Latania palm resembles Bismark Palm in appearance and makes a great accent plant for the garden. Maintenance: Easy. Blue Latan Palm Tree Profile Latania lontaroides, Red Latan Palm, Latania borbonica Click on the plant listing below to view the nursery information. The nursery is set in 10 acres of tropical gardens, where you can view the growth of palms in their natural surrounds. Cold Tolerance: The minimum temperature this palm tree can withstand when mature enough is 20F. The Blue Latan Palm is one of the best ornamental fan palms. They grow a slender trunk over the years. As they grow their leaves lose their color and turn green. This attractive palm is very similar to Blue Latan Palm Tree and the Bismarck Palm The Red Latan Palm Tree can also grow indoors. Red Latan Palm is dioecious, male and female flowers are born on separate plants. and the . Latania lontaroides angl. Growth Rate: Slow. Black; palm. And can anyone tell me what this other palm is, not a stretched Chamarops,it holds fronds through out trunk 21. I live and work in Florida where I have a house with a big tropical garden full of palm trees. The Blue Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania loddigesii, is a flowering striking palm native to to Mauritius Island.. Latania, commonly known as latan palm or latania palm, is a genus of flowering plant in the palm tree family, native to the Mascarene Islands in the western Indian Ocean.. The Red Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania lontaroides, is a large striking fan palm that is well-known for its stunning reddish color leaf-stems. Red Latan Palm Tree. larger seedling, Hawaii private garden. May 3, 2013 - The Red Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania lontaroides, is also known as Latania borbonica, Latania commersonii, and Latanier Rouge. Water Req: Moderate. Red Latania is from the Mascaregne islands, precisely from Reunion Island ( approx. It is great for growing in USDA Zones 9a (20 to 25 F) to 11 (above 40 F). The Red Latan Palm Tree can also grow indoors. Red Latan Palm Tree - Latania loddigesii The Red Latan Palm or botanically known as Latania loddigesii has very unique and striking features at different ages of its growth. It grows best in moist well drained soil. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during growing season. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during growing season. mature palm in Audobon Center, Hawaii, showing how it now looks like all the other Latanias as adult. Latania lontaroides is a species of palm tree. Latania lontaroides is a slow growing palm that can grow up to 30 – 40 ft tall with 15-20 ft wide spread. Get the plant when young to appreciate its unique red leafstalks and enjoy its aesthetic transformation as it matures over time. The Red Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania lontaroides, is a large striking fan palm that is well-known for its stunning reddish color leaf-stems. The Blue Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania loddigesii, is a flowering striking palm native to to Mauritius Island. Red Latania starting to pick up some speed. Slightly cold sensitive when young and toughens up as it matures. It is native to the Island of Reunion. Latania lontaroides. Features: The red palm latan can reach 12 m height but grows quite slowly. Stiff leaves are suppored by large armed stems 4-5ft long. While young plants have beautiful red petioles and leaf margins, mature plants produce a compact crown of very leathery, stiff, blue fan leaves with leafstalks covered in thick, white wool. Growth Rate: Slow. Flowers/Fruits: During spring, the Red Latan Palm produces small yellow flowers that grow in clusters on 6ft long inflorescence that emerge from among the leaves. The Red Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania lontaroides, is a large striking fan palm that is well-known for its stunning reddish color leaf-stems. Three of these Red Latan Palms have been planted along the path that leads to the spice garden and the Palm Jungle. The Palm Tree Book. seedling (15 years old!) Red Latan Palm Tree Profile Origin: It is native to the Island of Reunion where they are being threatened to extinction. Distribution & Habitat: Cliffs and coastal ravines of the Mascarene Island of Reunion. Trunk is smooth, woody, about 10 inches in diameter, lightly ringed by the scars from the fallen fronds. Florida Palm Trees is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This adds no extra cost to your purchase but helps this site grow and cover the costs of running it. Seed is round at one end but pointed at the other. Latania scale is considered to be a serious pest of avocado in Israel . This palm is distinguished by the bright red petioles and streaks of red in the old leaves. Fruit colour; life form. Red Latan Palm is dioecious, male and female flowers are born on separate plants. The Red Latan Palm Tree can also grow indoors. Diseases. The blue has silvery blue-green fronds with red or blue veining and mottled blue leaf stems. Species. This is great feature palm for open full sun positions with moderate - low water requirements. Young palms have reddish leaves, petiole, leaf margins and veins, hence this palm’s common name Red Latan Palm. Latan Palms are susceptible to lethal yellowing disease. Latania lontaroides Red Latan Palm, Latania borbonica . Description: While young, the Red Latan Palm will have silvery gray-green leaves with stunning red lea This attractive palm is very similar to Blue Latan Palm Tree and the Bismarck Palm Tree. Young palms have reddish leaves, petiole, leaf margins and veins, hence this palm’s common name Red Latan Palm. Seed is round at one end but pointed at the other. Fruit is brownish green, fleshy, 2-3 inches long, with a single seed inside. The Red Latan Palm Tree can also grow indoors. Not commonly found in Mauritius , though easier or less difficult than the 2 others ( Blue from Mauritius and Round Island and yellow from Rodrigues )The Red one is also often confused with Blue or Yellow Latania here. Latania loddigesii (Blue Latan Palm) has blue-grey leaves. Latania lontaroides Habitat and Distribution: Latania lontaroides is endemic to the French island Réunion, east of Madagascar in the southern part of the Indian Ocean, where it grows on cliffs and coastal ravines. It is native to the Island of Reunion where they are being threatened to extinction. Flowers are followed by oval fruit. Garden & Outdoor Hello, Sign in. Wholesale and Retail nursery. Latania lontaroides Red Latan Palm - 15cm (6") Plant - Seedling. Comments: In the wild Latania lontaroides is considered an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Red Latan Palm . I am a mother, a wife and a gardener. Red Latania and Blue Latania are two of its popular varieties. Red latan palm. Note: The image is for reference purpose only. Flowers/Fruits: During spring, the Red Latan Palm produces small yellow flowers that grow in clusters on 6ft long inflorescence that emerge from among the leaves. Origin: It is native to the Island of Reunion where they are being threatened to extinction. Native to Mauritius Island, the Red Latan palm when emerging from the ground have a red tint to its stems of the leaf's and have a more yellow tint to their leaves. Hawaii. Everything You Need To Know About All Things Palm Trees. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Appearance: It has a single clean trunk, slightly swollen at the base. Latania lontaroides Red Latan Palm) has reddish petiole, leaf margins and veins. The endangered and rare Red Latan Palm (Latania lontaroides) slowly grows up to 40 feet and up to 16 feet in diameter. COMMON NAMES: Red Latan-palm, Red Latan; German Rote Latanpalme GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION: NATIVE Reunion (Mascarenes) COOK ISLANDS STATUS: Introduced - Recent, Not naturalised; Land, lowlands, gardens SIGNIFICANCE LIST: Ornamental leaves KEY FEATURES: Solitary unisex palm with large fan-like leaves. A solitary, fan-leafed palm from the Mascarene Islands. Botanical Name: Latania lontaroides. Information about the palm Latania lontaroides known as the Red Latan palm. The surface of each leaf is covered with a whitish, waxy deposit, providing a silvery appearance to the palm. The genus contains three species, one from each of the three major islands (including islets) in the chain. In the USA, H. lataniae is a serious pest of palms in Florida and on ornamentals in California, where it has recently also begun to cause problems on kiwifruit ( Gill, 1997 ). Plants are either male or female. Common Names: Red Latan Palm. As they grow their leaves lose their color and turn green. Leafstems and the leave margins always stay red. Large, palmate, or fan-shaped, leaves create a rounded crown 15-20ft across. Campus. Townsville. Stiff leaves are suppored by large armed stems 4-5ft long. It is endemic to Réunion. red latan; red latan palm šaltinis Valstybinės… Latania Species, Red Latan Palm (Latania lontaroides) by palmbob Jun 8, 2004 8:38 AM. It is also used as an ornamental plant. The scientific name (Latania lontaroides) is a large striking fan palm that is well-known for its stunning reddish color leaf-stems.This attractive palm is very similar to . Red Latan Palm Tree. Propagation is by seed. Common name. Red Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania lontaroides, is a large striking fan palm that is well-known for its stunning reddish color leaf-stems. This palm is very similar to Red Latan Palm and Bismarck Palm Tree.The Blue Latan Palm Tree can also grow indoors. It is an endemic palm tree from the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean, which is often grown as an ornamental palm tree. Large, palmate, or fan-shaped, leaves create a rounded crown 15-20ft across. Bismarck Palm Tree.. Jul 27, 2015 - Red Latan Palm Tree, Latania Palm, Latania lontaroides Fruit is brownish green, fleshy, 2-3 inches long, with a single seed inside. Water Req: Moderate. The actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height etc. It is great for growing in USDA Zones 9a (20 to 25 F) to 11 (above 40 F). Red Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania lontaroides, is a large striking fan palm that is well-known for its stunning reddish color leaf-stems. Latania lontaroides (red latan palm) Red Latan Palm. Red latan palm videos, photos and facts – Latania lontaroides | Arkive Difficulty transplanting One of the advantages of palms is that large specimens can be transplanted with ease, a large rootball not being necessary, being able to fully recover within a year or a year and a half. Blue Latan Palm Tree. The rounded crown is made up of numerous, two to three metre wide, palmate leaves, while the straight, deep-grey trunk is lined with closely packed rings where the leaf sheaths have fallen away. Scientific name: Latania lontaroides or Latania lontarodes. Skip to main More about me. Latania verschaffeltii (Yellow Latan Palm) has leaf margins, veins, and petioles which are deep orange-yellow, but within 3-5 years they all sort of turn to a grey colour. Piccabeen Palm This attractive palm is very similar to the Blue Latan Palm Tree and the Bismarck Palm Tree. While they're young, both latanias show some distinct differences: the red "latan palm" has silvery gray-green fronds with red margins and veins. Red Latan Palm Latania lontaroides. Common names: The Red Latan Palm is also known as Latania borbonica, Latania commersonii, and Latanier Rouge. Appearance: It has a single clean trunk, slightly swollen at the base. The surface of each leaf is covered with a whitish, waxy deposit, providing a silvery appearance to the palm. Flowers are followed by oval fruit. The palm tree has leathery blue-red leaves and leaves when the palms are young. 200 kms from Mauritius ). Latania lontaroides (Red Latan Palm) is Small to medium-sized palm with deeply lobed, grey-green leaf-blades, to 1.5m across, with red-purple-flushed bases and leaf-stalks. Latania verschaffeltii , yellow Latan Palm, has leaf margins, veins, and petioles which are deep orange-yellow. The Red Latan Palm Tree can also grow indoors.. Red Latan Palm … Sun and heat loving, this expressive palm is perfect for adding color and texture to a tropical landscape. Latania lontaroides (Red Latan Palm) Latania lontaroides, is a large striking fan palm that is well-known for its stunning reddish color leaf-stems. in southern California. Latania lontaroides is a slow growing palm that can grow up to 30 – 40 ft tall with 15-20 ft wide spread. Its common names include latanier de la Réunion and latanier rouge. The Red Latan Palm is also known as Latania borbonica, Latania commersonii, and Latanier Rouge. Leafstems and the leave margins always stay red. It grows best in moist well drained soil. Common names: The Red Latan Palm is also known as Latania borbonica, Latania commersonii, and Latanier Rouge. Coast Road Palms - Perths best Palm Cycad Bamboo ginger heliconia and indoor plant nursery. tamsioji latanija statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Arekinių šeimos dekoratyvinis augalas (Latania lontaroides), paplitęs Mauricijuje ir Reunjone. Scientific name: Latania lontaroides or Latania lontarodes. The Red Latan Palm Tree can also grow indoors. All species have been ranked as Endangered by the IUCN. Product Description. Discussed are origin and cultural information such as it's growth rate, cold tolerance, maintenance and other interesting notes about this palm. The trunk is grey. Maintenance: Easy. Description. Latania loddigesii , blue Latan Palm, has blue-grey leaves. The red latan palm is an attractive, medium to large, fan palm restricted to a small strip of coastline on a single island in the southern Indian Ocean. Latania lontaroides , red Latan Palm, has reddish petiole, leaf margins and veins. atitikmenys: lot. This attractive palm is very similar to the Blue Latan Palm Tree and the Bismarck Palm Tree. Red latan palm (Latania lontaroides) A spectacular fan leaf palm that displays red petioles. Coast Road Palms is a family business operating since 1987. Trunk is smooth, woody, about 10 inches in diameter, lightly ringed by the scars from the fallen fronds. Photo and where to purchase included. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Top 35 Types of Palm Trees (with Pictures), Expert Advice: How To Water Palm Trees The Right Way, 10 Ways To Protect Palm Trees From Winter Freeze, How to Plant a Palm Tree In 15 Easy Steps (with Pictures), 17 Palm Tree Insects & Diseases and How To Treat Them, How To Fertilize Palm Trees: 5 Easy Steps, Identify Over 2,500+ Types Of Palm Trees (with Pictures), 7 Tips for Minimizing Transplant Shock in Palm Trees. Cold Tolerance: The minimum temperature this palm tree can withstand when mature enough is 20F. : Latania Lontaroides, Red Latan Palm Tree : Garden & Outdoor. Exceptionally beautiful, Latania loddigesii (Blue Latan Palm) is an evergreen palm adorned with a pale gray trunk topped by a gorgeous canopy of very thick, stiff, silvery-blue, fan-shaped leaves with red margins, 8 ft. wide (240 cm). Qualified Horticulturists are on hand for friendly service and advice. Held aloft on five-foot-long petioles (150 cm), each leaf is covered with pale, wooly tomentum beneath, giving a silvery appearance to the palm. This attractive palm is very similar to Blue Latan Palm Tree and the Bismarck Palm Tree. This palm is very similar to Red Latan Palm and Bismarck Palm Tree.The Blue Latan Palm Tree can also grow indoors. This attractive palm is very similar to Blue Latan Palm and the Bismarck Palm. The Red Latan Palm Tree, scientific name Latania lontaroides, is also known as Latania borbonica, Latania commersonii, and Latanier Rouge. Once the silvery latania palms are more mature, however, you'll have a hard time telling one from the other. Perfect for adding color and turn green indoor plant nursery i live and work in Florida where have. Leaf stems precisely from Reunion Island ( approx a flowering striking Palm native to the Blue Latan Palm Latania... 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