For Fallout 4 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a weapon in FO4 similar to the Debug MegaPistol from New Vegas? videogame_asset My games. Guns 0 1 With a little restraint and "equivalent exchange" you'll do well. 225 What are iconic Fallout weapons that should return? In general, I prefer to give weapons functional names and avoid getting wrapped up in specific designations used by manufacturers or the military. The unique cowboy repeater does have a scope, but it’s a side-mounted scope, like the one used by Clint Eastwood in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. If you know your M1911 history, that should give you an idea of how old it was. Fast Shot (+0.6) Fallout New Vegas. This was extremely common back in the day and can still be done with modern revolvers and lever-actions in the same caliber. The Survivalist’s Rifle was created to fill a gap between the sniper rifle and the service rifle and to get more use out of the 12.7mm round. Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. Fallout 1 and 2 delved into 90s weapons designs (e.g. View all games. There were a few questions I asked for deciding what would get included and what would not: I didn’t think of making the F:NV guns differ from F3 as much as I tried to return to what I believed was the spirit of Fallout 1 & 2 guns: a mix of common real-world guns, some real-world niche guns, and some completely fictional guns. Service and battle rifles are based on distinctive historical weapons, the slim 9mm pistol is easy to distinguish from the bulky 10mm, and even the lever-actions are relatively easy to distinguish from the bolt-action and sniper rifles. Despite being in the weapons category on the Pip-Boy 3000, these items are not used offensively. This means, much like The Disintegrator laser rifle and The Faderator, it … reload time For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "GRA weapons". The debug megapistol is a debug weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. All game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective owners and licensors. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How to upgrade weapons? This means, much like The Disintegrator laser rifle and The Faderator, it was most likely a developmental tool and never intended for use in normal gameplay. All Discussions ... Or get stacks of weapon repair kits from Dead money vending machine. Ron the narrator: Ron is a test character that is used to the various ending the player gets in the game. Unique DLs - Total DLs - Version. To keep sort of on topic: too many to pick! The debug Centurion can only be summoned using command codes on the PC. 001465A6 Mods. This weapon is only usable with normal 9mm rounds, not any variants. dmg/proj. They are numerous and varied and ammunition is relatively easy to acquire. Trending chevron_right. - classic designs for people familiar with them that looked great for players who weren’t familiar with them. perks (rel.) For Fallout: New Vegas on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Debug item containers". All Discussions ... No, it's mostly tied to the weapons. 14 Aug 2013, 4:39AM. chevron_left. View all games. dmg/attack Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal: Recruit any companion. 13 There are no AR-15s, Colt Commandos, Browning Hi-Powers, BFRs, M1 Garands, Winchester 1886s, 1887s, or 1892s in Fallout: New Vegas -- just Service Rifles, Assault Carbines, 9mm Pistols, Hunting Revolvers, This Machine, Brush Guns, Lever-Action Shotguns, and Cowboy Repeaters. ". Recently added 22 View all 1,160. Valden21. The hunting rifle (.32 in F3) went to .308, which we reserved for high-powered rifles and didn’t use in handguns. This mod requires all of the major Fallout: New … 2KB. That’s why you can use revolvers and lever action rifles from the first two hours (.357 Revolver and Cowboy Repeater) through the Battle of Hoover Dam (Hunting Revolver and Brush Gun). WeapNVDebugMegaPistol Perk effects base id Mod manager download; Manual download; Preview file contents. Nah, I’m satisfied with them. The diverters are protected by a carbon-fiber housing, p… Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 1 Characteristics 2 Variants 3 Locations 4 Notes 5 Sounds It is identical in appearance to the 9mm pistol, but deals tremendous damage. Why did you necro this. What are different ammo subtypes that can be used that offer distinctly different properties from each other to allow for another axis of differentiation. Fallout New Vegas has many melee weapons, and it also has a vast array of unique melee weapons that have a unique appearance or a special effect. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. value New Kid: Reach 10th level. ammo cap. Be it adding weapons, free money, access to casino games outside a casino, crafting benches whenever you want. I also felt like Fallout 1 (especially) had great gun progression. The variable will determine if the amount is added to the player's fame (1) or infamy (0) with the faction. Take one of the longest shots in the game: hitting Aurelius of Phoenix at Cottonwood Cove from the Sniper's Nest (where the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle is found). Recently added 29 View all 1,160. One of the things that bothered me most was the use of a similar ammo type in a revolver (typically using rimmed cartridges) and a bolt-action rifle (typically using rimless cartridges and headspacing at the front of the cartridge). chevron_left. perks (att.) 1. addreputation – adds player reputation with faction; the value will max out at its normal maximum value of 100. We are a fan site. DPS The real-world weapons were also sort of a “greatest hits” list: the 9mm based on the Browning Hi-Power, the .357 based on the Colt SAA, etc. 17 There are several mods that increase overall gun damage, but most people seem to want to up only their damage, not everyone's. New Weapons: Nuclear Fun Launcher / Lightning Rifle. Rapid Reload (-0.4s). By accounting for this early in development, production was able to incorporate it into the schedule. 13 Anyone got any ideas to help? ¹ May only be acquired if one has chosen the. Energy weapons are less common and varied than guns, but have a small number of ammunition types and can be quite potent. For Fallout: New Vegas on the PC, GameFAQs has 113 cheat codes and secrets. One of Obsidian's programmers was a tank driver in the U.S. Army, stationed in Germany and later deployed to Iraq in the early 90s. Overpowered Gear And Weapons Pack V2. The debug megapistol is a debug weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. close. 4 Pack of Overpowered Weapons with 1 Super-Debug Weapon. Western-style weapons make some of that easy since a lot of revolvers and lever-action rifles used the same rimmed ammo types. In Fallout: New Vegas, there are 11 test cells that contain some form of content. The diversion is set in an open world condition that includes an area comprising of parts of Nevada, California, and Arizona Players take control of the Courier(character). chevron_right . His issued sidearm was a beat-to-hell Ithaca M1911. Things that would make conventional firearms stop working: rust (seizing), dry rot (anything wood or rubber), alkaline corrosion/buildup (anything with batteries). item HP This mod adds a load of classic weapons into the Fallout New Vegas world, all with their own sounds and ammunition types too. x1 Millenia also released a rendition of the Suomi KP/31, the Finnish precursor to the PPSh. Fallout: New Vegas. Use at your own risk. Fallout: New Vegas. 1 The AER9 features a titanium housed crystal array which proved to withstand long years of exposure to the elements much better than the gold alloy housing of the later models. I'll take it! This mod does NOT stop with just the standard collection of Fallout 3 weapons: it also brings back weapons from Fallout 3 DLC packs, as well as CRAFTED weapons such as the … Mod manager download; Manual download ; Preview file contents. Details like the writing on A Light Shining in Darkness and the Survivalist’s Rifle or the bits and pieces of info that can be gleaned from the Desert Ranger Armor are all part of that. Sawyer, responding to a question on if he would change the Assault Carbine or Marksman Rifle. #10. Overpowered Gear And Weapons … videogame_asset My games. #2. Even the "max" ranges of sight in F:NV are actually very short for firearms in the real world. Dec 30, 2015 @ 1:02pm I usually go for the Laser RCW. Once the program reads all of their data (My PC takes ~20-23 seconds to do this with some 120+ mods, results will vary ;) Right click anywhere on the left pane with all the loaded mods. 0.7 Requirements strength req. ammo/shot I always figured people would want to see the return of the .223 pistol, a unique 9mm pistol and sniper rifle seemed obvious, and when we made Honest Hearts, not including a unique .45 would have been a high crime. Crash in weapons menu - posted in New Vegas Technical Support: I crash whenever I scroll my weapons because New Vegas crashes when I highlight a modded weapon. Visit Mod. Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. It is identical in appearance to the 9mm pistol, but deals tremendous damage. The process was iterative and went through a lot of revisions. Most unique variants were textured/modeled around the same time as the base weapon, IIRC. crit % mult New chevron_right. Weapons of the New Millennia. Debug megapistol Still, if you really wanna go crazy, just spawn in the developer gun, it's a guaranteed OHK on everything. There are only a few weapons that use an ammo type that isn’t used elsewhere. 22308.9 (32795.1) I didn't have this problem until I played through Dead Money. Because our weapons must, for technical reasons, occasionally differ functionally from the weapons upon which they are based (different caliber, charging handle placement, receiver height, stock shape/length, etc.) weight attacks/sec repair the. 1 General information 2 Fallout: New Vegas 3 See also Test cells are locations included within a game's files but are located outside the main world map. This site is not affiliated with Fallout New Vegas or Bethesda Game Studios. Attack statistics 2 Games. I decided very early on that unique weapons should at least have unique textures and sometimes have unique models. In general, when we used real-world weapons and ammo types, I tried to go with ones ordinary people (well, Americans, anyway) were familiar with: .22 LR 9mm, 10mm, .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, 5.56mm, .308, .50 MG. close. crit dmg Edit: Okay, I'm an idiot, disregard the above. NOTE: this are not GOD weapons (there is just one) this are just weapons that I have created for fun, they have new projectiles, sounds, they use different ammo and what is most important they do not change your game in any whey, they do not replace any vanila game weapons (armors also) it is just more content to the game. giving them a more utilitarian name helps negate some of the potential pedantry over those deviations. We calculated it out and that's under 200 yards, I think. 2 . The first consideration was to make sure the uniques weren’t all bunched up in one type of weapon, so there should be unique weapons more or less equally spread across different categories. Deciding what weapons would get unique variants was a little more difficult. What are players’ role-playing expectations within this setting and what weapons will help the expression of those roles? We do not assert any claim of copyright for Fallout New Vegas. Supporting those concepts throughout the game necessitated an array of thematically appropriate equipment options that was available from the beginning and allowed for power growth through the end game. chevron_right . The content is not described in full detail on this page. Some weapons are also classified as Holdout Weapons, meaning they can be brought into casinos unnoticed. Details like the writing on A Light Shining in Darkness and the Survivalist’s Rifle or the bits and pieces of info that can be gleaned from the Desert Ranger Armor are all part of that. It is identical in appearance to the 9mm pistol, but deals tremendous damage. ammo type Fallout: New Vegas didn’t have text descriptions for items, so the story had to be told through the appearance of the weapon or armor itself. Also, because the .44 Magnum ammo is relatively rare (IIRC) when you get the first DE from Garl, it promotes more deliberate, considered use of the weapon and suggests keeping the 10mm pistol around as backup. Over time, there were also gaps I saw that became opportunities for new uniques. On top of weighing nothing and having no worth, it heals 15 Hit Points every second for … As a result, the crystal arrays stayed focused within operating parameters, rather than falling completely out of focus like the newer models. What weapons share common ammunition types to avoid resource/loot problems? I have lots of mods and lots of weapons I like carrying/ using. 100 If players can unlock this chest, prepare for an insanely strong revolver. Most … 9mm pistol Power is drawn from microfusion cells and processed through a wave/particle diverter manufactured by General Atomics International. Apparent distances are skewed in the engine because the field of view is 70 degrees by default. Watch Queue Queue Most … 2. removereputation – removes player reputation with faction; the value will max out at its normal minimum value of 0. The majority of firearms in use in the Fallout setting are likely Pre-War in manufacture. They are used by developers to test a variety of content, including (but not limited to) physics, dialogue, textures, and traps. Ron cannot be … Apologies. I'm not sure if this is a genuine or disingenuous question, partially because the majority of questions are anonymous. Ammo types like .22 and .308, were also easy to use in multiple weapons. The melee weapons in Fallout New Vegas are one of its most generous features since the amount of melee weapons in the game is larger than a lot of other games in the RPG genre. ⁴ Does bonus damage to robots and power armored foes. The tri beam laser is nice especially with a post ED-E from lonesome road +5 beam damage (both to it and the laser gatling/SPTL wood) The Gauss rifle is a toy. I meant Lord death not death lord perk.. Wasn't paying attention -_- 32k dps? Very few weapons in Fallout: New Vegas look as beautiful as Lucky. EDIT: Re-reading my response, it sounds rude. Fallout New Vegas Weapons: New Vegas is an activity pretending computer game. DPS (reload) shots/rel. ", ² Improved holdout weapon: May be concealed if, ³ May only be acquired if one has chosen the. Log in to view your list of favourite games. No Gods, No Masters: Complete No Gods, No Masters. Most Melee Weapons are completely silent, making them excellent stealth weapons. Date uploaded. Watch Queue Queue. I didn't even notice it captured my voice.. The ones that were made up (12.7mm) or less familiar (.45-70 Gov’t) were generally reserved for later weapons. If you are going to use the console you could use the debug weapons. Fallout New Vegas (PC) Console ID Codes for Items by Dave (eperb12 | Google Mail) _____ A C T I V A T I O N _____ Create a shortcut to the game executable (this … This means, much like The Disintegrator laser rifle and The Faderator, it was most likely a developmental tool and never intended for use in normal gameplay. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. editor id It's included in Millenia's weapon pack, if you'd like to get your virtual hands on it. Get a program called "FNVEdit" from New vegas nexus, and after extract the program run it, load ALL of your active plugins. Ammo & Reloading 1.7 (1.3) This elegant .357 round revolver can be found in a hard safe found in an abandoned building in Primm. At times we had to adjust the design for animation/gameplay purposes, e.g. We can’t account for every type of character a player might imagine, but we knew a lot of people would want to be a) Mad Max b) post-apocalyptic cowboy/cowgirl c) wacky bazinga science person d) agro military operator e) sneakthief stealth murderer. It also means that many of these weapons work with New Vegas perks such as Cowboy or The Professional. The fact that a handgun and a rifle shared an ammo type is nice for gameplay, but .32 is an odd caliber to use for a number of reasons. Other This is why the cowboy repeater and brush gun feature top eject: it prohibits the use top-mounted scopes, allowing the trail carbine to be modified in a way that the other two lever-actions cannot. 9mm round Log in to view your list of favourite games. The debug megapistol is only available through the use of console commands. Bloody Mess (+500)Lord Death (+400)Thought You Died (+999.9) projectiles spread Trending chevron_right. Because I liked a more (American) western aesthetic for F:NV, I decided to use rimmed “cowboy cartridges” for revolvers and lever-action rifles. Old-Tyme Brawler: Cause 10,000 damage with unarmed weapons. This video is unavailable. It is visually identical to the MRE with a major change to statistics. These weapons come from Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics, with there being 63 in total so far. 3.1 (3.8) Mod Master: Install 20 weapon mods. The debug megapistol can fire a total of about 1120 standard rounds, the equivalent of 87 reloads, from full condition before breaking. Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout: New Vegas. F3 did some things with ammo types that I understand and appreciate from a game design perspective but I felt contrasted too much from real-world weapon/ammo design. What are weapons that can be modified in distinctively different ways from each other to allow for orthogonal growth within a subtype of weapons (e.g. Fallout New Vegas. What are weapons with distinctive/iconic looks that can stand out from each other? lever-action rifles). ¹ May only be acquired if one has not chosen the, Explosive weapons are best used when dealing with crowds or in situations where precision is not a high priority. For details, please see the respective articles. 9 skill the Automatic Rifle in Dead Money is recognizable as some kind of BAR knockoff, but it differs in some significant ways. 1.5 Fallout: New Vegas didn’t have text descriptions for items, so the story had to be told through the appearance of the weapon or armor itself. In my mind, the 10mm pistol and SMG had to return, as did the minigun, sawed-off shotgun, flamer, and a few other choice weapon. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Testacles the Debug centurion: The debug centurion NPC is just a test character in FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS. The debug centurion can alter the player’s reputation with other factions and more! New chevron_right. J.E. For its ammo type, this weapon hits exceptionally hard and fires rather fast. AP You can obtain the weapons from vendors, find them as loot or collect them off enemies as they will be using them too. Mods. 31246.9 (44620.5) 9999 (11898.8) Guns are the most common ranged weapons of the Mojave Wasteland. I really liked how even though the Desert Eagle .44 did more damage than the 10mm pistol, it had a lower ammo cap. That sort of overlapping/orthogonal progression is great and I tried to achieve it in F:NV. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. After that, it was more arbitrary and based on feeling/inspiration than anything practical. With the .357 Magnum Revolver and .44 Magnum Revolver, the .357 is slightly more accurate and can never suffer a malfunction/jam. This site is for entertainment purposes only. ". Sticky. If all weapons of a certain type can be modified in the same way, upgrading those weapons becomes less interesting, especially since we expect players to stick with thematically consistent weapons (not always, of course, but…). File size. New Vegas Samurai: Cause 10,000 damage with melee weapons. I tried disabling WeapondModsExpanded.esp but even after doing the procedure properly, it still crashes. Fallout: New Vegas weapon Debug rad food is a cut consumable item in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.. Characteristics. The terminal is located in Doc Mitchel's office in Goodsprings, but if you want to add the portable version manually, you can do player.additem XX00339A, where XX is the hex representation of FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp's load number. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. So I can get the debug menu up but when I try to do a cheat like add exp or add a weapon it doesn't work at all. perks (dam.) Games., For an overview of 9mm pistol models in all games, see, The debug megapistol can be modded with regular 9mm pistol. 9999 (11898.8) No Tumbler Fumbler: Pick 25 locks. I always tried to make the “upgrade” of a weapon have one thing that was obviously inferior to / different from the previous version. Of console commands that 's under 200 debug weapons new vegas, I think OHK on everything purposes, e.g early on unique. Topic: debug weapons new vegas many to pick rimmed ammo types statistics dmg/attack 9999 ( 11898.8 ).... Still crashes achieve it in F: NV be summoned using command codes on the PC, GameFAQs 113. Role-Playing expectations within this setting and what weapons would get unique variants was a restraint... 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