It's so easy to forget them, for it is so long ago. In In Celebration of Spring, heinsists: Swear by the locust, by dragonflies on ferns, You are probably surrounded. No sweat, man, Duffy replies. During the last years of the war, when the inevitable outcome was becoming increasingly apparent to everyone involved, the best journalists covering Vietnam shifted their attention from day-to-day stories to reflect on larger themes that attempted to explain what had actually happened and why. Only a little more than a yard away Today, the poem is read at the funerals of . At the time, I was really angry in the aftermath of that talk. the Army, A collection of original poetry from a Vietnam War Veteran, David Rose, who is diagnosed with PTSD by the Veterans Administration. You killed the enemy or the enemy killed you. No one couldve expected more from them. At funerals of Vietnam veterans coast to coast, the grieving are being comforted by words written nearly a half-century ago by a young . O for tonight Later returning to Vietnam independently in order to study Vietnamese oral folk poetry, he spent a total of nearly three years in the war zonelearning to speak Vietnamese fluently and even getting wounded on one occasionand he is as much a veteran of Vietnam as any soldier I have evermet. "Memorial Day for the War Dead" by Yehuda Amichai. the war still follows me. Bones when it is a lie to speak, a lie to keepsilent. Bobrowsky, Cross, and Purcell contribute powerful poems. The whiteness of the branches I have watched children starve from my golden towers. March 30, 2022 7:00 AM EDT. . The conflict marked a turning point for how Americans saw the military's place in the . He lives with his wife and daughter in Philadelphia, and teaches English and history at theHaverfordSchool. You killed the enemy or the enemy killed you. God woman aint The type of day that dogs don't understand. to a corporal, and he did. Thank you for taking the time to enter the contest and sharing your poem with us. And the heat and the worthlessness All rights reserved. He died doing what he felt was right. a nasty curse I should have foreseen. And because the war dragged on and on in ever-escalating stalemate for weeks and months and years, there was time and more than enough time for soldiers to think about the predicament in which they found themselves. Today, comfort and teaching themselves deceive southern Appalachians, from Pennsylvania to Romania, along with eloquent elegies to friends and familymembers. In Mines, hewrites: Here is how you walk at night: slowly lift But I am surfeited by the silver spoon of opulence. Today, at 71, Msgr. a fool counting the cards, a monkey praying, Republishing, rebroadcasting, rewriting, redistributing prohibited. There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. Be brave my comrades. rocks its weight, A woman kneels on deck Target him! Moments later, a mine exploded. Even more chilling is Song of Napalm, in which he tries to appreciate the wonder of horses in a pasture after astorm: Still I close my eyes and see the girl While thousands note their passing, and proclaim that they were great. In Orpheus in the Upper World, he offers perhaps an explanation for the hundreds and even thousands of poems written by those who fought thewar: For when his order had burst his head, writing class, include The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. We were given orders to fight to the death, Duffy replied. Beautiful with herfacts. Substitute Afghanistan for Vietnam and it is current.I am posting this today (Election Day) after reading an article in the NYT about what patriotism means to Democrats and Republicans. Weigl, in fact, seems unwillingby design or by default, one cannot tellto confront the war directly, relying time and again on dreams, illusions and surreality. Blond, boyish, his sense of humor intact, grubby like the rest of us, sick of war, but good and charming and wholesome. But it is probably safe to say that no politician or general ever waged war without offering some higher moral reason for doing so. Castillo, He believed in me.". Not all the poems in After Our War deal with Vietnam. Why?I wanted to paint the picture of the action and a panorama of the combat there, he replied.Its called The Battle for Charlie,' the name of a fire base blocking the North Vietnamese invasion route into the central highlands at the start of their 1972 Easter offensive. What else can we do? I know what it is like to be so afraid The first section is a sequence of 22 untitled poems set mostly in the war zone, but as the book progresses, the poems become richer and more haunting as the full impact of the war slowly settles in upon the former Marine. Never hear the horrible Above the stinking jungle and her pain Herbert Krohn, a former Army doctor, exhibits particular sensitivity and sympathy for the Vietnamese. It had been 21 years since Jan Barry first went to Vietnam, and even the youngest of the vets were approaching their mid-30s. The American people turned their backs on the war long before it ended. falling in slowmotion[.]. His MorningA Death is a masterpiece, capturing at once the new, sophisticated battlefield medicine of Vietnam and the ancient, ageless human misery and futility of allwars: You are dead just as finally Howells was the Colonel's aide. Edited by three Vietnam veterans working out of a basement kitchen in Brooklyn and published originally through private funding, it contained 109 poems by the editors and 30 fellow veterans. I never mention as men whose duty it was to kill me filed by. Even worse, Americas veterans could not even crawl away to lick their wounds in peace. You look quickly around you: But there is finally here, in these poems, a remarkable promise of hope, a refusal to forget the past and go on, willfully oblivious to history or the lessons that ought to have been learned. In The Winter Before the War, he talks of raking leaves in late autumn, the approach of winter, the first snow and ice-fishing,concluding: The fireplace An estimated 2 million Vietnamese civilians were killed, and 58,000 US soldiers died in action. His poetry and fiction have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. But if some of the non-Vietnam poems occasionally reveal the graduate student laboring to flex his intellectual muscle, they also reveal the poets ability to transcend Vietnam and reach out to the wider world aroundhim. Pulling the trigger is all we have. I think this poem was published some time before 1972 before I went to college.I cant remember the magazine (probably TIME). Fred was a selfless and wonderful young man. :-D Thanks a lot! their damp flutes, by the new earth spongy under our feet: Here we are at Vietnam. They were fighting for what they believed in. CBS NewsThroughout this poem, you dont seem to have any hatred of the enemy?No, no. was a pack, I don't think I like war anymore. His These are wonderful poems, made more so by their juxtaposition with touchingly beautiful nonwar poems like Snowy Egret and Small Song for Andrew. And if Weigls poetic vision is less hopeful than Balabans, it is equally compelling andvibrant. A VC moving slowly in the elephant grass Until Im covered and theres only one smell, we fire on. . Christian Langworthy was born in Vietnam in 1967 with the birth name of Nguyen Van Phoung. . I know what it is like to be so afraid. ***. the Air Force, and I slide on my army suit. A second influential anthology of Vietnam War poetry, edited from five thousand submissions by W.D. Christian Langworthy. Ehrhart (image on the left), was aptly called Carrying the Darkness. barracks inspections, rules and regs. From breaking news to special features and documentaries, the NewsdayTV team is covering the issues that matter to you. "A Vietnam Vet at The Wall" and ""He Was a Vietnam Vet" by Susan Raye White "A Soldier's Pledge" by Lynn Hughes "Bob" by Lt. William P. Brandt, Forward Observer, Vietnam "The Wounded Are The Lucky" by Rikki Duncan "I Can't Come Home" by M.L.Carte "Perspective of the Vietnam Memorial" by Judy/T. : In Faraway Places, hewrites: This daughter watching ducks knows In For Mrs. Cam, Whose Name Means Printed Silk, he reflects on the dislocation of the refugee BoatPeople: The wide Pacific flares in sunset. the shrapnel in my thighs I have thumped and blown into your kind too often. Americas bicentennial year brought the publication of Bryan Alec Floyds The Long War Dead (Avon), a collection of 47 poems, each given the name of a fictitious member of 1st Platoon, U.S.M.C. Floyd, a Vietnam-era Marine officer, did not actually serve in the war zone. It died Among his many awards and decorations were 29 for valor. turned out to be a swarm of fireflies. The politician's stipend and the style in which he lives. President Kennedy is assassinated; Vice-President Johnson succeeds Kennedy. Jean Libby. At funerals of Vietnam veterans coast to coast, the grieving are being comforted by words written nearly a half-century ago by a young seminarian on Long Island. There remains, for now, only to speculate on why Vietnam has produced such an impressive body of poems (not to mention short stories, novels, and personal narratives)-especally considering the relative paucity of poems arising from other modern American wars. You chose to write poetry. Yet that oblique approach is enormously effective, creating a netherworld of light and shadows akin to patrolling through triple-canopied jungle. I am the last person you will see. A plane that was to take But it offered additional poems by WHAM poets Barry, Cross, Krohn, Purcell, and others, as well as new work by Balaban andBerry. the soldier-poets: scattered among the war-related poems are numerous excellent poems on other topics, suggesting an ability to transcend Vietnam. The Tet Offensive begins on the lunar New Year, causing major doubts regarding US ability to secure the southern region. - Harlan Coben. He aims. hang around as a big dark cloud. Strange prospect but it never destroyed him., They cursed and killed and wept God knows, Pvt. American troops withdraw and return home, though more than 2,500 soldiers remain missing in action or prisoners of war. Idly the thick Rach Binh Thuy slides by. an airfield mortared. Powell "Daymare" by Dave King Quintana is on the English faculty at Mesa College, San Diego. The conflict marked a turning point for how Americans saw the militarys place in the world. see the flash of the muzzles. One night, shivering uncontrollably with fear, And it all came down on me, the stink in Asia. You never know if you'll get the chance again. our own or that of 13th-century Mongol armies I watched a father try to hold back his tears, His son had lived only a scant 19 years. Browns Returning Fire (San Francisco State University) proved that assumption to befalse. The battle raged back and forth. Poems from and about the American involvement in Vietnam. Surely, in the process of trying, the best of them have added immeasurably to the body and soul of Americanpoetry. To think of killing someone makes me nervous. Public obscenity likethis[.]. On a rain-soaked day such as this Komunyakaa's Vietnam poems are to be found in 1988's Dien Cai Dau (a Vietnamese expression for "crazy"). I wrote the poem within a few days of that. In following years, thousands of Vietnamese immigrate to the United States. With the passage of time, Caseys poems seem less substantial than former medic Paquets, but back then they were deemed good enough to earn him the Yale Younger Poets Award, and his collection Obscenities appeared almost simultaneously with Winning Hearts andMinds. Every time weve broke out trying to leave here, we got fired upon., One pilot informs him he is low on fuel and has to leave. the cries and screams I heard so loud. Katie Greeter Team Leader In addition, this collection includes several poems from the September 1972 issue of Poetry magazine, Against the War.. And thats the essence of war.Calling in everything from B-52 bombers to helicopter gunships, Duffy and his troops held out for as long as they could. Click on the image to buy the book on Amazon. But others have persisted, and some have gone on to become among the best poets of theirgeneration. sucking sound a rocket makes whenit. I wish you could have seen him the day he died, he wrote. "Literary critics may think it inappropriate, but I think poetry is a perfect vehicle for writing about war," Weigl said. Charles Fink reads the poem "Bury Me With Soldiers," which he wrote as a tribute to the U.S. servicemembers who served during the Vietnam War. got a standing ovation Consequently, I have INDIAN LITERATURE (IL, 259), the flagship journal of Sahitya Akademi It seems like, going in, your position was not survivable., I think probably so, but I was never fearful in the whole battle.. Who likes blood and gore. And zonedresidential[.]. I guess I did well:Not having gone to Hell. Every time weve broke out trying to leave here, we got fired upon.One pilot informs him he is low on fuel and has to leave. He had been in Vietnam only weeks, but was already weary from the tension of war. Albuquerque High School, 1962. It was my take on soldiers, as opposed to the one she made.. Poem for Our Dog Afraid of Thunder on a Rainy Day. Is the greatest contribution, to the welfare of our land. I had just moved into Florida from Tennessee. Anchored in red morning mist a narrow junk and ducks that others feed. Of the dozen or so poems Paquet contributes, three or four must rank as among the very best Vietnam war poems yet written. The dissident poet Nguyen Chi Thien in 2008 in California. When I did, a state trooper walked up and stood next to me. All of them deal with Vietnam and its aftermath. ] Former Airman Horace Coleman writes of his Saigon daughter in A Black SoldierRemembers: She does not offer me one of the as if to discover hiserrors. each otherseyes. No one won on Charlie;Each side managed to lose. Bruce Weigl had already demonstrated his mastery of other subjects and other themes in A Romance, and his newest collection, The Monkey Wars (University of Georgia, 1985), gives further proof of his considerable talents. Nothing more can be done, except to save them. The "b" on Howell's typewriter didn't work. One would like to think that the soul of the nation might somehow be cleansed thereby, but that is hardly likely. my fate was sealed when I ETS. By Margalit Fox. There are five others beside you. More than 50,000 protestors assemble outside the Pentagon. With some notable exceptions, they were artless poems, lacking skill and polish, but collectively they had the force of a wreckingball. It just highlighted what I saw through the experiences of a lot of guys, and in response to the way things seemed to be highlighted in the news.. the fun, our sense of humor But Winning Hearts and Minds quickly became a classic: the seminal anthology against which all future Vietnam war poetry would bejudged. safe at home If youve never been a soldier, you cant understand the bond between guys who, like he says, dont even necessarily like each other, but who are willing to be there for each other, Scruggs, 68, said in a telephone interview from Annapolis, Maryland, where he practices law. I am the . Years before Agent Orange was widely acknowledged for the silent killer it isthe deadly seed sewn in Asia only to take root at home among those who thought theyd survivedBalaban wrote in Along theMekong: With a scientific turn of mind I can understand goes off to serve his Country and offers up his life? some jerk who breaks his promise, and cons his fellow man? He held a job and raised a family, quietly going on his way; and the world won't note his passing; 'tho a Soldier died today. I hear a child. "God Has Pity on Kindergarten Children" by Yehuda Amichai. a procession of whales, and far off Or would you want a Soldier, who has sworn to defend. Among his many awards and decorations were 29 for valor. And other poets may yet emerge. in Vietnam I prayed fervently. Four current veterans one of the Vietnam War and three who served in Iraq explain how writing their experiences down has helped them come to terms with what they lived through. 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