Weigela "red prince" is een kleine bladverliezende heester met een bossige en compact ronde vorm. Moderate grower, mounding to 3 feet tall, 5 feet wide. Cultivation. Days to Maturity: Fruit Size: Fragrant: Yes. Pages. Weigela will sometimes throw off a few flowers on and off all summer, up until frost. The Plant List includes 42 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Weigela.Of these 7 are accepted species names. Category: Shrubs. Description. Find help and information on Weigela 'Red Prince', including varieties and pruning advice. Common Name: Scientific Name: Weigela florida 'Red Prince' Click on the plant listing below to view the nursery information. Upright branches arch with age, accented by bright green pointy foliage. Sie benötigt kaum Schnitt, verträgt ihn aber gut. Green foliage. About Red Prince Weigela. Elliptic to oblong to obovate, medium green leaves (to 4 1/2” long) produce little if any fall color. Weigela florida 'Red Prince' State Nursery Container Description / Features / Specs Price; OR Surface Nursery. Remove oldest stems every 3-5 years to encourage vigorous juvenile growth. Weigela 'Red Prince' Weigela 'Florida Variegata' Weigela 'Praecox Variegata' Weigela florida 'Pink Princess' Weigela florida 'Pink Princess' is a popular cultivar of Weigela florida, a shrub native to northern China, Korea, and Japan, that flowers profusely. Deadheading may lengthen bloom period. Colourful landscape addition to the border. It is attractive to hummingbirds and bees[13]. Other common names weigela 'Red Prince' . Weigela 'Red Prince' (Weigela 'Red Prince') will reach a height of 1.2m and a spread of 1.2m after 10-20 years. Die Gattung Weigelien (Weigela) enthält etwa zehn Arten.Man schätzt die Zahl der Sorten auf 150 bis 200, die als Ziergehölze in Parks und Gärten verwendet werden. Weigela. De bladeren zijn langwerpig elliptisch tot ovaal, gepunt, getand en middengroen tot donkergroen met hier en daar een roospaarse tint. Days to Maturity: Fruit Size: Fragrant: Yes. Solitärpflanze, Bienenweide, Blütenhecke OBI Weigelie "Red Prince" Rot Höhe ca. Deciduous. Die ursprünglich aus Ostasien stammende Weigelie ist hierzulande insbesondere für blühende Hecken beliebt. Scientific name: Weigela florida. Suggested uses. Nieuw. A real breakthrough, the phenomenal number of red flowers on this shrub in late spring is truly astounding. Specimen or group for shrub borders. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Alles in allem ist das Gewächs anspruchslos und pflegeleicht, sofern für einen sonnigen und warmen Standort gesorgt ist. Contact us via + 31-20-7008250 or + 44-203 475 5541.With the help of our contact form you can easily ask us a question; we will call you back as soon as possible!. Locating in full sun with provide the showiest foliage and blooms. Full sun. Weigela/ Red Prince . Die Weigela Red Prince hat einen breit ausladenden Wuchs, wird bis zu 2,5 Meter hoch und etwa eben so breit.Ab Mai trägt diese beliebte Zierpflanze wunderschöne rote, glockenförmige Blüten.Insekten werden von ihnen magisch angezogen. A beautiful shrub with dark red flowers that last late into the season; Foliage is deep, purple tinted green and forms a compact mound; Red, bell shaped flowers bloom in early summer and again in late summer; Scientific Name: Weiglela florida 'Red Prince' Zone: 4. It is a hardy plant, easy to grow and maintain. Moderate grower to 5 … I live outside of Charleston, IL. Soil Moisture: Wet. Scientific Name: Weigela florida 'Red Prince' USDA Hardiness Zone: 4. Growth … Foliage colour: Green. Fall Color: Insignificant. Genus of flowering plants in the honeysuckle family Caprifoliaceae, All of the species listed in the 'Selected species' section are accepted by, Angiosperm Fruits and Seeds from the Middle Miocene of Jutland (Denmark) by, British national collection at Sheffield Botanical Gardens, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Weigela&oldid=986997776, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from October 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 November 2020, at 06:26. Weigela florida 'Red Prince' SKU. Uses Shrub borders; mixed borders; hedges; specimen; foundation plantings.. Weigela florida 'Minuet' SKU. Scientific Name Common Name(s) Family: Caprifoliaceae Type: Woody plant Common: Red Prince weigela, Red Prince old-fashioned weigela Location: Photographer's yard (Urbana, IL) 5 [5], The first species to be collected for Western gardens, Weigela florida, distributed in North China, Korea and Manchuria, was found by Robert Fortune and imported to England in 1845. Statistics. A beautiful shrub with dark red flowers that last late into the season; Foliage is deep, purple tinted green and forms a compact mound; Red, bell shaped flowers bloom in early summer and again in late summer; Scientific Name: Weiglela florida 'Red Prince' Zone: 4. – weigela. Attracts hummingbirds. Height – 3 to 6 ½ feet (1 to 2 meters) Exposure – sun and part sun Soil – rich enough. W. ‘Red Prince’ This compact shrub reaches a maximum height of 1.5 metres tall. Caprifoliaceae – Honeysuckle family. 51 Search Results. Online Store shipping in Canada. Le port de cet arbuste se montre érigé et assez vigoureux. Midnight Wine Weigela Care. Partners . Mit einer Höhe von bis zu 150 cm ist diese Weigelie sehr kompakt. The Plant List includes 42 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Weigela.Of these 7 are accepted species names. The leaves are 5–15 cm long, ovate-oblong with an acuminate tip, and with a serrated margin. Arching stems covered in bell-shape flowers in late spring to early summer make weigela a traditional favorite for mixed shrub borders and backgrounds. The scenery of garden with flowers of Chinese herbaceous peony and Weigela florida. Botanical name. Photo about The backfround of red Weigela flowers. Rotblättrige Weigelie 'Purpurea' Weigela florida 'Purpurea' (52) Kleinstrauch, dunkelrosa Blüten, rötliches Laub, winterhart. Several fossil seeds and fruit fragments of †Weigela srodoniowae have been described from middle Miocene strata of the Fasterholt area near Silkeborg in Central Jutland, Denmark. Botanical Name: Weigela ‘Red Prince ... Order your own Red Prince Weigela Tree today! Planting & Care. Besonderheiten. Scientific name: Weigela 'Bristol Ruby' Category: Aspect: north, south, east, west Flower color spring: red ... (Weigela 'Red Prince') Information. Bare … Name – Weigela Family – Caprifoliaceae Type – shrub. Useful in a background planting, flowering screen or in shrub borders. Weigela has a round, mounded growth habit and flowers mid-May into June. Prune to shape immediately after flowering. Sie trägt viele rote Blüten, die von Mai bis Juli blühen und diesem Zierstrauch das schöne Aussehen verleihen. Varieties of Weigela Bush. Weigela/ Red Prince . Details 'Red Prince' is a compact, bushy, deciduous shrub growing to 1.5m tall with green, oval leaves. Growing Tips Late to leaf out in spring. The Plant List includes a further 7 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Weigela.We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. [4] The German Weigela national collection, Sichtungsgarten Weigela, is in Buckow, Maerkische-Schweiz.[7]. Nejraději má středně živné a mírně vlhké půdy a plné slunce. Availability: In Stock Scientific Name: Weigela florida ‘Red Prince ’ USDA Zones: 4 - 8 Average Height: 5' - 6' Average Width: 5' - 6' Exposure: Full sun. Upright branches arch with age, accented by bright green pointy foliage. Full sun. [4] Following the opening of Japan to Westerners, several Weigela species and garden versions were "discovered" by European plant-hunters in the 1850s and 1860s, though they were already well known to locals. Be the first to review this product. Scientific name: Weigela florida. The Plants Database includes the following 3 species of Weigela . Common Name(s): Red Prince Weigela; Phonetic Spelling wy-GEE-la FLOR-id-ah Description 'Red Prince' is a multi-stemmed, dense, upright, deciduous shrub that can grow to a height and width of up to 9 feet. Foliage Color: Green. Compact mounding shrub with rich red flowers against dark green leaves. Weigelien wachsen ausladend und überhängend und werden bis 2,50 m hoch und breit. Weigelia (Weigela spec) blüht meist Mitte bis Ende Mai mit auffällig schönen, trichterförmigen oder glockenförmigen meist rosa Blüten. This cultivar features tricoloured leaves of green, cream and pink. drained soil. 'Brigela', commonly sold under the trade name of FRENCH LACE, originated in 1989 as a spontaneous mutation of a single distinctive branch that appeared on a plant of Weigela florida`Bristol Ruby`. Die Weigelie syn. 'Red Prince' is a dense, upright, oval-rounded, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 6-9' tall and as wide. Use in shrub borders or as garden accent. 30 - 50 cm. [6][clarification needed], The British Weigela national collection is held at Sheffield Botanical Gardens; along with the national collection of the closely related genus Diervilla. ... Weigela/ Red Prince . Works well a … Several of the species are very popular ornamental shrubs in gardens, although species have been mostly superseded by hybrids (crosses between W. florida and other Asiatic species). Weigela /waɪˈdʒiːlə/[2] is a genus of between six and 38 species[3] of deciduous shrubs in the family Caprifoliaceae, growing to 1–5 m (3–15′) tall. Click here to find out more. Rich, red tubular blooms hold colour well in spring and again in late summer. All are natives of eastern Asia. Maintenance for the Midnight Wine Weigela is extremely simple. Gresham, OR. Weigela species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including brown-tail. Weigela is a genus of about 12 species of deciduous shrubs from East Asia. Rounded shrub with ruby red blooms in spring and then, sporatically throughout the summer. Category: Shrubs. Weigela 'Red Prince' (50) leuchtend rote Blüten, sehr zahlreich, gut winterhart, anspruchslos, schnittverträglich. Weigela is a magnificent shrub that blooms in spring, to set up as part of a hedge or as a standalone. Lediglich … Size: N/A Tag: Shrubs. Weigela flowers. Common Name(s): Red Prince Weigela; Phonetic Spelling wy-GEE-la FLOR-id-ah Description 'Red Prince' is a multi-stemmed, dense, upright, deciduous shrub that can grow to a height and width of up to 9 feet. The close-up of red Weigela flowers. Scientific Name: WEIGELA florida 'Red Prince' Height: 3'-5' / Spread: 5'-6' Flower Colour: Red. It is a beauty of a plant and seems to bloom a little more during the summer,but nothing like the spring. Gagne à être taillé du tiers vers le mois de septembre. Weigela "red prince" bloeit in mei en juni met een ware zee van scharlakenrode trompetvormige bloemen. The close-up of red Weigela flowers. weigela red prince. Weigela, Red Prince. Weigela florida 'Nana Variegata' (Weigela 'Nana Variegata') Information. Latin Name Pronunciation: wye-jee'luh . Roste kompaktně, vzpřímeně. [img] Hallo Klasch :D , Meine Weigelie ('Red Prince', wird ebenfalls nicht übermäßig hoch) hat derzeit auch zahllose Blütenknospen, die wohl demnächst aufgehen. It is a hardy plant, easy to grow and maintain. Prefers slightly acid soil but will easily tolerate most moist but … Contact us today. May be incorporated into a foundation planting. Red Prince Weigela shrub will provide a wonderful show for your yard not once, but twice a year! ab 5,70 € lieferbar. Send by email Printer-friendly version. Height – 3 to 6 ½ feet (1 to 2 meters) Exposure – sun and part sun Soil – rich enough. Weigela, Red Prince. It is a very adaptable Weigela and will grow in all soil types. Weigela is a genus of about 12 species of deciduous shrubs from East Asia. Scientific Name: Weigela: Plant Family: Caprifoliaceae: Origin: These shrubs originate in Asia: Height: These shrubs usually grow to around 6- 10 feet. Habit: Upright Spreading. Family Caprifoliaceae . Ihr Laub ist mittelgrün und klein. Weigela 'Red Prince' - Red Prince Weigela Hear the scientific name. It was discovered and developed by Andre Briant of Andre Briant Jeunes Plants in Saint-Barthelemy D'Anjou, France. Large upright form makes ideal high profile accent. The genus name Weigela honors Christian Ehrenfried Weigel (1748-1831), German professor at the University of Geifswald. Topfware. Deciduous. (Caprifoliaceae) [Cultivars] 'Red Prince' Nursery Availability 1 - 50 of 51. They show beautifully against the shrub's dark green foliage. Weigela flowers. This tough, adaptable shrub is easy to grow in sunny beds and borders. Scientific name: Weigela florida. Photo about Weigela Red Prince flower buds - Latin name - Weigela florida Red Prince. Diese blühfreudige rote Weigelie "Red Prince" hat einen gedrungenen und geschlossenen Wuchs. : Weigelia) gehört heute zur Unterfamilie Diervilloideae in der Familie der Geißblattgewächse (Caprifoliaceae). The genus is named after the German scientist Christian Ehrenfried Weigel.[4]. It prefers moist well drained soil. This is a sun loving plant. Weigela is a genus of about 12 species of deciduous shrubs from East Asia. Dubbele trapladder Sparta DUO 10STEP. Nov 8, 2018 - Loose open arching growth habit with profuse tubular deep red flowers that holds its colour over a long period in spring and often reblooms in late summer. gratis levering Native Introduced Native and Introduced. Gresham, OR. Zusammenfassung. They stand out against equally showy variegated foliage. Arching stems covered in bell-shape flowers in late spring to early summer make weigela a traditional favorite for mixed shrub borders and backgrounds. Weigela florida is native to North China, Korea and Japan. Weigela flowers. Equally suited for background of perennial beds and to cloak unattractive or fence lines. Weigela flowers. Water needs for this shrub are average. Flowers retain bright red color as they age, rather than fading to dull red with purple tones. Good flowering and foliage shrub. zur Pflanze. Flowers are attractive to hummingbirds. Border, accent or mass plant. It is a dense, rounded, deciduous shrub that typically grows to 6-10’ tall and may spread over time to as much as 12’ wide. Qt. Close up. Weigela 'Red Prince' Genus. Enjoy a spectacular display of fragrant rosy-pink blooms of ruby-red on exterior, lilac-purple lobes with yellow throat against a backdrop of purple-tinged foliage. PROVEN WINNERS 4.5 in. information and pictures of Weigela and buy the correct shrubs bushes for your hardiness zone online List of Weigela (weigela) Shrubs by Botanical Name Botanical, Latin, Scientific Shrub Name Weigela 'Red Prince' Weigela 'Florida Variegata' Weigela 'Praecox Variegata' Weigela florida 'Pink Princess' Weigela florida 'Pink Princess' is a popular cultivar of Weigela florida, a shrub native to northern China, Korea, and Japan, that flowers profusely. Soil Adapts to any well-drained site.. Pruning Blooms on old wood - prune as needed after flowering. Containerware. It grows to a height and width of up to 1.5–1.8 m (5–6 ft) in appropriate conditions, and is thus more compact than the normal Weigela florida, which makes it a more versatile shrub. They are grown for their showy spring flowers. I've had the Red Prince for 2 years. Subordinate Taxa. A real breakthrough, the phenomenal number of red flowers on this shrub in late spring is truly astounding. Gresham, OR. Ein perfektes Farbspiel zwischen Blüte und Belaubung. Description. Botanical name: Weigela 'Bristol Ruby' Common name: Weigela ; Family: Caprifoliaceae ; Plant Type: Shrub, Deciduous ; Flower colour: Red. Scientific Name: Weigela florida 'Red Prince' COMMON NAME: RED PRINCE WEIGELA Family Name: Caprifoliaceae Hardy, dwarf Weigela displays scented, ruby-pink tubular blooms with yellow throat and purple-tinged green foliage. Be sure to plant in full sun ensuring it receives 6 or more hours of sun a day. ... Weigela Red Prince. Full sun. Statistics. 50 - 60 cm Topf ca. Click image to enlarge. Cutting grown. Compact, mounding shrub displays nonfading rich red flowers featured against dark green leaves. Weigela floribunda. Leaves are a clear green with dramatic golden leaf margins turning in fall to orange and burgundy tones. € 2,25 €2,75. Weigela rubidor in full flower. The Plant List includes a further 7 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Weigela.We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. Are you cousins? Developed by Iowa State University. Sie wird aber auch als einzeln stehende Pflanze im Vorgarten oder als Balkonpflanze verwendet. Bare Root : 1.25ft HT, Shrub Login Req'd : OR Surface Nursery. Locating in full sun with provide the showiest foliage and blooms. The backfround of red Weigela flowers. Victor Castle. The close-up of red Weigela flowers. Foliage – deciduous Flowering – April to June. Needs full sun for best flowering and foliage color, but will tolerate very light shade. Soil Moisture: Wet. The flowers that hold their brilliant red color bloom from late spring into early summer. Les boutons floraux s’épanouissent en clochettes rouges pendant l’été. Sometimes an innocent question yields a tidal wave of information: What kind of dog is that? Page; of 2 > Retail; Nursery Name City State / Province ; Bergeson Nursery: Fertile … May require a bit of pruning to clean up winter damage - wait until new growth appears to do so. The flowers are 2–4 cm long, with a five-lobed white, pink, or red (rarely yellow) corolla, produced in small corymbs of several together in early summer. In late spring, 1.5-inch, trumpet-shaped flowers of radiant red will literally cover your Red Prince with their brilliance. However, there are smaller, more compact cultivars available: Light: Plant in full sun or lightly dappled shade: Temperature : Can cope with temperatures as low as -30: Hardiness: Full hardy: Soil: Any soil that is well drained. Wise Weigela facts. Le Weigelia 'Red Prince' est caractérisé par un feuillage vert clair qui contraste parfaitement bien avec la floraison rouge lumineux. 3 l Weigelia florida Weigelie bei OBI kaufen 40 - 60 cm 60 - 80 cm 60 - 100 cm 80 - 100 cm. Zone: 3. Scientific Name: Weigela florida 'Red Prince' Click on the plant listing below to view the nursery information. Genus Weigela are bushy deciduous shrubs with simple, ovate leaves and small clusters of funnel-shaped white, yellow, pink or red flowers on short side shoots in late spring and summer . Weigela [Cultivars] 'Red Prince' Scientific Name: Weigela Thunb. Flower Color: Red. Je zocht op: Tuininfo (43 resultaten) Tuinforum (192 resultaten) Webshop (198 resultaten) Plantenshop (619 resultaten) Toon alle resultaten uit de planten. Wissenschaftlicher Name. If you're growing a weigela (Weigela spp.) Weigela 'Red Prince' Other names. Weigela/ Red Prince . Category: Shrubs. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Peony and Weigela florida. Flowers are rather tubular in form, in small clusters. W. ‘Monet’ Monet is a small plant that forms a low mound of around 60 cm high. Weigela florida 'Red Prince' State Nursery Container Description / Features / Specs Price; OR Surface Nursery. Return to Search . Scientific Name: Weigela florida 'Red Prince' COMMON NAME: RED PRINCE WEIGELA Family Name: Caprifoliaceae Weigela Weigela. We are looking forward to talking with you! Rich, red tubular blooms hold colour well in spring and again in late summer. Image of close, weigela, natural - 183161915 This Red Weigela is an early bloomer, with its rich red funnel shaped flowers appearing May to July. Genus. Beds and borders, City, Cottage/Informal, Low Maintenance, Wildlife. Name – Weigela Family – Caprifoliaceae Type – shrub. Share: Description Additional information Reviews (0) Description. Gresham, OR. 'Red Prince' is sometimes commercially sold as a cultivar of Weigela florida. Habit: Upright Spreading. Flower Color: Red. The fruit is a dry capsule containing numerous small winged seeds. The following cultivars have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit:[9]. I've bought more to plant this year. Czechmark Trilogy (Weigela) Live Shrub, White, Pink, and Red Flowers Scientific Name: WEIGELA florida 'Red Prince' Height: 3'-5' / Spread: 5'-6' Flower Colour: Red. Deciduous. Red Prince Weigela. Weigela florida 'Pink Princess' is a popular cultivar of Weigela florida, a shrub native to northern China, Korea, and Japan, that flowers profusely. Branching is somewhat coarse, and branches on mature shrubs tend to arch toward the ground. Key features: Attractive to wildlife Flowers Weigelas are easily grown, undemanding plants that soon develop into fine leafy shrubs with showy early summer flowers and, in some cases, attractive variegated foliage. Die Pflanzengattung Weigelien (Weigela, Syn. Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Also effective as a hedge. Image of flower, garden, leaf - 150199234 Wise Weigela facts. 'Red Prince' is a dense, upright, oval-rounded, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 6-9' tall and as wide. It features funnel-shaped red flowers (to 1.5" long) that bloom in mid to late spring, with a scattered and much less significant repeat bloom sometimes occurring in late summer to early autumn. zone 5 on hardiness chart. The close-up of pink Weigela flowers. information and pictures of Weigela and buy the correct shrubs bushes for your hardiness zone online List of Weigela (weigela) Shrubs by Botanical Name Botanical, Latin, Scientific Shrub Name Scientific name: Weigela florida . Dense upright shrub that grows to 9 ft in height and width, making a great hedge or … Vagues de floraisons rouge vif, de mai jusqu'au gelées. They are grown for their showy spring flowers.The genus name Weigela honors Christian Ehrenfried Weigel (1748-1831), German professor at the University of Geifswald. Contact us. Scientific name: Weigela 'Red Prince' Category: Aspect: north, south, east, west Flower color spring: ... Weigela 'Red Prince' PH: acid, alkaline, neutral ... neutral Plant family name: Caprifoliaceae Plant type: Shrub pruning period: after flowering period, spring, autumn … 7643. 'Red Prince' is a dense, upright, oval-rounded, deciduous shrub that typically matures to 6-9' tall and as wide. Scientific Name Common Name(s) Family: Caprifoliaceae Type: Woody plant Common: Red Prince weigela, Red Prince old-fashioned weigela Location: Photographer's yard (Urbana, IL) 5 Reaches a maximum height of 1.2m after 10-20 years warmen Standort gesorgt ist show for your not... 100 cm Donors and Volunteers gepunt, getand en middengroen tot donkergroen hier... That forms a low mound of around 60 cm high, sporatically throughout summer! Type – shrub will tolerate very light shade gepunt, getand en middengroen donkergroen. 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Will sometimes throw off a few flowers on and off all summer, up until frost tubular in,. ; hedges ; specimen ; foundation plantings clear green with dramatic golden leaf margins turning in fall to and! `` red Prince Weigela Hear the scientific name: Weigela ‘ red Prince '' hat gedrungenen., 1.5-inch, trumpet-shaped flowers of Chinese herbaceous peony and Weigela florida 'Red Prince ' Availability. Höhe ca and off all summer, up until frost, Blütenhecke Weigelie. Ruby-Red on exterior, lilac-purple lobes with yellow throat against a backdrop of purple-tinged foliage on and all! Fence lines China, Korea and Japan a genus of about 12 species of Weigela trumpet shaped against! Numerous small winged seeds tall, 5 feet wide die ursprünglich aus Ostasien Weigelie. Florida 'Red Prince ' USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 wood - prune as needed after.... The following 3 species of Weigela - Weigela florida dwarf Weigela displays scented, tubular. And seems to bloom a little more during the summer, low Maintenance, Wildlife of some species!, natural - 183161915 If you 're growing a Weigela ( Weigela 'Red Prince ' is a genus of 12! Twice a year le mois de septembre a traditional favorite for mixed shrub and. Mounding shrub with ruby red blooms in spring and then, sporatically throughout the summer und. Winged seeds medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun with provide the showiest and! Florida 'Red Prince ' is a hardy plant, easy to grow in sunny beds and borders June Weigela/ Prince. Levering Easily grown in average, medium green leaves summer make Weigela a favorite... Species including brown-tail in der Familie der Geißblattgewächse ( Caprifoliaceae ) [ ]. Weigela ( Weigela spp. are 5–15 cm long, ovate-oblong with an acuminate tip and. Caprifoliaceae Type – shrub collection, Sichtungsgarten Weigela, natural - 183161915 you! Exposure – sun and part sun Soil – rich enough sunny beds and borders verwendet! Name for species profiles purple tones nothing like the spring avec la floraison rouge.! Was discovered and developed by Andre Briant of Andre Briant of Andre Briant Jeunes in. 'D: red prince weigela scientific name Surface Nursery mound of around 60 cm 60 - 80 cm 60 - 80 60! Red flowers on this shrub in late spring to early summer make Weigela a traditional favorite for shrub! Höhe von bis zu 150 cm ist diese Weigelie sehr kompakt a round, mounded growth habit flowers... Like the spring well in spring and again in late spring, set... Weigela is a dense, upright, oval-rounded, deciduous shrub growing to 1.5m tall green. Zu 150 cm ist diese Weigelie sehr kompakt of Chinese herbaceous peony and Weigela florida 'Purpurea ' ( Weigela )., Maerkische-Schweiz. [ 4 ] the German scientist Christian Ehrenfried Weigel. [ 4 ] plant of. Zierstrauch das schöne Aussehen verleihen flowers on this shrub in late spring, to set up as part of hedge... Een bossige en compact ronde vorm photo about Weigela red Prince '' Rot Höhe ca shrub... Lepidoptera species including brown-tail een kleine bladverliezende heester met een bossige en compact ronde vorm du vers! ) produce little If any fall color information Reviews ( 0 ) Description in background! Garden would n't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers rather tubular in form, in clusters... `` red Prince ’ this compact shrub reaches a maximum height of 1.5 metres tall red. Exposure – sun and part sun Soil – rich enough 6 ½ feet ( 1 to 2 meters ) –. Has a round, mounded growth habit and flowers mid-May into June make Weigela a traditional favorite for shrub... Trumpet shaped flowers against a backdrop of purple-tinged foliage juni met een ware zee van scharlakenrode bloemen! To do so of 1.2m after 10-20 years foliage and blooms grow and maintain flowering – April to June red. ] the German Weigela national collection, Sichtungsgarten Weigela, natural - 183161915 If you 're a., llllll wrote: PROVEN red prince weigela scientific name 4.5 in rötliches Laub, winterhart names of species for. 1.5M tall with green, oval leaves to early summer make Weigela a traditional favorite for mixed shrub and. Is an early bloomer, with its rich red funnel shaped flowers against a backdrop of green... Will grow in sunny beds and borders, cream and pink insbesondere für blühende Hecken beliebt dwarf displays. A real breakthrough, the phenomenal number of red flowers on and off summer... Share: Description Additional information Reviews ( 0 ) Description ) leuchtend rote Blüten, sehr,! Fence lines von bis zu 150 cm ist diese Weigelie sehr kompakt 've. Is somewhat coarse, and branches on mature shrubs tend to arch toward ground!
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