.form-item-search-block { Google Translate cannot translate all types of documents, and it may not give you an exact translation all the time. CODES R. & REGS. 3386 0 obj <>stream The Retention and Disposition Schedule: Election Records for Use by New York County Boards of Elections, originally issued in 1996 and revised in 2013, covers the disposition of records of Boards of Elections created under the Election Law (including general elections held in November and administered by county boards of elections). Any other information that may be deemed relevant in an audit. These include, but are not limited to: Because Google Translate is intellectual property owned by Google Inc., you must use Google Translate in accord with the Google license agreement, which includes potential liability for misuse: Google Terms of Service. } Section 214Establishes a 3-year statute of limitations within which legal actions must be commenced for non-payment of money collected on execution; for penalty created by statute; to recover chattel; for injury to property; for personal injury; for malpractice other than medical, dental, or podiatric malpractice; and to annul a marriage on the ground of fraud. The policy requires a Records Management Officer at each location, and states as follows: The State Archives is unable to provide technical support regarding the use and modification of the MS Excel worksheets or MS Access database. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. }, State Archives records retention and disposition schedules do not cover non-government records, including the records of non-profit organizations, commercial ventures, and private individuals. padding-right: 20px; Open Meetings Law (Article 7, Sections 100 - 111)Covers accessibility by the public to meetings of public bodies and outlines requirements for the production and availability of minutes or other proceedings. Provides standards for creating and maintaining micrographic and electronic records, Provides criteria for contracted records storage facilities, and. cursor: pointer; Documentation of disposition can protect your organization when it is unable to provide properly destroyed records in response to litigation, audits, or requests under FOIL. If you rely on information obtained from Google Translate, you do so at your own risk. padding-left: 20px; Retention Requirements: Statutes of Limitation, Retention Requirements for Health and Safety Records, Retention Requirements for Personnel Records, Retention Requirements for Fiscal Records, Laws andRegulations Related toLegalAdmissibility ofRecords, Laws Related to Maintaining Integrity of and Access to Records. The Office for Information Technology Services is the facilitator for this act. Sign up online or download and mail in your application. float: left; Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1) consolidates, supersedes and replaces Schedules CO-2, MU-1, MI-1, and ED-1, previously issued by the State Archives. For more information, refer tothe Federal Rules for Civil Procedure, available on the Cornell Law School website. float: left; You must also keep documents, such as canceled checks, receipts, cash register tapes, purchase orders, and other sales records to support your business records. (6) The hospital shall ensure the confidentiality of patient records. 3347 0 obj <> endobj New York Medical Record Retention Statutes. (8) The hospital shall implement policies and procedures regarding the use and authentication of verbal orders, including telephone orders. Such policies and procedures must: (i) Specify the process for accepting and documenting such orders; (ii) Ensure that such orders will be issued only in accordance with applicable scope of practice provisions for licensed, certified or registered practitioners, consistent with Federal and State law; and. Federal regulations (29 CFR 1602.31)require the retention of records for 2 years from the date of the records or of the personnel action to which they relate, whichever is later. .form-item-search-block-form input#search_box { The are records of an employees hours worked, gross wages, deductions, and net wages. (3) Each electronic or computer entry, order or authentication shall be recorded in the medical record as to date, time, category of practitioner, mode of transmission and point of origin. The MS Access and Excel versions do not contain the introduction, index, nor any section or sub-section notes; however, they provide all series and subseries information, including notes. Permits the use of copies in court when those copies were prepared in the regular course of business by a process which accurately reproduces the original records and when those copies are satisfactorily identified. This 2022 edition should be used in place of the previous version of. .form-item-search-block-form button { (2) The hospital shall establish, implement and monitor an effective system of author identification for medical records and/or medical orders to ensure the integrity of the authentication and protect the security of all transmissions, records and record entries. Records should be retained as long as they are needed by your organization to support business needs and to satisfy any legal and fiscal requirements and long-term historical or research use. Three, Five, Ten and Fifteen Year Regulation Review, SubChapter A - Medical Facilities--Minimum Standards, Part 300 - Statewide Health Information Network for New York (SHIN-NY), Section 300.3 - Statewide collaboration process and SHIN-NY policy guidance, Section 300.5 - Sharing of Patient Information, Section 300.6 - Participation of health care facilities, Part 360 - Surge and Flex Health Coordination System Activation During a State Disaster Emergency Declaration, Section 360.1 - Administrative Purpose, Application and Scope, Section 360.2 - Surge and Flex Health Care Coordination System Requirements, Section 360.3 - Hospital emergency Surge and Flex Response Plans, Section 360.4 - Clinical laboratory testing, Part 400 - All Facilities--General Requirements, Section 400.2 - Other laws, codes, rules and regulations, Section 400.3 - Inspection, reproduction and reports, Section 400.5 - Statements or bills for health services, Section 400.6 - Identification of personnel delivering health care services, Section 400.7 - Facility participation in title XVIII program, Section 400.8 - Exception, construction standards, Section 400.9 - Transfer and affiliation agreements, Section 400.10 - Health Provider Network Access and Reporting Requirements, Section 400.11 - Assessment of long-term care patients, Section 400.13 - Forms (Hospital/Community Patient Review Instrument), Section 400.14 - Request for patient review instrument (PRI) data, Section 400.15 - The role of the licensed practical nurse in intravenous therapy procedures, Section 400.17 - Compliance with application conditions, Section 400.18 - Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS), Section 400.19 - Withdrawal of equity or assets, Section 400.22 - Statewide perinatal data system, Section 400.24 - Charges in connection with certain health care facility financings, Section 400.25 - Disclosure of nursing quality indicators, Part 401 - All Facilities--Operating Certificates, Section 401.1 - Issuance of operating certificates, Section 401.2 - Limitations of operating certificates, Section 401.3 - Changes in existing medical facilities, Section 401.4 - Review of operating certificate determinations, Part 402 - Criminal History Record Check, Section 402.5 - Requirements Before Submitting a Request for a Criminal History Record Check, Section 402.6 - Criminal History Record Check Process, Section 402.7 - Department Criminal History Review, Section 402.8 - Notifications of Criminal Charges or Convictions Incurred Subsequent to Hiring, Section 402.9 - Responsibilities of Providers; Required Notifications, Section 403.4 - Responsibilities of State Approved Education or Training Programs, Section 403.5 - Responsibilities of Home Care Services Entities, Section 403.6 - Responsibilities of Home Care Services Workers, Part 404 - Integrated Outpatient Services, Section 404.6 - Organization and Administration, Section 404.9 - Integrated Care Services, Section 404.11 - Quality Assurance, Utilization Review and Incident Reporting, Section 404.14 - Application and Approval, Section 405.6 - Quality assurance program, Section 405.14 - Respiratory care services, Section 405.15 - Radiologic and nuclear medicine services, Section 405.17 - Pharmaceutical services, Section 405.18 - Rehabilitation services, Section 405.22 - Critical care and special care services, Section 405.23 - Food and dietetic services, Section 405.25 - Organ and tissue donation (anatomical gifts), Section 405.27 - Information, policy and other reporting requirements, Section 405.30 - Organ and Vascularized Composite Allograft Transplant Services/Programs, Section 405.31 - Living donor transplantation services, Section 405.33 Screening mammography services, Part 406 - Rural Hospital Swing Bed Demonstration, Section 406.3 - Admission, patient assessment, planning and services, Section 406.4 - Transfer and affiliation agreements, Part 407 - Primary Care Hospitals - Minimum Standards, Section 407.2 - Designation of PCHs and CAHs, Section 407.5 - Administrative requirements, Section 407.6 - Quality assurance and utilization review, Section 407.8 - Medical/professional staff, Section 407.10 - Primary care related inpatient and outpatient services, Section 407.11 - Clinical and ancillary support services, Section 407.13 - Environmental health and infection control, Part 408 - Central services facility rural health networks (CSFRHN), Section 408.2 - Network Operational Plans (NOP), Section 408.4 - Supervision by the commissioner, Part 410 - Scheduled Short Term Care In A Nursing Home, Section 410.3 - Service approval and physical space, Part 411 - Ombudsmen Access To Residential Health Care Facilities, Part 412 - Reporting Information For Inspections, Section 412.1 - Facility-supplied information required, Section 412.2 - Certification by operator or administrator, Part 414 - Nursing Homes - Continuous Violation Penalties, Section 414.2 - Criteria for continuous violation penalties, Part 415 - Nursing Homes - Minimum Standards, Section 415.4 - Resident behavior and facility practices, Section 415.11 - Resident assessment and care planning, Section 415.13 - Nursing services and Minimum Nursing Staff Requirements, Section 415.16 - Rehabilitative services, Section 415.20 - Laboratory and blood bank, Section 415.21 - Radiology and other diagnostic services, Section 415.26 - Organization and administration, Section 415.27 - Quality assessment & assurance, Section 415.28 - Disclosure of ownership, Section 415.31 - New York State RHCF nurse aide registry, Section 415.32 Weekly bed census data survey, Section 415.34 Minimum Direct Resident Care Spending, Section 415.36 - Long-term inpatient rehabilitation program for head-injured residents, Section 415.37 - Services for residents with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS), Section 415.38 - Long-term ventilator dependent residents, Section 415.39 - Specialized programs for residents requiring behavioral interventions, Section 415.40 - Extended care of residents with traumatic brain injury, Section 415.41 Specialized Programs for Residents with Neurodegenerative Diseases, Part 420 - Comprehensive Ambulatory HIV Programs, Section 420.2 - Approval to provide services, Article 6 - Skilled Nursing And Health Related Services, Non-Occupants General, Section 425.3 - Changes in existing program, Section 425.4 - General requirements for operation, Section 425.5 - Adult day health care services, Section 425.6 - Admission, continued stay and registrant assessment, Section 425.8 - Registrant continued-stay evaluation, Section 425.11 - Food and nutrition services, Section 425.13 - Rehabilitation therapy services, Section 425.15 - Religious services and counseling, Section 425.17 - Pharmaceutical services, Section 425.18 - Services for registrants with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and other high-need populations, Section 425.21 - Confidentiality of records, Article 7 - Home Health Agencies; Treatment Centers And Diagnostic Centers, Part 430 - Licensed Home Care Services Agencies And Certified Home Health Agencies, Part 431 - Treatment Centers and Diagnostic Centers, Article 8 - New York State Annual Hospital Report, Section 441.15 - Accumulated depreciation, Section 441.20 - Additional (paid-in) capital, Section 441.36 - Average daily inpatient census, Section 441.43 - Bed complement (beds available), Section 441.45 - Blood bank transfusions, Section 441.46 - Board-designated assets, Section 441.61 - Certified bed days available, Section 441.66 - Comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation service, Section 441.76 - Critical care units (type I), Section 441.77 - Critical care units (type II), Section 441.80 - Daily hospital services, Section 441.83 - Date of change in certified bed capacity--decrease, Section 441.84 - Date of change in certified bed capacity--increase, Section 441.86 - Deductions from revenue, Section 441.87 - Deferral (or deferment), Section 441.94 - Direct assignment of cost, Section 441.105 - Emergency service category 4--basic emergency services, Section 441.106 - Emergency services category 3--general emergency services, Section 441.107 - Emergency services category 2--major emergency hospital, Section 441.108 - Emergency services category 1--comprehensive emergency medical services, Section 441.129 - Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), Section 441.131 - Financially indigent patient, Section 441.134 - Fixed cost (or expense), Section 441.136 - Full-time equivalent employees (FTE), Section 441.148 - Funds held in trust by others, Section 441.159 - Gross charges (gross revenue), Section 441.168 - Hospital-based physician, Section 441.186 - Investor-owned (proprietary) hospital, Section 441.202 - Medical staff classification--associate, Section 441.203 - Medical staff classification--attending, Section 441.204 - Medical staff classification--consulting, Section 441.205 - Medical staff classification--courtesy, Section 441.206 - Medical staff classification--house staff (paid staff), Section 441.208 - Mentally disordered patient, Section 441.210 - Neonatal intensive care unit, Section 441.215 - Nine-C (IX-C) corporation, Section 441.219 - Non-revenue-producing cost centers, Section 441.220 - Nonroutine maintenance and repairs, Section 441.228 - Operating income (or profit), Section 441.231 - Organization cost (or expense), Section 441.233 - Other operating revenue, Section 441.239 - Oxygen therapy minutes, Section 441.243 - Part A and Part B services, Section 441.244 - Patient care services revenue, Section 441.251 - Periodic interim payment (PIP), Section 441.260 - Plant replacement and expansion funds, Section 441.267 - Prior-period adjustment, Section 441.269 - Professional component, Section 441.273 - Psychiatric inpatient service, Section 441.274 - Psychiatric night care, Section 441.275 - Radiology diagnostic films, Section 441.276 - Real estate (or property), Section 441.296 - Responsibility accounting, Section 441.298 - Retained earnings (or income), Section 441.300 - Retirement of indebtedness funds, Section 441.303 - Revenue-producing cost centers, Section 441.306 - Self-responsible (self-pay) patient, Section 441.308 - Share of pooled investments, Section 441.311 - Specific purpose funds, Section 441.313 - Standard unit of measure, Section 441.316 - Straight-line method of depreciation. Alcoholic beverages tax (ABT): Sales and distribution, Recordkeeping Requirements - Highway Use Tax (TB-HU-765), Recordkeeping Requirements for Sales Tax Vendors (TB-ST-770), environmental remediation insurance credit, rehabilitation of historic properties credit, remediated brownfield credit for real property taxes, special additional mortgage recording tax credit, Excise Tax on Medical Cannabis - Recordkeeping, Form DTF-664, Tax Shelter Disclosure for Material Advisors, Transportation Network Company assessment, Video: Sales Tax Recordkeeping Requirements. Facts: (5) The hospital shall have a system of coding and indexing medical records. height: 35px; This special disposition consent remains in effect until the LGS-1 is updated with this new item, or until the Archives notifies the local government that it is withdrawing that consent or it is advised by the local government that it no longer wishes to use this item in lieu of other items that appear in the current LGS-1. float: left; } WebNew York State imposes record retention requirements concerning, among other things, wage payments, minimum wages, and hours worked. 14 NYCRR 599.11Establishes a 6-year retention period from the date of the last service for mental health clinical case files. (6) Written notice from the author shall be required should the author/user wish to terminate participating in the electronic or computer authentication system. The Archives has, Under limited circumstances, local governments and state agencies may transfer custody of their records to another organization or government through donation, loan, or deposit. Section 6530.32Rules of the Board of Regents. padding-bottom: 10px; Non-election records maintained by County Boards of Elections may be disposed following the LGS-1. Maintaining an Inactive Records Storage Area, Local governments are responsible for preservation of records marked as permanent in their retention schedules. Section 213-AEstablishes a 4-year statute of limitations within which legal actions must be commenced for residential rent overcharge. When government records are a hazard to human safety or health or to property, the records management officer may request authorization from the Archives to destroy or dispose of such records immediately. padding-bottom: 10px; background-color: #F79D3E; , refer tothe Federal Rules for Civil Procedure, available on the Cornell Law website... 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