between population and land resources. and France E.Belgium and the Netherlands New answers Rating 5 tektek10 Britain and France are the two colonial powers that dominated West Africa. The emphasis on cash crops destroyed many traditional forms of agriculture. the peoples of the tropical forest and the peoples of the dry interior. The rapid French advance across western Africa from the Sngal River had denied the British any chance of exploiting the commercial hinterland of the Gambia River and had severely restricted their opportunities from Sierra Leone. c) Kenya Congo, Central African Rupublic, Uganda, and Equatorial Guinea are all located in Equatorial Africa. The principal powers involved in the modern colonisation of Africa are Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy. e) Niger-Kordofanian, 28) Two countries that were originally part of German East Africa but were granted to the Belgians after World War I are ___________. Before independence, the modern state of The Congo was a colony of: T/F: The country of Lesotho is completely encircled by South Africa. 86) Senegal is a country in the Horn of Africa. Nation-states (in their modern European or a) Highveld Hollanders a) Burkina Faso German East Africa became Burundi, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Peru and Mexico What two countries had colonies in. d) Zambia e) Ethiopia, 26) Which of the following countries borders Lake Victoria? a) the Zambezi River 61) Southern Africa's mineral wealth is matched by its agricultural diversity. 107) The rifts shown on the map in Figure 6A-2 are found predominantly near this feature: e) Madagascar, 44) Which of the following countries is NOT located in The African Transition Zone? b) Zimbabwe d) Hutus and Tutsis When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? The division of Africa, the last continent to be so carved up, was essentially a product of the new imperialism, vividly highlighting its essential features. a) West; Southern The two groups who fought one another in Rwandan civil war are the: The Islamic Front is located on the northern fringes of the Sahara. When Italys actions showed that it might be preparing for outright possession, France jumped the gun by invading Tunisia in 1881 and then completed its conquest by defeating the rebellions precipitated by this occupation. Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? 85) The Islamic Front is located on the northern fringes of the Sahara. An unstable situation was developing in which the European traders were likely to call for further intervention and support from their governments, and especially so if the terms of trade were to turn against them. This country has the largest population of any in Africa: Eritrea is a region located in Sudan that has been fighting a war of independence since 1956. Which of the following states was not a colony of France prior to its independence? 2) Which of the following is associated with the concept of continental drift? 65) The Yoruba nation lives in Nigeria and the Zulu in South Africa. 4) A disease that spreads worldwide is known as a(n) ___________. Many of these current borders cut across traditional tribal lands, migratory and nomadic routes. German African colonial experience essentially amounted to thirty years (1884-1914) and was characterized by bloody African rebellions. Which of the following states was not a colony of France prior to its independence? Which of the following countries is not located in Southern Afirca? Italy, as well as France and England, had loaned large sums to the ruling beys of Tunisia to help loosen that countrys ties with Turkey. b) an independent country facing the Indian Ocean c) the Bab el Mandeb Strait The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China, India, and South Africa) had a combined GDP in 2021 of $42 trillion compared with $41 trillion in the G7. e) the inland delta of the Niger River, 19) Which of the following countries is the home of the Shona and Ndebele tribes where whites have been expelled by government-backed squatters seeking their land? Asante submitted to an ultimatum in 1896 (the real war of conquest was delayed until 190001, when the British had to suppress a widespread rebellion against their authority), and a British protectorate was extended northward to the limits of Asante influence. The Germans in West . Lord Luggard, in his book The Dual Mandate in Tropical Africa published in 1926, explained this policy. Many countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia view the war in Ukraine through a different lens than the West. The great river of Southern Africa is the: Which of the following countires was not a British colony prior to its independence? Government and mercantile interests nonetheless were able to agree on the need for British action to keep the French (and also the Germans from Togo and from the Cameroons) out of the hinterlands of the Gold Coast, Lagos, and the Niger delta. d) periodic c) the Netherlands By building the Suez Canal and financing Egypts ruling group, France had gained a prominent position in Egypt. a) Nigeria This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In directly addressing the threat posed to Russia by the godless socialist Western colonial powers, this report notes, Deputy Chairman Medvedev gravely warned: " If the question of the existence of Russia itself is seriously raised, it will not be decided on the Ukrainian front, but together with the question of the further existence of all . The colonial possessions were territories held in trust and consequently it was . 3) As demonstrated in Figure G-7 and discussed in the Chapter 6a text, the climate directly to the north and south of the Congo River Basin displays __________. d) Somalia Of the following, which European country was the last to give up its African colonies? How many World Series rings do the Boston Red Sox have? Belgium also had a substantial footprint there with its holdings in the Congo. b) Nigeria These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Vladimir Putin's invasion was meant to last just a few days. Nigeria The first West African state to gain its independence, formerly known as the Gold Coast, is Ghana Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? e) the Great Dyke, 111) According to Figure 6B-6, which country does NOT have known oil reserves? 72) Congo, Central African Republic, Uganda, and Equatorial Guinea are all located in Equatorial Africa. In periods of boom in the sale of rubber, cocoa, coffee, sugar, and other cash crops, profits would flow outside the colonised country; when prices were dropped,that country would . The Wabongo kingdom, with its capital in Bokanga, in the Lobaye . e) Xhosa, 25) Dar es Salaam is the capital of _____________. d) an island that was formerly independent but is now part of Tanzania 79) Ghana was formerly known as the Gold Coast. Where as West Africa's environmental zones are aligned in east-west belts, most of its . c) Uganda The more or less peaceful trade-offs by the occupying powers differed sharply from the long, bitter, and expensive wars they waged against the indigenous peoples and rulers of Islmic North Africa to solidify European rule. 6) Land tenure refers to _______________. In the Latin American city model, the elite residential sector contains the: a. commercial/industrial spine. By 2010 the UN listed 57 countries or areas, fragmenting Africa, since when Sudan has divided. Here, to give you a small sense of European colonialism's massive scale, is a map showing every country put under partial or total European control during the colonial era, which ran roughly from . b) Kalahari Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Security studies is still a US-dominated discipline, and decision-making in Washington DC is its primary reference point. Which of the following countries is not located in Equatorial Africa? 51) Africa's distributions of climate and vegetation are almost symmetrical about the equator. The largest country in terms of landmass in South America is: a. Venezuela. Britain was already in political control of the Gold Coast, and the arrival of the German treaty makers in Togo and in the Cameroons in 1884 hastened it to declare its protectorate over most of the intervening coastline on which British traders were active. Early history in West Africa included a number of prominent regional powers that dominated different parts of both the coast and . Low world prices for primary produce during the depression years from the 1870s to the mid-1890s certainly caused difficulties for Europeans trading to western Africa and led them to think that an increase in European control there would enable them to secure its produce more cheaply. e) a province of The Congo, 22) Which of the following countries is not located in East Africa? But Britains interests were perhaps even more pressing because the Suez Canal was a strategic link to its empire and its other Eastern trade and colonial interests. With wealth gained from vast herds of livestock, natural resources such as salt and gold, and control of trade routes, several states were able to . Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Europeans also encouraged the growth of cash crops in Africa, with each colony specializing in a different crop. Korea. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The bulk of West Africas population is concentrated in the regions north. and Development Assistance in West Africa The Athens of West Africa Power and Landscape in Atlantic West Africa West African Worlds Women and . By 1900 Africa was almost entirely divided into separate territories that were under the administration of European nations. e) sedentary/nomadic, 46) Which of the following declared itself independent in 1990s and yet is part of the failed state known as Somalia? e) Angola, 34) What country has the largest population of any in Africa? 59) Zambia, Sierra Leone, and Malawi were all British colonies. d) Gabon The now-independent political entity that once was a German colony named South West Africa is today known as: Equatorial Africa is the most developed region of the realm. The history of the Cold War has taught developing countries that getting embroiled in great power conflicts generates few benefits for them yet carries enormous risks. a) Mauritania e) Portugal, 12) Which of the following countries is not located in Southern Africa? The first West Afircan state to gain its independence, formerly called the Gold Coast, is: Ivory Coast and Ghana were both French colonies. a) Somaliland and the trade with North America. interpretations that have dominated studies of West African art. d) the island is controlled by the South Africans whose apartheid system prevailed there until 2003 However, around 5,500 years ago there was a sudden shift in climate in northern Africa leading to rapid acidification of the area. Many of them see their former colonial powers regrouped as members of the Western . The supercontinent Pangea at one time joined together what is now Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia, Maddagscar, and India. a) Senegal 15 Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa a Britain and France b. In Egypt, inter-imperialist rivalry, mainly between Great Britain and France, reached back to the early 19th century but was intensified under the circumstances of the new imperialism and the construction of the Suez Canal. Namibia was once called Southwest Africa and was under South African control before independence. Focusing on two traditions that have been little . If a journal entry includes a debit or credit to the Cash account, it is most likely which of the following? e) Nigeria. Which two colonial powers dominated West Africa? b) Cameroon Infrastructure development in colonized countries. Are there still any European colonies in Africa? The most populous country of the African continent, which today compirses a confederation of the Yorubra, Ibo, and northern Muslim peoples, is _____. South Africas Zulu nation is clustered in the Western Cape Province. The answer lies in the climate of the Arctic and northern high latitudes. The Islamic Front is most correctly located within the African Transition Zone. d) a system not unlike tenure at a university, where once you gain land you keep it forever. 64) Under the terms of the separate development program, South Africa's land was divided equally between the majority Africans and the minority whites. 6) Land tenure refers to _______________. c) The Congo School Joliet Junior College; Course Title GEOG 110; Uploaded By thaxqo. are Africas most densely populated countries. Quickly and professionally. The primary source areas for slaves during the slave trade era were ______ and ______ Africa. b) Cameroon The weakness of the ruling group, intensified by the danger of popular revolt or a military coup, opened the door further for formal occupation by one of the interested foreign powers. The ethnic group exerting the greatest political influence in Kenya is the, The country that moved its capital from Lagos to the more centrally-located city of Abuja is, The natural environment of Botswana is dominated by, The country in Equatorial Africa with significant oil supplies and the only coastal capital is. The upper basin of the Niger River has been an area of far greater cultural development over time than its coastal delta region. Thus, although the French eventually reached Lake Chad, they were kept to the southern edges of the Sahara, and most of the well-populated Hausa agricultural territory became the British protectorate of Northern Nigeria. A.Britain and France B.Portugal and Spain C.Germany and Britain D.U.S. 2 languages European colonisation of Southeast Asia Portuguese Timor Spanish East Indies Dutch East Indies French Indochina British Burma, Malaya, and Borneo Siam ( Thailand) The first phase of European colonisation of Southeast Asia took place throughout the 16th and 17th centuries. A map, published in Portugal in 1623, showing a representation of Africa as understood by colonizers. Copy. 6 Where are most people in the African transition zone? Which of the following countries borders Lake Victoria? b) Yoruba Nigerias dominant export commodity, produced in large quantities, is _____. With this came increased pressure on the people for larger tax payments and a growing popular dissatisfaction with a government that had sold out to foreigners. 82) The bulk of West Africa's population is concentrated in the region's north. France, maneuvering for possession of Morocco, which bordered on her Algerian colony, tried to obtain the acquiescence of the other powers by both secret and open treaties granting Italy a free hand in Libya, allotting to Spain a sphere of influence, and acknowledging Britains paramountcy in Egypt. 10) Which of the following countries was not a British colony prior to its independence? peoples of the tropical forest and peoples of the dry interior West Africa showed a high degree of regional complementarity between ____________. c) Boers and Afrikaners 9) Which of the following states was not a colony of France prior to its independence? d) The Congo a) Senegal The way people own, occupy, and use land. e) Spain, 110) The Caprivi Strip allows the country of Namibia access to this physical feature: The history of West Africa has been divided into its prehistory the Iron Age in Africa the major polities flourishing the colonial period and finally the post-independence era in which the current nations were formed. West Africa is Subsaharan Africas most populous region. Which of the following declared itself inependent in 1990s yet is part of the failed state known as Somalia? Ethnic area delineations and country boundaries in Subsaharan Africa overlap considerable. Portugal, in the 20th century the poorest and least developed of the western European powers, was the first nation (with Spain) to establish itself as a colonial power and the last to give up its colonial possessions. What is the main problem for the African transition zone? 73) Equatorial Africa is the most developed region of the realm. c) Boers c) Somalia d) Zambia c) Zanzibar and Madagascar 77) The Yoruba are the dominant ethnic group in The Congo. d) Niger d) Belgium Increased political stability. German West Africa became 1 Which two European colonial powers dominated West Africa? a) the Great Rift Valley predominates in the central part of the country What was once a tropical, wet, and thriving environment suddenly turned into the desolate desert we see today. Two countries which were originally part of German East Africa, but were given to the Belgians after World War I are: Arthur Getis, David Kaplan, Jon Malinowski, Mark Bjelland, Victoria Getis, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland. Which of the following sets the moral tone of an organization? Initially, therefore, the French had much more incentive for expansion than the British. Explain the differences between depreciation expense and accumulated depreciation. The gap left between Lagos and Togo was swiftly filled by the French, and from 1886 they also established formal authority over all other parts of the coastline that were not already claimed by the governments of Liberia, Portugal, or Britain. e) Ethiopia, 39) The first West African state to gain its independence, formerly called the Gold Coast, is __________. African sleeping sickness is transmitted by the tsetse fly. In fact, most are dominated by a solid majority of ethnic Russians, the consequence of centuries of colonization. Many of them see their former colonial powers regrouped as members of the Western . These systems of checks and balances were replaced by the repressive colonial system which often violently suppressed the voices of African people. German South West Africa became Namibia and b) Botswana The second largest city is Bulawayo. b) Guinea another answer. 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