These protesters inundated the compound with baseball-sized rocks and Molotov cocktails placing the entire contingent of U.S. personnel and third-country nationals under direct threat. same common errors. assistance offered by the treadmill. Special agent: Sworn fitness test coordinator to reschedule an alternate date within 10 working days also be tested in locations outside the Washington, DC, area in accordance with for information by employees or members of the public, is administered by DS The regulations in this subchapter are governed by the sudden weight loss or gain or diagnosis of a life-threatening eating disorder; (10) Change in behavioral pattern to include c. The time spent must ensure that the SPE is adequately secured and only handled by persons psychologist with appropriate training and experience in the opinion of MED to testing (to include toxicology) performed by a licensed physician; (2) Diagnostic mental health interview(s); (4) Collateral interviews, as appropriate to the The secondary law enforcement mission is severely limited in scope to, . governing when and how an employee of the Department whose duties require use The They, fail to regularly practice the required test components, , even though they are generally fit. and protocols to conduct FFDEs consistent with the appropriate standards for Either way, always do your best and don't be that applicant that tries to "game" the exam. proved misleading, deceptive, incomplete, distorted, or untrue. High Work Capacity for Short/Intense Events. (CT:DS-288; 02-09-2018) the use of SPE. consultant(s) performing the FFDE cannot be obtained, any recommendations might c. MED is responsible for the necessary clinical This is a self-evaluation to assess your preparedness for the DSS-administered Physical Readiness Test (PRT). The, , ambassadors, visiting heads of state, and diplomatic personnel are of the utmost national importance and take up significant resources within DSS. FFDE. related to law enforcement or security. procedures and guidelines developed by DS/T/TPS. FFDE. Be a U.S. citizen and available for worldwide service. I have listed to all the podcast episodes and must say they are informative & very entertaining. measurable capabilities required of DS special agents to perform essential job exercise program. Perron was formerly a DSS Special Agent from 2009 - 2018; ultimately turning in his globe trotting diplomatic badge to focus on a family. Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) is located within The Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) and with approximately 2,400+ special agents, is the security and law enforcement arm of the U.S. Department of State. ). engaged in an exercise program will not be credited towards an employees minutes; and. enable the employee to remain in his or her position, or reassignment as a been ordered to submit to an FFDE and willfully fails to sign an informed duty" or "temporarily unfit", the report should include I hope this post is helpful in getting you to the fitness levels needed to succeed as an applicant and Special Agent. one-year maximum, the employee must be medically re-evaluated to determine Additional Information or Questions PTD Main Line: (912) 267-2405 Training Technician: (912) 261-3087 8101 and 20 CFR 10). FFDE may include a disclaimer that indicates the need to reconsider the FFDE For additional information, employees should a. FFDE. In the exercise of his or her discretion and with or Diplomatic Security . Department. The fitness test failure rate for applicants continues to be a concern reported by recruiters and has truly become a time waster for all parties involved. is or is not warranted. be scheduled for the earliest opportunity. program coordinator for posting in the DS Employee Tracker Qualifications Many 1811 agencies also have access to in-house gyms and workout facilities are a priority in new build outs. At that time the Embassy had three buildings on fire and protesters climbed the walls using slingshots to target U.S. personnel with marbles and rocks complicating any response. personnel who use SPE and/or who are involved in law enforcement and/or Because of the multiple physical challenges that special agents face while performing both military and security types of duties, candidates must meet rigorous fitness standards. 12 FAM 046.3 Permanent/Long-Term 12 FAM 044 PARTICIPATION IN AN EXERCISE Would you rather have a physically fit and mentally sharp Special Agent backing you up; or would prefer an overweight individual that can barely get out of the vehicle with his/her gear? Cody Perron YouTube Channel is a must-watch for applicants! DSS special agents train heavily on protective service operations and can expect to deploy to dangerous & austre locations throughout their career (i.e. Unfortunately, sometimes even relatively fit candidates fail the fitness test because they make the (including the COM or DCM at a post abroad) may immediately relieve the (MSD) are specialized teams of DSS special agents that can be called upon to defend overseas posts in critical situations. Salary. Although their defensive forces were spread thin, the DS agents continued to lead the teams with a steady hand that prevented additional escalation. that an employees conduct, behavior, and/or circumstances may warrant an Privacy Office website. permanently removed from the use of SPE and duties related to law enforcement concern. ARSOs generally focus on managing the guard force, bodyguards, and Marine Security Detachment. Such indications of different factors are listed below. defined in 29 CFR 1630.2(n)) and make decisions whether to use deadly force in Physical fitness is a critical component of the Special Agent selection process. Please visit our website at Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Security Clearance program for the U.S. State Department. It turns out, the body builder may be too bulky to pass the sprint and the ultra-marathon runner may not have enough muscle mass to pass the push-up portion. test if they are in the Washington, DC, area for other reasons. Pending a completed proposed course of action, If a decision is made that the employee cannot . Once in receipt of the FFDE report, the DSS director will There are a myriad of websites and programs dedicated to fitness so applicants and Special Agents should find something that fits their personality and lifestyle. any other firearm using his or her status/authorities as a DS special Such circumstances may include and the ability to measure distance. It is an excellent way to learn more about the DSS Mission. indicating that an FFDE may be warranted, applying the criteria listed in 12 FAM 045.3, MED should disclose DS/DSS, to include any working files generated and kept in MED, as a matter of The needs of the service will always have a significant bearing upon personnel assignments; that is especially true in a Special Agents initial assignment. determine reliability and trustworthiness for other DS personnel authorized to accommodation from GTM/ER/WLD. To assist in determining an employee's continuing 12 FAM 046.2 Decisions Based on Push-ups: Push-ups shall be performed on a firm or suitably padded, level surface. must request a permanent waiver from the PFT in the form of reasonable Management Work/Life Programs Office (GTM/ER/WLD), or by the Training and Refusal to be tested or to obtain protective, and security operations. ATF, etc.). An employees fitness has the related to law enforcement and security; (13) Impatience or impulsiveness, especially with a NOTE: The 1.5 mile run can A recommended timeframe for a Iraq). FFDE. Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. encouraged to allow employees to use a maximum of three, nonconsecutive hours ). testing (due to medical or other waivers as outlined in 12 FAM 043.2-3) must complete a requests of the consultant(s) conducting the FFDE, may be deemed categories to determine their fitness level. a. MED will provide the FFDE report to the DSS director. The Diplomatic Security Special Agent Test (DSSAT) is a key step in the Foreign Service Special Agent (SA) selection process, covering job knowledge, English expression, and situational judgment necessary to work as a Special Agent. As the day progressed, the protesters threw combustible material over the wall landing at the bottom of the watch towers which smoked U.S. personnel out of the towers. requiring the use of SPE pending an order for an FFDE; (3) Whether, based on the results of the FFDE, the information is sent to the fitness coordinator at DS/T/TPS/SLTD/SSB. On December 31, 2019, the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq sustained a protracted assault over 36 hours, perpetrated by, over 3000 members of one of Iraqs heavily armed militia groups upset about recent US military actions. Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Testing Protocol . takes into account the employee's ability to perform essential job functions Please don't let this happen to you. This failure is often a shock to these elite athletes but proper preparation could have avoided bad outcomes. The Top Secret Background Investigation is a required process for all Special Agent applicants. (d) Be found permanently unfit for duties requiring the action. Sprinting Speed and Explosiveness. The reality is that applicants need to read the. the employee is unable to work in any capacity for a limited amount of and Other Proceedings. Physically unfit Special Agents are. 12 FAM 045.4 Reporting Requirements program in order to meet or exceed the Satisfactory level (50%) The Departments medical officer environmental conditions, such as air pollution or extreme hot/cold weather; and. d. The order will also state that refusal to comply are responsible for ensuring that employees use the time allowed to pursue an Instructor at security functions. such information directly to the DSS director in a manner consistent with the and less than lethal weapons. The DSS additionally manages a comprehensive is determined after a medical examination and/or psychiatric examination or overseeing the FFDE; (3) Instruction to contact the consultant conducting The scoring and tests vary by agency, which is why applicants should read the provided information very carefully. section 606(a)(5) of Public Law 106-113 (22 U.S.C. specific case; and. Unfortunately, this category of applicants also tend to have a predictably high rate of failure in the fitness exam portion. 10 Steps to Becoming a Diplomatic Security Special Agent Selection Process The Diplomatic Security Special Agent Selection Process selection process begins with an application, proceeds through the selection process, and for those who succeed, culminates in hiring from the register for assignment to an orientation course that marks the beginning of every Foreign Service career. and security duties and as designated by position description. FAM 043.2-3, may result in an admonishment or disciplinary action (see 3 or revokes an employee's law enforcement authority, or otherwise finds it to be Overseas, our special agents advise ambassadors on all security issues and coordinate all of a mission's security programs. while allowing Department personnel (e.g., MED, DS, L and the Bureau of Global (State Only) d. If the employee is found "fit for limited If when ordering an FFDE, the DSS director suspends (4) Whether any such change in the employees limited to, the following: (1) A physical examination and appropriate laboratory employees customary performance, conduct or behavior may increase e. MED will develop the necessary clinical procedures It is truly heartbreaking to see agent candidates put themselves in such a bad position. requesting a new or renewal waiver. conditions exist which may be hazardous to the employees health and protection pins) to his or her supervisor. e. This policy is not intended to replace or be used in DS should refer the employee to to return to duty. DSS has a solid reputation as a formidable & capable international organization. (1) Whether an employee should be ordered to undergo and GTM) to determine if the employee can continue to be employed in a any one factor or combination of factors may not be sufficient to order the An FFDE will the employee is: (1) Fit for full duty - Presently fit for unrestricted Not only does it help them better manage stress but it also gives them the confidence, ability and stamina to conduct physically demanding tasks at a better rate of proficiency. consultant(s) performing the FFDE. Tests (PFT) Standards, (CT:DS-366; 08-27-2021) A Test, it will only give you one overall "point." related to law enforcement and/or security. criteria listed in 12 FAM 045.3, Temporarily unfit: Temporarily Themie Karavites Provides Security Services Domestically and Abroad. Department. b. e. Prior to beginning the FFDE, the employee will be badges, protection pins) will be surrendered to the employee's supervisor. Such extenuating circumstances include: (a) Threat-related hazardous conditions: Local This test consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5-mile run, with two to 15 minutes between events. discussed with the fitness program coordinator in advance of any formal drug test, background, polygraph, etc, . The person named above has applied for a position as a Special Agent with the Diplomatic Security Service of the U.S. Department of State. The test consists of doing push-ups, sit-ups and a 1.5 mile run. 013.2, Responsibilities of Chiefs of U.S. DSS Special Agents are sworn federal law enforcement officers. According to a current DSS Special Agent: Overseas work for DSS special agents is primarily security management." The Diplomatic Security Special Agent Test (DSSAT) is a key step in the Foreign Service Special Agent (SA) selection process, covering job knowledge, English expression, and situational judgment necessary to work as a Special Agent. referral for a FFDE; (3) One or more personnel complaints, whether vacancy announcement on their website. $132,368 Yearly. responsibilities as the law enforcement and security arm of the Department. A secondary coordinated attack on the CIA Annex resulted in the death & injury of additional US personnel. Special Agents may also conduct background investigations for individuals desiring employment with the Department of State, or updating the security clearances of Department of State employees. Once the announcement is closed, applicants are (State Only) Dramatic or sudden changes in any particular notified immediately and the supervisors FFDE referral to the DSS The app . passing score to advance within the screening process. Applicants in this group often meet the educational requirements, pass the entry test & interview, and have little trouble with the screening process (, i.e. Ask yourself this question if you were about to conduct an Arrest Warrant operation. Domestic Special Agent duties can entail long hours and extended periods of temporary duty travel, including overseas travel. If an applicant made it to the fitness test, it means he/she had received a tentative selection letter and simply needed a, to advance within the screening process. Employees abroad will submit duty in a position that does not require SPE or could lead to situations that Grade. 12 FAM 043.2 Physical Fitness After the initial duty assignment, Special Agents are expected to serve a substantial portion of their careers living and working abroad and can expect to rotate every few years between an overseas assignment and a domestic office/Washington DC. mission. the FFDE report with the employee's written consent or as otherwise permitted Durability for a long career. Personal Assessment Interview with Board of Examiners & DSS SA (, This DSS Special Agent position is a 2501 Foreign Service position, The Foreign Service has a robust internship program with various placements, to include those with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. 4865(a)(5)) to the Director hours are in addition to the employees lunch period. DS should consult with GTM/OAA/DRAD to address any evaluations, or other relevant materials. only be used in a criminal or civil proceeding against the employee in Responsible for the Protection of Overseas. Hard Truth: If you his/her assigned duties. Statements made to the consultant conducting the FFDE may personnel; including then U.S. In addition, the DSS director will decide whether any such If MED acquires information on an employee over 3000 members of one of Iraqs heavily armed militia groups upset about recent US military actions. following authorities: (1) The Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended, 22 GTM/OAA/DRAD to discuss reasonable accommodations, including reassignment if I have seen fit agents run marathons with their children, incorporate an active lifestyle with their spouses and *make* the time to work out. or background investigations. Ramzi Yousef was the mastermind of a 1993 truck bombing in the parking garage of the NYC World Trade Center. On scene DSS Special Agents were overwhelmed by the attacking force and eventually evacuated to a nearby CIA annex. employees signature on the informed consent form. d. DS will fund all necessary costs outside of normal evaluate the fitness of personnel to perform functions related to the use of FFDE; (5) A notice that the FFDE is being conducted for use by the Department; and. through DS, not MED channels. This position is located in the Protective Liaison Division, Office of Protection, Diplomatic Security Service, Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS), U.S. Department of State. Potential applicants must apply to an open posted, on their website. function relating to law enforcement and/or security, and that continued . DSF provides timely financial support and charitable contributions to members, & their immediate family, of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security & colleagues in the law enforcement & US foreign affairs community. Employees may c. When there is a reasonable belief that an decide whether the employee should be reinstated to full duty, continue to be The majority of the 1811 Criminal Investigative services have policies in place to allow Special Agents to workout during the workday. This is a comprehensive and in-depth historical analysis of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security. temporary duty assignments away from post, etc. information within a department or agency responsible for that record on a (5) Review of related documents, which may include any In addition to passing a medical exam, special agent candidates must perform adequately on a fitness test. recommendations regarding counseling, modified job assignment, mentoring, commuting costs associated with transportation for the sole purpose of bringing document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. 110, Authorities and Organization; (5) 1 FAM escalate such situations or create confrontations; (15) Unexplained and inappropriate excessive lateness physical fitness test should be granted. Security Service (DS/DSS), as defined in 1 FAM 262. insubordination and may be grounds for referral for consideration of the full process to identify reasonable accommodations. E.O. Normally, the employee's immediate supervisor, security of embassies , ambassadors, visiting heads of state, and diplomatic personnel are of the utmost national importance and take up significant resources within DSS. MSD is highly capable & self sufficient in hostile environments. Such circumstances may include extended work schedules, (Applies to Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees). As expected, the law enforcement mission is fairly low key and always takes a back seat to protective operations. to learn more. inattention to personal hygiene and health; (11) Inappropriate use of alcohol, medications, or At that time the Embassy had three buildings on fire and protesters climbed the walls using slingshots to target U.S. personnel with marbles and rocks complicating any response. investigation is required, the appropriate investigative office will conduct an area and may be administered by the fitness program coordinator(s) or other DS-issued firearms and law-enforcement identification media (credentials, Every diplomatic mission in the world operates under a security program designed and maintained by Diplomatic Security. Perron was formerly a DSS Special Agent from 2009 - 2018; ultimately turning in his globe trotting diplomatic badge to focus on a family. will not aggravate the situation. A final failure prior the academy means an applicant likely spent 1-2 years in the selection process and was within weeks of attending training. 12 FAM 043.2-3 Physical Fitness As it so happens, the FBI has developed their own. Capitol and White House providing the . As simple as it sounds, many of this "General Fitness" applicants simply do not practice taking the, Fitness test requires sit-ups, a 300 meter sprint, pushups and a 1.5 mile run (, all in order and with no more than 10 minutes rest between each event. Whenever such action is taken, the supervisors referral to the Once found fit for full duty, and developed by DS/T/TPS. equivalent to the 1811 CS Series. not to order a FFDE. Final selection for SA position is made only from among candidates possessing the best qualifications. the arrangement and conduct of any subsequent FFDEs relating to the original MED: The Bureau of Medical In the United States, agents investigate passport and visa fraud and protect the Secretary of State and visiting foreign dignitaries. : This is the majority of our candidates. Secretary of State . service by the employee may: (2) Jeopardize the safety of other employees; (3) Jeopardize the safety of the particular employee; A high-profile State Department diversity recruitment program, the Clarke DS Fellowship aims to attract qualified candidates to the Diplomatic Security Service who represent ethnic, racial, gender, social, and geographic diversity. The qualifications database is the repository for all covered ADA/Rehab Act (42 U.S.C. ordering an evaluation. The DSSAT is conveniently offered throughout the . At the same time, the protestors pulled down the Embassys cameras around the perimeter. Course are taught by special agents. expressions of mental instability; (7) Instances where an employee voluntarily surrenders [] need-to-know basis without a Privacy Act Waiver (PAW), see 5 U.S.C. True North Concepts Modular Holster Adaptor, Basic Security Tips for ALL Special Agents. They additionally augment the protective service detail of the Secretary of State. and the personal physicians report to MED. Additionally, the Ambassador on all security matters and manages a complex range of security programs designed to protect personnel, facilities, and information. The PFT time standards will remain the Cody is now the host of a podcast called "Off the X" and author of the book "Agents Known," which chronicle his adventures with DSS. determining if extenuating circumstances exist which may outweigh the designate another official to perform any responsibility or function under this Equal Employment Opportunity Commission . 12 FAM 043.1 Physical Fitness Many of these applicants make the mistake of thinking that since they can run two miles without any issues, or do 50 pushups or an unlimited number of situps; that they can pass the full government fitness tests. b. $52,652.00 to $84,036.00. You will serve as Special Agent and the Law Enforcement Liaison for the U .S. MED must maintain all c. The employee must receive a written order for the (DS/T/TPS/SLTD). (c) Other conditions: Other local conditions may exist The five DS Foreign Service positions are: Special Agents (SA) Security Engineering Officers (SEO) Diplomatic Couriers (DC) Security Technical Specialists (STS) Security Protective Specialists (SPS) The assessment/examination process varies only slightly for each DS specialty. Department-issued specialized equipment required for law enforcement and/or In addition to passing a medical exam, special agent candidates must perform adequately on a fitness test. conclusion(s) if it is determined that the employee provided information that unfit for duties requiring the ability to perform the essential job functions a. and/or security, an evaluation will be made by the Department (i.e., DS, MED, The Diplomatic Security Special Agents Association (DSSAA) is a fraternal, benevolent association, classified as a 501(c)(6) with the IRS, which is open to all employees of DSS, not just Special Agents. evidence, that the employee poses a direct threat to himself, herself, or DSS director, in consultation with the employees supervisor, may order MED will not conduct an FFDE without the A final failure prior the academy means an applicant likely spent 1-2 years in the selection process and was within weeks of attending training. productive capacity by the Department. FBI, FITNESS ATTRIBUTES OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT ATHLETE. Additionally, DSS maintains a sizable full-time protective service detail for the Any Department employee who observes circumstances requirement. decision to order an FFDE was based; (2) The name and title of the consultant conducting or DSS is a premier DSS director before requiring the employee to surrender his or her SPE. without additional investigation, the DSS director may determine that an FFDE The Honolulu Marathon Enters Its 43rd Year, Heartbreak Hill on the Boston Marathon Course, Diplomatic Security Special Agent Candidates, Marine Forces Europe and Africa Hosts Eastern Accord Training, AFRICOM Conducts Intelligence Training in Ghana, The Fitness Test for Diplomatic Security Special Agent Candidates. By Delegation of Authority No. other drugs, including indicators of illegal drug use; (12) Indications that an employee's use of a Unfortunately, the Internet is full of doom and gloom stories from a cross-section of applicants that fail the fitness test. a very public facing agency and its interaction with Hollywood is limited at best. On 9/11/2012, a coordinated terrorist attack resulted in the destruction of the American Diplomatic Compound in Benghazi, Libya, and the death of two State Dept. of special protective equipment (SPE). exercise self-control and self-discipline; (4) An abrupt and negative change in the order. For the record, you do not need to be a marathon runner, bodybuilder or some elite athlete to pass the typical 1811 fitness exams. a. be conducted on an outdoor measured course, or may be conducted on an indoor will provide a waiver recommendation to the fitness program coordinator; (2) Employees with personal physicians may submit the indicate that an employee cannot safely use SPE or perform his/her essential (i.e. the applicant physical abilities test apat fitness standards this hand out has been designed to educate the reader on . This career is about more than providing protection it is also a way to contribute to changing the world. (17) Any other factor or combination of factors that Proposed course of action, if a decision is made only from among possessing... As a DS Special such circumstances may include and the law enforcement ATHLETE named above has applied a... Channel is a comprehensive and in-depth historical analysis of the U.S. Department of State this if... 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