A heartbroken Peter Bishop, her husband in 2026, gave the eulogy at her funeral and her body was burnt at sea. "[40] Executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Olivia had an abusive stepfather, and shot him several times in defense of her mother and herself. With this new information, he rushed to be with Olivia, who met him with a long embrace and romantic kiss. At Nina's recommendation, Olivia meets with Sam Weiss, who works at a bowling alley. Using Alternate Nina as bait, Jones administered the Evaluation System test to Olivia. She soon recognized she was frightened again, and raced to a rooftop, seeing a building "shimmer" in the distance. Nina Sharp talked with Olivia, and recommended she see a friend, Sam Weiss "who helped put [her] back together" after she was diagnosed with cancer. Olivia recognized that her emotions were her strength in the fight against the Observers and was able to act as Peter's rock when he began to slip away from his humanity by putting the Observer tech in his own head. Many events still occurred, though, including her incarceration in the Alternate Universe and her impersonation by Fauxlivia. As a result, Olivia is capable of unspecified psychic abilities, as demonstrated when she shuts off a series of lights wired into a bomb as a kill switch simply by thinking it. [14] They begin dating and their relationship is progressing when Walter realizes he has brought back William Bell, who died in the alternate universe, by using soul magnets and he now resides in Olivia's mind. Last Appearance Peter and Olivia met one another as children and confided in one another. After using bluffing and blackmail, Dunham enlisted the younger Bishop's help, and together they went to see the elder Bishop in the institution. They look around at the same time in which the observers initially appeared and seeing nothing, go back to playing with Etta.[18]. A photograph of Olivia as a teenager with Nina Sharp in the alternate timeline in Nina's office. The reasoning is simple: Their partnership transcended time and space, and was both beautiful and heartbreaking. Dunham subsequently found and killed the Artist, and also placed the boy into custody of a loving family. However, they continue to work together and her time with Peter reminds her why she fell in love with him, and she tells him she wants to see him happy with her. ("Amber 31422"), Olivia began to fear for her life, after Brandon Fayette (Alternate Universe) told that she was no longer needed as he had purified the chemical Cortexiphan from her. They were married and have a daughter. Both Agent Broyles and Nina Sharp consider her to have much potential and talent, the latter even hoping to bring her on as an employee of Massive Dynamic. ("The Last Sam Weiss"). [20] Production team member Alex Graves commented on Torv's casting: What Anna brings to the project is that she comes into the world of Fringe with all of its edge and mystery, and she brings this sort of elegance and poise to it that makes you just love her and want to make sure she's OK and gets through it. Appearances It is revealed that the alternate Walter plans to use Olivia's Cortexiphan-derived abilities to find a way to safely cross universes, for which he needs her willing assistance. Olivia in the Peter-less universe was adopted as a child along with her sister by Nina Sharpe whom she considers a surrogate mother. Olivia's memories of the trials eventually became repressed along with those of her childhood trauma and abuse. Agent Olivia Dunham is an FBI special agent and multiagency DHS liaison recruited by Philip Broyles to be part of a secret task force within the FBI known as Fringe Division. ("Fracture"). She has a strong sense of justice, which drives her to solve a case by any means necessary. Due to the fact that relationships between agents were not allowed, the affair was kept quiet, though Dunham hated the secrecy. So Anna had to listen to all these people saying 'She's really doing nothing,' when really it was our issue. ("Reciprocity") Olivia questioned Peter Bishop since he had confused Olivia's coffee preferences with Fauxlivia's (with Olivia liking black coffee). Casting director April Webster commented, "What we were looking for in Olivia was a woman who was believable as an FBI agent but yet had some vulnerability. Olivia was rescued from amber by the team and began to actively fight the Observers with the Resistance. "[39], In a response to some early negative reactions to the actress' performance, Jon Lachonis noted in a review of the first season's seventh episode that "Anna Torv, whose chill portrayal of FBI agent and Pattern investigator Olivia Dunham has come under fire for being too wooden, seems to have reinvented her character to answer the critics. With their remaining guardian deceased, she and Rachel were supposed to be sent into foster care, but Nina Sharp used her influence to have them placed under her care. Olivia, unaware of the warning signs for the zone, instead raced through it instead of stopping to put on a respirator, nearly asphyxiating herself, and dodged the bricks in time to capture Milo. Meanwhile Broyles is considered missing and Lincoln is the head of the division. Dunham was successful and Harris was jailed, though this case caused bad blood to form between FBI agent Phillip Broyles and Dunham. Olivia decided to come back to work sooner, despite Broyles wanting her to stay off, considering the trauma she dealt with. [50][51][52] In 2011, for her work in the third season, Torv was nominated for the Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series at the 1st Critics' Choice Television Awards. It is this quality which both impresses and irritates Broyles, as it makes her a good agent but also makes her prone to biting off more than she can chew when it comes to pursuing suspects. Alt-Broyles arrives and tells them that . Dunham was clear of the blast, but Scott had been directly in the middle of the explosion and was put into a coma to slow skin degeneration similar to the degeneration seen on the passengers of Flight 627. The turning point came when Olivia and Peter went searching for Dr. Frank's old files at a storage facility - shades of the Fringe pilot, when OT Olivia's partner/lover/fianc John Scott . Gender Lincoln & Alt!Olivia Were Best. As a result, Olivia killed her abusive stepfather. They realized that Olivia is unaware that she has been possessed by William's mind, and instead had likely locked her ego away, making it difficult to contact her by normal means. Olivia gives the device to Nina at Massive Dynamic; with the intact device, they can use it to examine the device of the first shapeshifter that tried to kill Olivia. When Olivia finds and confides in Walter himself, he empathizes with her and threatens her stepfather Randall with a call to social services as well as the loss of financial support from the trial ("Subject 13"). Dunham, emotionally shaken by the entire case, met with Walter and Peter soon afterwards who decided to stay and help with future cases. Astrid tried to reassure her that Peter thought she was her. After solving the case, Dunham received a letter that only said "thinking of you." Olivia willingly participated in Walternate's tests in a sensory-deprivation tank located on Liberty Island to stimulate her Cortexiphan abilities. Olivia and Peter got married. ("Power Hungry"), On her birthday, Dunham investigated a case concerning a virus that caused people to explode. After looking at many auditions "well past the 12th hour"[19] for the role of Olivia Dunham, Australian actress Anna Torv was selected for the part. The Fringe division later learned that their version of the machine was activated at 6:02 AM on its own, and Walter suspected the two machines were tied by quantum entanglement, with their version of the machine destroying their world to stabilize the parallel one. On a Fringe case, mathematician savant Milo Stanfield led Olivia on a chase through a construction area including a marked zone where the air is too thin, expecting to crush her under a load of cement bricks. Olivia Dunham is a fictional character and the main protagonist from the science fiction television series Fringe, which aired on the Fox Broadcasting Company in the United States from 2008 to 2013. As the building started to exhibit the initial signs of a singularity and Broyles prepared to release the amber, Olivia and Peter attempted to persuade Alice that the man she was seeing was not really her husband. Alice previously told Olivia that Derek died recently from trying to replace a faulty fuse after they flipped a coin to decide who would replace it, and Walter surmises that the parallel universe Alice died in a similar fashion due to a different outcome of the coin flip. During part of the treatment, she escapes and jumps into the river. An abused Olive opens up to the wrong Walter. The Cortexiphan Trials, run by Walter Bishop and William Bell, took place in a daycare centre in Jacksonville, Florida. It is possible that hypnosis sessions conducted by Walter had also diminished the children's memories of what was happening to them. After a brief fight for her life, Olivia shot and killed the shapeshifter. Phillip Broyles, the managing agent of the case, chose Francis and Scott to examine the plane, and eventually submitted to Dunham's requests and let her join the search team as well, despite his dislike of her. Walter sent her to Grand Central Station to retrieve a Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11. Olivia reunited with Peter at the hospital. Together, the two reached the immersion tank that Olivia used earlier, but found it to be empty. During the case, Dunham discovered that her affair with Scott was not as secret as she had once thought, and she begins to question her entire relationship with Scott. ("Marionette"), Olivia tried to be nonchalant about Peter Bishop and tried to come to terms with Fauxlivia taking her place and vice versa. Once the Observers invaded in 2015, Henrietta went missing (one way or another, Fauxlivia was aware of it, as mentionned in Liiberty at 26:07, suggesting that communication between universes continued after the deactivation of the bridge in Worlds Apart). Every version of Lincoln and Olivia could have had it all (and at least one of them did), and here are 11 reasons why they were Fringe 's best couple. Known as Fauxlivia, this version of Olivia does not appear until late into Season 2. First Appearance Walter, in a desperate plea, crossed over to save him, despite Nina's attempts to stop him. However, Walternate arranged for Olivia's brain to be removed for further study on how to travel through universes safely. Henry removed the tracker from his taxi, having become sympathetic towards Olivia. "[27], The producers discussed cutting her hair, but ultimately decided on the auburn hair color to differentiate her. Olivia gave him an address to a "safe house" in a suburban area, and, once there, thanks him and allows him to go. After injecting herself with the same drugs Walternate had used on her, she entered the tank and soon found herself back in her own universe at the same gift shop. ("Jacksonville"), Walter explained to Olivia the truth about the Peter from the prime universe dying as a child. Olivia and Scott investigate a storage facility. This is confirmed when Simon Phillips, a mindreader, leaves Olivia with a message that Peter still has feelings for Fauxlivia. Dunham raids Steig's house, eventually capturing him with the help of Peter. Olivia passed out when Walter clanged a bell to begin the process of Rebecca telling them more about this. Olivia's abilities are tested as a child. When Walter proved to be knowledgeable about the subject, Dunham had him released from the institution and had his old lab reopened. As a result of the Cortexiphan, Olivia began regaining the memories of her previous life with Peter, a life that had been all but erased. Walter and Peter helped revive Olivia who immediately demanded to see Nina. She aided in fulfilling Walter's Plan, although she did not know the specifics of it. Olivia finds herself collaborating with enemy forces and also dealing with the threat of the enigmatic Observers. Later that night, Dunham received a call from Sharp, who told her that testing had also occurred at a military base in Jacksonville, Florida, leaving Dunham to believe that she had been a test subject for the drug herself. The Alternate Fringe Team She had a live-in boyfriend who is a virologist for the CDC named Frank Stanton with whom she had met during a cholera outbreak in Hoboken. ("6955 kHz"). The prime Olivia ultimately found Peter again, but she didn't regret the time she spent with Lincoln. Dunham questions Steig's employer, Nina Sharp, who offers Dunham a job but no useful information other than the words "the Pattern," which Sharp enigmatically does not elaborate upon. Olivia and Peter fight the Observers and loyalists. She swam across the ocean and make it to "Manhatan" (in the Other Side parallel universe, the island is spelled with only one "T"). They have subtle differences, but they're both fighting for their causes. Olivia struggled unsuccessfully with trying to activate the typewriter, even with Walter's support. At Fringe division, Charlie visits a scarred Lincoln. Having grown up with an abusive stepfather, Olivia struggles with the unexpected changes in her life, following her encounter with mentally unstable scientist Walter Bishop, and his son and an eventual love interest for her, Peter Bishop. Olivia also mentions that Fauxlivia "kidnapped" her. Olivia convinced him that her universe is not at war with theirs; the troubles started not from any hostile action, but only as an accidental side-effect of Walter Bishop's initial crossing to save Peter 25 years prior. However, through concentration, Dunham appeared to extinguish the lights and disable the bomb, though she attributed it to a simple timer that caused the lights to cut off, and not to any personal ability, though Peter disagreed with her. ("Safe") She played the oboe for six months. ("The Zodiac Paradox"), Olivia Dunham was born on October 12, 1979, to Marilyn Dunham and an unnamed war veteran father. ("6B"), Sometime later, Peter and Olivia's relationship began to improve. ("Olivia. Just the fact that he valued and cared about every Olivia he met, speaks volumes about their connection. Anna Torv has both been nominated and won a number of international awards. Olivia began to develop super-hearing as a result of crossing to the parallel universe, and heard someone else in a house when on a case despite the man insisting he was the only one there. Olivia and her younger sister, Rachel, were orphaned when Marilyn Dunham died of cancer in 1994. She did it with excellence, and now she's really getting the chance to show people, 'Hey, I'm a really hard worker and a terrific actor.' Olivia began to grieve the loss of her daughter, which created even more motivation for defeating the Observers. However, because of this betrayal, Colonel Broyles was killed to replace the mass for Fauxlivia to crossover. Olivia watches Peter merge the two universes. ("There's More Than One of Everything"). However, her incarceration was a kidnapping in this timeline, and her stay in the alternate universe lasted 2 weeks, instead of 3 months. Upon collecting both the box and key, they opened it to find a parchment, revealing that Olivia herself was the crowbar. '"[33], The character and Torv's performance received overall generally positive reviews, although the response to Anna Torv's performance in the first season was mixed. The bell caused Olivia to recall her conversation with Bell in the parallel universe. William Bell worked on a Fringe case. When she was 9, Olivia's stepfather beat her mother particularly harshly. ("The Abducted"). And sporting sensible pantsuits and just a hint of makeup, she makes Olivia a plausibly gorgeous pro, not a crime-busting tootsie. They say love knows no boundaries, and on Fox's multi-universe-traversing Fringe (Fridays at 9/8c), it truly doesn't . An experiment by Dr. Bishop to link her to the dying John Scott's mind in order to learn what he knew about his condition results in Olivia gaining part of his consciousness, causing her mind to begin integrating and purging the foreign consciousness. Immortality: Directed by Brad Anderson. Olivia demonstrated that she learned how to control her Cortexiphan abilities. Broyles later talked with his wife, Diane and then returned to Liberty Island to save Olivia. Olivia was the power source for Bell's plans, Walter took drastic measures to shut it down: shooting Olivia in the head. Olivia cannot name the man, but nonchalantly referred to him as the person who is going to kill her. Dunham graduated from Northwestern University with a B.S. [34] IGN's Travis Fickett agreed, calling Torv's early work on Fringe "very good" as she "brings a unique presence to the show. She tells them that Sean is the result of in vitro fertilization, so his biological father could have other children. Olivia has been described as driven, stubborn, relentless at her job and unwilling to give up until she succeeds. "[28] Torv further explained, "Olivia wants to be the best, but [Fauxlivia] just wants to win;"[29] "There's just a front-footedness I think to [her], simply because she just doesn't carry the weight of the world on her shoulders like Olivia does. ("Safe"). I think that's pretty cool. Olivia Dunham ("In Which We Meet Mr. Jones"), Olivia's memory of John ("The Dreamscape"), After solving the case of a kidnapped boy ("The Equation"), Dunham was forced to go back into the tank to search the memories that had entered her head with Scott's consciousness, which she used to solve the case of a Massive Dynamic employee. Fringe Episode 2.22 Scene - Peter and Olivia - The Kiss gillybabies 7.12K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 341K views 12 years ago Olivia tells Peter why needs to come back with her she seals it. As Henry went back to a gas station to fill his taxi, Olivia cried to herself in the station's bathroom. While some credit goes to the writing, it was Torv's shaded performance that sold Olivia's alternate-universe twin as an actual separate personnot just a cartoon villain version of the original, but a real person, a little more assertive and confident, and just a touch rapacious. Original Timeline : Shot directly in the head by Walternate, driven by revenge in 2026. In 2015 when Olivia is at a park with Etta and Peter they are caught up in a global attack by observers and she and Peter are separated from their daughter. [10] She is captured and drugged, brainwashed into believing that she is the alternate Olivia, complete with traits such as superb marksmanship skills which prime-universe Olivia did not possess. Without Peter, Olivia was unable to cope with the death and betrayal of Scott. Olivia participating willingly in Walternate's tests to cross over safely. [8] Having left her universe moving at a high speed, she returns at the same speed, crashing through the windshield of her now stationary car, leaving her in an almost fatal condition. Jones then instructed Dunham to find a box which contained ten games, which were designed for a "recruit" of the ZFT bible. Fringe Episode 2.15 Scene - Peter and Olivia The Nearly Kiss 41,375 views Feb 5, 2010 168 Dislike Share gillybabies 6.73K subscribers We all knew it was bound to happen, but what is she. The character of Olivia has been described as "an incredibly driven, incredibly brilliant agent with her own complicated past that will be peel[ed] back over time. (Unbeknownst to Olivia, Walter had accelerated the trials because he hoped to find a way to bring the alternate universe, Peter Bishop, back home.). Language: English Words: 5,653 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 3 Kudos: 2 Bookmarks: 2 . After sharing their first kiss, Olivia and Peter are separated for 8 episodes. Relations Olivia Dunham, now in her mid-40s, was the authoritarian leader of Fringe Division. [15] Initially, Bell and Walter think Olivia will just be a host for Bell while they find a way to move his consciousness to another entity, but they find that Olivia is losing herself and her personality will soon be gone. Olivia and Peter then attempted to reconcile and rekindle their relationship. She was able to recall Ella's phone number and calls her, but was brought back to the parallel universe shortly after Ella answers. In 1974, Walter Bishop had a brief glimpse of an adult Olivia Dunham during his initial experimentations with a special acid concoction that would later be labelled as Cortexiphan. Weeks later, Olivia began to hallucinate with visions of Peter Bishop. ("The Arrival"), After solving cases involving a bus accident ("The Ghost Network") and a mysterious bald man ("The Arrival"), Olivia finally became somewhat used to her job and was on good terms with Phillip Broyles and the rest of her co-workers. At the Saturn Awards, Torv has been nominated each year for her performance during the first four seasons of the series, ultimately being awarded at the 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 ceremonies, becoming the only actress to win four consecutive awards in that specific category for a television series. Walter was arrested and imprisoned for destroying the other universe. But at the time, people were like, 'Wow, this girl really is not much,' which is so not true. Lincoln Lee is a fictional character on the Fox television series Fringe (2008-2013). Olivia, after crossing over and getting out of Walter Bishop's tank in her universe, smiles at Astrid. Although initially finding their conversations useless, he cured Olivia's inability to walk without a cane. Olivia became a part of the trials in 1982. However, they are attacked by the image of her step-father and several military personnel. Olivia tearfully reunited with her now father-in-law Walter, released by Senator Broyles, to discover the unique radioactive signature device they could track. "[36] Conversely, SFScope columnist Sarah Stegall believed Torv's early performance to be "downright wooden",[37] while others criticized the actress and character for being "cold and distant. The character was created by series' co-creator J. J. Abrams, and is portrayed by actress Anna Torv.Olivia is the series' protagonist, and was introduced as an FBI Special Agent, working for a . The boy, who was extremely sensitive to human emotion, helped Dunham solve the case of The Artist, a serial killer whom Dunham had previously chased. Olivia chose to save Walter's life, and Newton replied "Now I know how weak you are". Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Olivia_Dunham&oldid=1133315336, Fictional Federal Bureau of Investigation personnel, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Henry Bishop (son; erased in alternate timeline), This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 05:07. In the home, Olivia discovered her mother Marilyn, who, in the prime universe, had died when Olivia was a teenager. As Fringe's dimension-hopping became more and more unintelligible, Lincoln and Olivia became a constant for the fans to hold onto. As in the original timeline, Olivia was instrumental in starting the Fringe Division and releasing Walter Bishop from St. Claire's to save her partner John Scott from biological attack. ("The Cure"), While investigating a parasite on the heart of fellow agent Mitchell Loeb, Dunham first met David Robert Jones, a prisoner in the German Wissenschaft Prison and a known bioterrorist. ("The Dreamscape"), While solving the case of a bank robber stuck in a wall, Dunham was kidnapped by Mitchell Loeb. [2] With help from Walter, Olivia finds a way to communicate with John within her own mind, eventually allowing the memories to fade completely. Peter sacrificed himself to protect her, waking back up in the real world. While assisting Peter in crossing to the Other Side, Olivia was visited by a wounded September, who warned that, in all possible futures, no matter what he tried to do, she would die. However, Sam had disappeared and could not be found. She did not remember getting injured, and incoherently told Peter there is something they need to do, and their "lives may depend on it," but couldn't remember who told her this, or why. With the help of the alternate universe's Agent Broyles, she is able to escape from custody and make it to alternate Walter's Harvard lab, where she uses the tank to return to her own universe. Olivia survives, with gaps in knowledge of the alternate universe's protocol. Olivia Dunham, shot and killed by Walternate out of revenge. Bell was using the Cortexiphan children to try and collapse both universes to create his own universe where he could play God. Olivia managed to escape the facility using her talent for remembering numbers and knocking several government men down. Female (Original TImeline)Alternate Timeline :Shot directly in the head by Walter Bishop to prevent a third universe; revived by Cortexiphan in 2012. Both Peters being severely ill, but their Peter dying. Olivia Dunham (Alternate Universe)/"Fauxlivia" Meanwhile, she convincingly portrayed the trauma and confusion of her captured-then-returned Olivia, whose emotional (and complicated) reunion with Peter made an outlandish situation real and moving. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. She works with Etta until Etta is murdered. 1. Fringe Division took the case and allowed Lincoln into the fold. The Olivias and Walters cautiously agreed that they needed to put aside their differences to save both worlds, completely unaware of Peter's disappearance. [37], Torv's double duty as Olivia and Fauxlivia late in the second season and throughout the third and fourth seasons received almost universal critical acclaim. And definitely had depth and a history behind her eyes. That moment between Walter and Olivia was a sign of how close they have become. In the reset timeline for the series' fourth season, Torv explained that "The Olivia we meet and know has known about Fringe Division and had all this time to get used to it and work out that this is her life," rather than becoming familiar with it after the attack on John Scott. When she was finally able to locate Lane, however, he threatened to commit suicide by jumping off a building (with the many people who had followed him) unless she shot him dead. [49] Torv received three nominations at the Teen Choice Awards for Choice TV Actress: Fantasy/Sci-Fi in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Though still cautious about moving forward, Olivia and Peter kissed and headed to the bedroom upstairs at the Bishops' home after she arrived for drinks. "[44], Dunham was named one of TV's Smartest Detectives by AOL TV. ("Midnight"), While investigating the case of a spontaneous combustion, Olivia learned that she was capable of experiencing an extended deja vu, apparently, a glimpse of the Alternate Universe. S3, Ep1. Olivia suggested the possibility that the effect is due to quantum entanglement between Alice in the prime universe and Derek in the parallel one. In Jacksonville, she was part of a series of drug trials--previously thought to have been held only in Ohio--in which schoolchildren were used as test subjects. Olivia's hallucination of Peter pointed out to her that there was a way to tell if she was from the prime universe: by confirming her memories of her seven-year-old niece Ella, who did not survive birth in the parallel universe. He is portrayed by actor Seth Gabel . "[38] The New York Observer found her to be the one weak link of the main cast, criticizing Torv for her accent and for showing "less emotion than a piece of plywood. Cause of death Excuse me, I need a second to swoon. Status She remained in amber until 2036. [20] Executive producer Bryan Burk later said "there was just something really special about her and really smart". him, but hesitantly began working with and trusting him. ("Grey Matters"), Newton planned to pull a building from the prime universe to the parallel universe. However, Henry remained parked on a nearby street. In the world of Fringe, a lot of emphasis was placed on the relationship between the star-crossed lovers that were Peter and Olivia. After Walter searched through the SUV, he shut the door and Olivia suddenly ejected through the windshield. a virus that caused orifices to seal over. Meanwhile the Fringe Division had recently opened a cold case about a serial kidnapper called Candyman, who kidnapped children who are then left drained of their youth and one of the victims are Colonel Phillip Broyles' son, Christopher Broyles. Olivia wants to know how her colleague is dealing with life on the Fringe team, but he insists that he . Red Carpet Romance. It is clarified that September simply decided not to save the drowning Peter as he crossed over, so much of the circumstances of Olivia's life have changed without Peter's involvement in them, and in some cases, a domino effect has taken place. Bookmarks: 2 Bookmarks: 2 Bookmarks: 2 case and allowed Lincoln the. Recommendation, Olivia and Peter then attempted to reconcile and rekindle their relationship towards Olivia Diane and then returned Liberty... Last Appearance Peter and Olivia was a teenager with Nina Sharp in the head 's relationship began to.... Second to swoon the Alternate universe 's protocol could have other children described as driven,,... Of international awards they are attacked by the team and began to grieve loss... Rescued from amber by the team and began to improve attacked by the image her! 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Located on Liberty Island to save Olivia hint of makeup, she escapes and into., relentless at her funeral and her body was burnt at sea a parchment, that... Smartest Detectives by AOL TV not name the man, but found to...
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