Dallas Historical Society /Republic of Texas Press. The student uses geographic tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data. The Captivity of Macario Leal: A Tejano among the Comanches, 18471854. Texas Revolution Between October 1835 and April 1836, a group of mostly American-born residents of the Mexican province of Texas rebelled against the government of Mexico and ultimately declared Texas to be an independent republic. Some Anglo-American settlers feared the destruction that a war could bring 716A The map is color coordinated by countries and territories circa 1836. 74B us improve it and others, now in development. When fighting broke out in October 1835, most Texans could not yet agree on On March 2, 1836, 59 delegates from across Texas gathered in Washington-on-the-Brazos to declare independence from Mexico and sign the official Texas Declaration of Independence. The Goliad Massacre, following so closely on the heels of the Battle of the Alamo, seemed to turn the tide in favor of the Mexicans. Wordware Pub., 1990 This is a collection of personal letters leading up to and at the conclusion of the Alamo. Los estudiantes analizarn los reclamos contra Mxico y formarn opiniones basadas en las fuentes primarias y las preguntas de anlisis de documentos. 1848 The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo and the end . The scenario sets the scene for the big event of the year, the school dance. 73C 73C Focuses on the role of cotton and slavery in the transformation of Texas from Spanish/Mexican hinterland into the westernmost outpost of the United States. Los recuerdos de la Seora Dilue (Rose) Harris Esta actividad contiene la versin histrica de Dilue Rose, una nia de 10 aos al estallar la Revolucin. The lead questions are embedded within the slideshow. Students will analyze excerpts from three primary source documents and respond to the analysis questions. 720C Dilue (Rose) Harris, parte 1 Un examen de las condiciones en Texas durante el Runaway Scrape durante la Revolucin de Texas desde la perspectiva de una nia de once aos que soport muchas dificultades. Students will use the guided notes to create a timeline of events that lead to the Texas Revolution and interact with the primary source documents. Los extractos de esta versin informan sobre la perspectiva de los colonos sobre los indgenas. On March 1, 1836, delegates from all over Texas met at Washington-on-the-Brazos for a Congress. Mexican Aldama, Toluca and Zapadores battalions arrive in San Antonio. The. 10 General Cs surrenders over 1,000 Mexican troops and the. Artculos de la Ley de 6 de abril de 1830 Este documento de fuente primaria imprimible debe utilizarse junto con la segunda actividad "Think-Pair-Share". Lesson Plan Versiones descargables / editables de esta pgina. 30 seconds. A Tejano Living among the Comanches This activity explores a historical account of a young Tejano boy, Macario Leal, who was capture by a Comanche raiding party and lived with the Comanche for almost a decade. Impresin sugerida: 1 por alumno. No scale indicated. book This activity explores Anglo perspectives about the Texas Revolution and the institution of slavery. book which can be downloaded and shared with students. Emboldened by their victory, the Texans formed a volunteer army. 25 Fearing that Santa Anna would march against Coahuila after subduing the rebels in Zacatecas, federalist governor. This marked the beginning of the revolution. (2014). He is a former head writer at VIVA Travel Guides. Susanna Dickinson, the wife of an Alamo occupier, her infant daughter, Angelina, and Joe, a slave of William Barret Travis, were released to tell Sam Houston what had happened. TEKS: analyze the causes, major events, and effects of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of the Alamo the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Runaway Scrape, and the Battle of San Jacinto [4.3A] Social Studies Objective: We can rank the causes of the Texas Revolution. 76ELA. After several days of fighting, the Siege of Bexar ended with the surrender of the Mexican general. maps, photographs, A/V, and other primary source materials about Texas, The only remaining Texan troops were those retreating with Houston. 716A Letter from Stephen F. Austin to Mary Austin Holley Stephen F. Austin appeals to the United States to support the Revolution efforts: This printable activity contains the full letter from Stephen F. Austin to Mary Austin Holley, dated January 7, 1836. 28 400 Mexican troops attack Bowie and his men. Santa Anna and his troops searched for the Texian government and the Texian army led by Sam Houston. 76AELA Gen. Urrea actualy wanted to keep the P.O.W.s alive but Santa Anna ordered them all to die. Suggested printing: 1 per group The first shots of the Texas Revolution were fired in Gonzales in 1835, and Texas was annexed to the U.S. in 1845. Distances to various cities are given. Jess F. de la Teja, ed., A Revolution Remembered: The Memoirs and Selected Correspondence of Juan N. Segun (State House Press, 1991). 720C On March 1 1836, 54 delagates from all over Texas met at Washington-on-the-Brazos for the Convention of 1836. News of the Texan defeat and approach of the Mexican army terrified the settlers; in an event later known as the Runaway Scrape, settlers, the Texas government, and the remnants of the Texan army under the command of Sam Houston fled east, away from the approaching army. This battle resulted in the first casualties of the Texas Revolution. 722A Map shows early land grants and colonies in Texas and New Mexico encompassing [modern-day] Texas panhandle; areas of Native American habitation, land grant boundaries. 2, 1836. The strategic retreat enabled Houston to better prepare his soldiers for battle, and on April 21 the Texans caught Santa Anna's troops in a surprise attack along the San Jacinto River. "Timeline of the Texas Revolution." Andrew J. Torget, Stephen F. Austins Views on Slavery in Early Texas, in The Corner of Canaan (UNT Press, 2013). Gonzales. All of the defenders were killed, including Davy Crockett, William Travis, and Jim Bowie. 720D Exit Ticket This printable exit ticket uses an opinion-based question to gauge understanding of the Texian army readiness before the Revolution. Identi Baron de Bastrop Reagan Carter of the Texas Revoluton. Slideshow This ready to use classroom presentation covers the battles of the Texas Revolution including the Alamo, Battle at Coleto Creek, Goliad Massacre, and Battle of San Jacinto. Map of combat at the Battle of Concepcin during the Texas Revolution, showing lines of assault by Mexican infantry, cannon, and dragoons, and lines held by Captain Fannin's and Captain Coleman's companies. Vocabulary List Downloadable/Editable versions of the terms that appear on this page. war within Mexico that pitted Santa Annas centralists against the federalists during the period. during the period 1835 - 1836. from your address bar. Hook Exercise Students are provided with an engaging modern-day scenario and analysis questions that align with Susannas trek from the Alamo back to Gonzales to deliver the news to General Houston that the Alamo had fallen. Most lessons contain The Alamo is the property of the State of Texas, and Borden, G.& T.H. Green Jameson, Texan Army, January, 1826,Col. Notas guiadas Estas notas guiadas imprimibles fueron diseadas especficamente para ser utilizadas en conjunto con la presentacin. No scale indicated. Barret Travis during the Texas Revolution, and how Joes story A massive collection of newspaper accounts about the Alamo during the Texas Revolution and throughout the nineteenth century. 3 Santa Anna abolishes all state legislatures. Santa Anna Burned Harrisburg to scare Texan soilders into surrendering. The Runaway Scrape and Aftermath Analysis of primary source documents to understand the difficulties faced by Texans as they destroyed their homes and farms, fleeing as Santa Annas army swept towards them. 5 Cs departs for San Antonio, leaving a residual force of about 30 men in Goliad. Relief shown by hachures. The Runaway Scrape and Aftermath Analysis of primary source documents to understand the difficulties faced by Texans as they destroyed their homes and farms, fleeing as Santa Annas army swept towards them. Impresin sugerida: 1 por grupo. Juan Segun a Historical Account of his Military Career This activity examines historical accounts of Juan N. Seguns military career during the Texas Revolution. Independence while commanding a unit at the Battle of San Jacinto. Dr. Andrew Torget discusses Joe, the enslaved man owned by William After an 18-minute battle, Texans routed Santa Anna's forces, eventually taking Santa Anna prisoner. La expansin de la esclavitud y la lucha para mantenerla en Texas Un anlisis del papel de la esclavitud en Texas en los aos que condujeron a la Revolucin. They fled for their lives, leaving everything behind except for a few ecceintials.They were on the road for the Sabine River. In early December, they attacked, gaining control of the city on the ninth. What were the major events of the Texas Revolution? Boleto de salida - El primer discurso de investidura presidencial en Texas Esta actividad examina la actitud inicial de Sam Houston sobre las relaciones con las indgenas de Texas durante su primer discurso de investidura presidencial en 1836. The army begins marching towards San Antonio. Question 6. "Ground plan of the original buildings, with walls enclosing the Fredonian Rebellion. For this special event, we will explore all of the major battles of the Texas Revolution through Living History and with the help of staff from those sites! Letter from Stephen F. Austin to Mary Austin Holley Stephen F. Austin appeals to the United States to support the Revolution efforts: This printable activity contains the full letter from Stephen F. Austin to Mary Austin Holley, dated January 7, 1836. Extension Lesson Plan Downloadable/Editable versions of this lesson plan. 372-402. A small force of Texans traveled down the Texas coastline, defeating Mexican troops at Goliad and at Fort Lipantitln. Americans, the war offered a chance to gain their freedom by running to the The Texas Historical Commission (THC) state historic sites have arranged several free, family-friendly opportunities to celebrate the Texas Revolution of 1836. Advertisement placed by John R. Jones, "Fifty Dollars," regarding Joe's disappearance. Presentacin de diapositivas presentacin Esta presentacin en el aula, lista para usar, contiene preguntas esenciales, una lnea de tiempo de los eventos que comienzan con la Constitucin Mexicana de 1824 a 1835 Sitio de San Antonio de Bexar, y dos documentos de fuente primaria con preguntas guiadas para promover la discusin entre los acadmicos (vea las notas de la conferencia dentro de las diapositivas para detalles especficos). The majority of the Texan troops followed General Sam Houston where they initiated a siege of the Mexican garrison. 76CELA Suggested printing: 1 per group National Archives: Document Analysis Worksheets Document analysis is the first step in working with primary sources. Typically, revolutions take the form of organized movements aimed at effecting changeeconomic change, technological change, political change, or social change. Slideshow This ready to use classroom presentation covers the battles of the Texas Revolution including the Alamo, Battle at Coleto Creek, Goliad Massacre, and Battle of San Jacinto. Results for The Texas Revolution, 1835-1836 in The Portal to Texas History, website Suggested printing: 1 per group King's troops are captured by the Mexicans. Suggested printing: 1 per group This gave moral boosts to the troops fighting the war. Guided Notes Students will use guided notes to summarize the who, what, where, why and when of the battles of the Texas Revolution. Fearing that the edict would cause widespread discontent, Austin tries to suppress its publication. 76BELA Lesson Plan Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan. At the Rio Grande, the army divided; Santa Anna led the bulk of his troops toward Bexar, where he laid siege to the Alamo. In the first major armed battle of Texas's war for independence, the Texas army marches in San Antonio . Follow The Portal on Facebook Resources for teachers to aid classroom *Mexican soldiers were trying to take back a cannon in Gonzales and the Texans refused to give it to them. Juan Seguin's Tori L Timeline of the Texas Revolution. This is chronology covers all of the important dates in between! Includes notes. 11 Austin is elected commander of the Texian volunteers. Thanks to this the Texas soilders prevailed with bravery. Fannin was also executed, as were the wounded who could not walk. Slideshow This classroom presentation contains essential questions, a timeline of events beginning with The Mexican Constitution of 1824 through the 1835 Siege of San Antonio de Bexar, and two primary source documents with guided questions to promote discussion among scholars (see lecture notes within the slides for specific details). Exit Ticket - Dilue Rose Harris Students will use critical thinking skills to create a Twitter post and hashtag by Dilue Rose summarizing her experience in the final battles and immediate aftermath of the Texas Revolution. After the battle, "Remember the Alamo!" 720B 73C won an improbable victory at San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, the results of the The fullest collection of works on the experiences of women during the Revolution. Primary Source Analysis - Susanna Dickinson Students will analyze primary source excerpts from Susanna Dickinson and others who documented her journey in the Revolution. News of Santa Anna's defeat and capture reaches Santa Anna's second-in-command, General, All Mexican troops in Texas (2,573 men) assemble at, Retreating Mexican army crosses the Colorado River at the Atascosito Crossing near present-date. Texas History for Teachers has been created in partnership between the Sam Houston located Santa Annas camp and was planning a full out assault. operated by Alamo Trust, Inc., a Texas non-profit Help us understand the reach of our content by providing info Conflicts during the Revolution Period brought tremendous chaos and Gary Zaboly, An Altar for Their Sons: The Alamo and the Texas Revolution in Contemporary Newspaper Accounts (State House Press, 2011). The Battle of San Jacinto is commemorated by Texans because it resulted in the-. Los estudiantes analizarn las condiciones de los voluntarios de Texas y formarn una opinin sobre el resultado de la revolucin. at Santa Anna's_Conner_B Timeline of the Texas Revolution, Mexican Soldier Haley C Timeline of the Texas Revolution, David Burnet's-Celeste N-Timeline of the Texas Revolution, Texas Revolution/Republic Timeline 1836-1845, Mier Y Teran Timeline of Texas Revolution, Sam Houston Alex Neil timeline iof Texas Revolution. Fannin wanted his men to be safe so he surrendered; in hope he and his men would be P.O.W.s. 720C Students will analyze excerpts from both documents. Students will also create character collages on the Heroes of the Texas Revolution. Hook Exercise In this printable hook exercise, students will write a letter to a family member requesting help achieving a goal outlined in the scenario. 1, Wednesday, November 9, 1836. That night, a handful of them hastily wrote a Declaration of Independence, which was unanimously approved the following day. UNT. 7 days after Fannins surrender at Coleto Creek. Art Martinez de Vara, Tejano Patriot: The Revolutionary Life of Jos Francisco Ruiz, 1783-1840 (Texas State Historical Association Press, 2020). Unset or update it any time. There are also notes on the type of cannons used. The Texas Revolution as Part of the Ongoing Civil War in Mexico This activity explores Tejanos perspectives about the Texas Revolution. La historia de Emily West La historia del viaje de Emily West desde Nueva York a Texas como una afroamericana libre nos da una perspectiva sobre esa pequea comunidad en Texas durante la poca de la Revolucin. A massive collection of primary sources from the Texas Revolution, focused around accounts that deal with the Alamo. Comparando la independencia de Estados Unidos y Texas After the bloody Battle of the Alamo, Mexican President/General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's army continued its inexorable march across Texas. Anlisis de fuentes primarias - Susanna Dickinson Los estudiantes analizarn extractos de fuentes primarias de Susanna Dickinson y otros que documentaron su viaje en la Revolucin. Stephen F. Austin's had a meeting with Santa Anna in 1833. Insets: Native Land Digital Native Land Digital promueve el dilogo sobre la historia del colonialismo, las formas indgenas de sabidura, y las relaciones entre colonos e indgenas por medio de recursos educativos. It was mere skirmish and only one Mexican soldier was killed, but it nevertheless marks the beginning of the War for Texas Independence. Students will analyze the conditions of the Texian volunteers and form an opinion about the outcome of the Revolution. Some of the most significant events leading up to the Texas Revolution played out here, including the conventions of 1832 and 1835. On March 6 they attacked. Portal to Texas History Please contact the Alamos marketing director at 210-225-1391 with questions or requests to exempt your image from potential promotional use. Noah Smithwick, The Evolution of a State, or, Recollections of Old Texas Days Lista de vocabulario Ersiones descargables / editables de los trminos que aparecen en este pgina. who wanted to restore the Constitution of 1824. book Events of the Texas Revolution By bethbru000 Timeline List Oct Nov Dec 1836 Feb Mar Apr May Oct 2, 1835, Battle of Gonzales Mar 6, 1836, the Fall of the Alamo Mar 1, 1836, the Texas Declaration of Independance Mar 20, 1836, Fannins Surrender at Coleto Creek Mar 11, 1836, the Start of the Runaway Scrape. The Portal to Texas History. Just after the Texas Declaration of Independence was adopted, Santa Anna oversaw the most famous engagement of the revolution: the Battle of the Alamo. about the video: Who was Susanna Dickinson? 37, Ed. The treaties of Velaso involved Santa Anna agreeing to several terms that Sam Houstonhad made in order to stop the Texas revolution. Although Mexico would try to re-take Texas in the future, San Jacinto essentially sealed Texas' independence. Americans colonized Texas for the first time. Esto proporcionar una actividad relacionada y relevante que se alinea con la carta de Stephen F. Austin a su hermana. Even before the war began, there existed hostilities between the groups of colonists and the official forces. . Texas Revolution: In 1835, Texas, a territory of Mexico, declared its independence from Mexico. Though the structure is famous for being the site of the 1836 battle between Texas revolutionary forces and the Mexican army, it played an important role in the events that led up to that. Investigation of Texas that concluded there needed to be more trade between Mexico and Texas, more Mexican soldiers in Texas, and more Mexican settlers to counter the growing American influence in Texas. 720C Hook Exercise Students will analyze the outcome of two documents written to different audiences by participating in a fun and relevant hook exercise. You'll need to manually copy the URL Excerpts document settlers views of American Indians. Mexican Constitution of 1824 Manuel Sabriego and twenty-five men to Guadalupe. Exit Ticket This printable exit ticket uses the three essential questions above to provide a formative assessment opportunity at the end of the lesson. This activity explores Anglo perspectives about the Texas Revolution and the institution of slavery. 76CELA, for the video: Goliad: Virtual Field Trip, about the video: Goliad: Virtual Field Trip. October-December, 1835: The Siege of San Antonio de Bexar. The event comes on the heels of Asbury University's unplanned, spontaneous, student-led, continuous worship service, which broke out after chapel on Feb. 8 and concluded after the National Collegiate Day of Prayer this past Thursday (Feb. 23). Suggested pacing minutes are based on the average time it takes a class Lesson Plan Versiones descargables / editables de esta pgina. Sam Houstons plan was to destroy Vince's Bayou Bridge to stop the Mexican army from retreating. Texas Revolution for kids Santa Anna was captured in hiding the following day and he ordered his army to return to Mexico, ending the Texas Revolution. survivor of the battle of the Alamo. The Mexicans were routed. of 07. of 07. of 07. Texas was now an independent colony and later joined the United States. book Such disruptions, turbulence, and internal preoccupation were not unique to Mexico in the period from 1821 to 1836. By 1528, when the first Europeans entered the interior of Texas, the area was sparsely settled, but the culture and habitation of the Native Americans exerted measurable influence on the later history of the region. The rebels flee when approached by Mexican troops. Lesson Plan Downloadable/Editable versions of this lesson plan. State Historic Site in and around Goliad, TX. Suggested printing: 1 ticket per student (two tickets per page) Mexican army arrives on the west bank of the. Come up to the Bluff from March 11-19 and take part in one of our many crafts and activities. describing conditions within the Alamo, urging the convention at We'd like to hear what you have to say about this unit. 37, Ed. 76AELA January Stephen F. Austin arrested in Saltillo on suspicion of treason. 720B Victory or Death Letter Analyze the February 24, 1836, Victory or Death Letter William B. Travis wrote from the Alamo. Map of the Battlefield of San Jacinto and map of the positions of the Texan and of the Mexican Armies, at the commencement of the Battle of San Jacinto, at half past three o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, April 21, 1836. Lesson Plan Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan. This unit is a three-week study of the events of the Texas Revolution. Texas drifted away between 1821 and 1835 while Mexican citizens were deciding how to solidify their newly-won independence and create a government that all of her citizens could live with. On March 6, Santa Anna ordered an advance on the Alamo; all but a few of the occupants were killed. The student will examine the Battle of the Alamo, Battle of Coleto Creek, Goliad Massacre, Runaway Scrape, and Battle of San Jacinto and understand the influence of the following people: Travis. 720C Thwarting Mexican Law, (4) Law of April 6, 1830. The battle of San Jacinto won the Texas revolution for the Texans. Suggested printing: 1 per student Note: " [shows] rise of six feet, behind which Mexican Artillery fired, on the 20th." 720C He abandons a Matamoros expedition. Have opinions to share? Exit Ticket - Susanna Dickenson Students will use critical thinking skills to reflect on the process of primary source documentation. The Runaway Scrape and the Aftermath An examination of women's influence in the war effort and the physical and emotional toll the events and aftermath of the Runaway Scrape took on families and particularly women. 4.3A Analyze the causes, major events, and effects of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of the Alamo, the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Runaway Scrape, and the Battle of San Jacinto. Q. The secret treaties made the new border of Texas set at the Rio Grande and Santa Anna would speak for the Republic of Texas in good faith for exchange for his life. 73A Exit Ticket This Exit Ticket explores Tejano perspectives of the Texas Revolution through the words of Juan Seguin. 372-402. it was inevitable that San Felipe de Austin should play an important role in the events of the Texas . Students are instructed to write two quick notes, one to their parents and one to their friend, to inform them about the dance. The students will examine historical paintings to determine if historical bias exists based on the artist's interpretation of the event. Paul Lack, Black Texans and Slavery in Revolution and War, in The Texas Revolutionary Experience. Dilue Rose: Accounts of American Indians in Texas This activity contains a historical account of Dilue Rose, who was a 10-year-old girl at the outbreak of the Revolution. This will provide a relatable and relevant activity that aligns to Stephen F. Austins letter to his sister. April 1 Santa Anna is elected president of Mexico. Elections are held in settlements across Texas for an independence convention. Un tejano que vivi con los comanches Esta actividad explora la versin histrica de un joven tejano, Macario Leal, quien fue capturado por una partida de saqueo comanche y vivi con los comanche por casi una dcada. The second portion of this teaches the battles and events of the Texas Revolution . Timothy Matovina and Jess F. de la Teja, eds., Recollections of a Tejano Life: Antonio Menchaca in Texas History (University of Texas Press, 2013). The youngest person in the Alamo was 16 years old. *The first battle of the Revolution. The first shot of the Texas Revolution was fired at the Battle of Gonzales on October 2, 1835. The President's Inaugural Address Newspaper article from the Telegraph and Texas Register that includes Sam Houstons inaugural address for his position as President of the Republic of Texas. A new provincial law prohibits worker contracts from lasting more than ten years. Hook Exercise In this printable hook exercise, students will write a letter to a family member requesting help achieving a goal outlined in the scenario. He further increased tariffs on goods entering Mexico from the United States, causing their prices to rise. The Story of Emily West The story of Emily Wests journey from New York to Texas as a free African-American, serves as a window into that small community in Texas at the time of the Revolution. Slideshow This ready to use classroom presentation contains the hook exercise (above), essential questions, connections from the Mexican National era, three primary source documents with guided questions to promote discussion among scholars, and an exit ticket. 12 Houston issues a proclamation to recruit a Regular Texas Army. Vocabulary includes terms, key people, and events of the Texas Revolution. 4 ) Law of April 6, Santa Anna is elected commander of the Texan troops followed General Sam.. Vince 's Bayou Bridge to stop the Mexican General uses geographic tools to collect, analyze, internal. Would try to re-take Texas in the first casualties of the most events! Which was unanimously approved the following day independent colony and later joined the United States lasting... In the- perspectives of the Texian volunteers and form an opinion about the Texas prevailed... Black Texans and slavery in Revolution and war, in the first casualties the! 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Spokane Ukrainian Community, Articles I