With a glute band just above the knees, lie on the ground. Soften the front knee slightly. Allowing a little bend in the knees is good (not stiff-legged), but aim to maintain that same knee angle as you hip hinge, as opposed to actively squatting or flexing at the knees. Extend one arm out in front of you, and grab the handle with one hand. Breathe, brace your core, and repeat. Hip Adduction Machine; Copenhagen Plank or Raises; Goblet Squat with Adduction. Grab the bar just outside of shoulder width. With a bit of space in front of you, begin by marching (for warm ups) or running/sprinting (for working sets) in place while driving your heels back to your butt. How to Read Pull-Up Progression in Your Program, When you see Pull-Up Progression in the program, it will look something like this: 4 sets @ 50% of baseline,which means. Option to scale down by using the modified demo linked above (moderate) by keeping your hands down by your side rather than overhead. Lie flat on the ground with a dumbbell in one hand. Banded Bicep Curls; Banded Isometric Bicep Curls; Banded Reverse Grip Curl; Banded Bicep 1.5-Rep Curl; Banded Bicep Curl 21s; Holding a band with a pronated, overhand grip (band pinned under your feet, or attached to a low anchor, palms facing the floor), set up so there is light tension in the band while your arms are straight down by your side. If youve ever used RPE, you can think of RIR as 10 RPE, so a lift prescribed at RPE 7 is the same as 3 RIR (where 10-7=3). Maintain this position for the prescribed time. Create tension in the band by taking a slightly wider than hip width stance, and bend the knees to get in an athletic stance. Cable Lat Pullover; Banded Lat Pullover; Lat Pull Down variations (wide grip, single arm, etc); Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, Rows. Hold the loose end of the band in one hand, and step back until there is light tension on the band when your arm is extended in front of you. The back foot should support like a kickstand (we recommend only using the ball of your foot for balance), with most of the weight should be on your front leg. Do your best to not allow any movement other than rotation here your elbow should ideally not move up, down, forward or backwards. These can be performed weighted (holding a DB or medicine ball), or bodyweight. Side Plank: Get into a side plank position and raise + hold for 7-10 seconds, then lower back to the ground with control. Repeat for the prescribed time or repetitions. Modified (Hands Elevated) Push-Up; Single Arm Banded Chest Press; Modified Handstand Push-Ups; Bench Dips; DB Bench Press, Machine Chest Press, Barbell Bench Press variations; Subs for Close Grip or Diamond Push Ups include more tricep dominant exercises (Skullcrushers, Rope Pushdown, Dip variations, etc). If you are able to perform more than 5-6 regular push-ups, we recommend performing these in a regular push-up position, and if you can preform fewer than 5-6 regular push-ups, we recommend setting up in a modified (knees down) position. Start your repetition by raising one leg just off the floor, and then contract that glute while kicking your heel back and up until your leg is fully extended, holding and squeezing your glutes at the top. Return to the starting position and repeat. Stand on an elevated plate/board/block and perform a kettlebell deadlift with an increased range of motion. Tighten the upper back, brace the core, then push your hips back and hinge tipping your torso towards the floor with minimal bend at the knee until you feel a light stretch in your posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, and even adductors). Perform this movement for the prescribed number of repetitions, then bring your arms out to the side, externally rotating your arms and making a T with your body. After completing these reps, immediately drop to Position 2, lowering your feet to the floor and complete the prescribed reps here (or to failure again, if prescribed as an AMRAP). Each non-deload week, well provide instructions on how/when to change your Training Max to fine-tune the prescribed intensity to your individual capacity. Perform for the prescribed repetitions, then switch sides and repeat. Side Plank Demo Here Repeat in reverse, moving one arm then the other from hand to forearm back to Low Plank. Start on the floor in a quadruped position (hands and knees down), with your arms shoulder-width apart. Engage your trunk (focusing on your obliques and transverse abdominis especially) to prevent any movement your hips and shoulders should remain in a square, stacked parallel over top of one another. Aim to maintain a neutral posture (keeping your elbow by your sides, and hips & shoulders square facing towards the anchor), with the only movement coming from flexing your bicep. Return both feet together, and then repeat with the other foot. To scale to the easiest variation, perform on a Captains Chair rather than hanging from a pull-up bar. Bodysaw, Hanging Leg Raises, Bear Crawls, Side plank, L-Sit Hold, V-Ups. Keep your body in a straight line, making sure not to raise or sink the hips. Heel Elevated Goblet Squat, Sissy Squat, Bodyweight Leg Extension, Kneel-to-Squat, Wall Sit. Turn around, so that you are now facing away from the anchor. Barbell Bench Press Variations (competition-style, close grip, wide grip, incline, decline, etc. Unrack the bar, and take a slight step back, enough to clear the J-hooks. The explanations of the exercises (and FAQ!) Bench Press the dumbbells from chest level to lockout. Then, return to the start position by driving your hips forward and squeezing your glutes. This is a three-exercise giant set, intended to be performed continuously with no rest in between exercises. If grip is not specified (e.g. Extend one arm down to your side and grab the DB with one hand at the same time, extend the opposite leg out behind you while maintaining a neutral spine. Set up with a band anchored at chest height. Aim to keep your hips square in the same position throughout the repetition. Reach your hands together overhead and back, extending as far as you can. DB Curls, Hammer Curl, Cable Curls. This will increase the effective range of motion of your repetitions. Inverted Rows (Regular Grip); Pronated Grip Inverted Rows (At-Home version); Supinated Grip Inverted Rows (At-Home version); DB Row; Cable Row; Chest Supported Row; Machine Row; Pull Up; Chin Up; Lat Pull Down, Pronated Grip Inverted Rows (At-Home Version). Start by performing rows using this wider grip for the prescribed repetitions. As you maintain a straight position at the hips (aiming for a straight line from knee to shoulders), begin to lean your torso forward, controlling your descent with your hamstrings. If you are able to improve your score relative to your baseline test, then we are definitely moving in the right direction, and we are proud of you. Focus on keeping your ribs tucked down and maintaining your hollow body position throughout the motion while rocking back and forth. While holding them at this height, tuck your ribs down and squeeze your abs while reaching your hips back as far as you can. Return to the starting position and repeat. This is a useful tool in prescribing or adjusting loads based on how challenging a set feels to the lifter. Laying on your back, raise arms overhead and extend hands and feet, creating a starfish position. Think of it this way: your day-to-day training goes through ups and downs over the course of a week/month/cycle. Anchor a band in front of you in a low position. Alt 2-Up, 1-Down Hamstring Curl, as demonstrated in the GIF above). Return the start position and repeat. Press the palms down to push your body up, activating the chest, shoulders and triceps and returning to the start position. Lie on floor with feet flat on the ground and place a small block, foam roller, rolled towel, or similar object between your knees. Paloff Press, DB Windmill, Turkish Getup, Half Turkish Getup, Russian Twist. Leg Extension 21s (demoed above as 3+3+3) are performed as prescribed reps for the first half of Range of Motion, then prescribed reps for second half of Range of Motion, then prescribed reps for the full Range of Motion, typically prescribed as 7+7+7. Then reverse the movement and return the weight to the start position. Demo Here Once stable,bring one arm to your side, flexing the tricep and keeping the hand in a fist. Good mornings; Supermans; Reverse Hyperextensions; Romanian Deadlifts; Laying on your back, raise arms directly over shoulders and knees over hips, with shins parallel to the floor. Begin performing curls with your banded arm for the prescribed reps, using a neutral (thumb facing up) grip. From there, extend and try to reach your spine up to the ceiling as your shoulder blades separate. 3 sets of 6 reps), hold the position for 2-3 seconds for each repetition before returning to the floor. Starting with a bench perpendicular to your body, grip the surface or edge of the bench with your hands. Extend arms and get into an elevated push up position. Return to the starting position and repeat the process for the prescribed number of reps. Switch legs, and repeat to complete your set. Begin in a standing position. In a bent over position with back parallel to the floor (or close) and knees slightly bent, row the bar by pulling it to the lower chest. Then, return to the start position by driving your hips forward and squeezing your glutes. Curl Up: Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other extended on the floor. Since this is a stiff leg deadlift, aim to maintain the angle in your knees and reach depth by pushing your hips back, hinging at the hip and lowering the weight while maintaining a strong, rigid torso position. Perform these with an overhand grip unless specified otherwise, such as neutral grip or supinated (underhand) grip. Keeping your torso upright, chest tall, and elbows pointed down, squeeze the lats/armpits and lower the handle to roughly your collarbone level. Try to flatten the lower back, and remove any lower back arch. Banded Hamstring Curls; Hamstring Curl 21s; Glute Ham Raise; Romanian Deadlift; Stiff-Leg Deadlift. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and separate the band in a fly-motion. Hold the band in one hand and turn around and take a step to the side of your free hand. Components of our programming adapt and change depending on our broader macrocycle, including exercise selection, frequency, intensity, volume, and sequencingjust to name a few. Lower the DB in the same movement pattern. Press the palms through the floor, activating the chest, shoulders and triceps and returning to the start position. Setup a barbell on a squat rack at about elbow height. Start by facing away from the anchor, and take ~3 steps away so that the pulley is behind your body, and your upper arm is behind your torso (position 1). In pushup position with forearms on the ground, maintain neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing the glutes and abdominals. Anchor a band below your feet, and hold one end in your hand. Keep the torso as upright as possible and continue to keep the elbows high throughout your repetition. Place a long band around one foot, anchoring the loose end with your hands. Thats one rep. Rotate your wrists and DBs again so that you are palms up, and repeat for the prescribed repetitions. Stop at parallel and return to the start position. Standing Banded Hamstring Curls; Hamstring Curl 21s; 2-Up, 1-Down Hamstring Curl; Glute Ham Raise; Romanian Deadlift; Stiff-Leg Deadlift. Retract your shoulder blades. Put hips down and bring hands to meet them. Barbell row, Kroc rows, chest supported rows, seated cable row. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions. ); Any other back or lat focused exercises. Ensure you are far enough away from the machine so that there is tension on the cable at full extension. Legs and arms go out at the same time, then legs and arms come in at the same time. Set up a band to an anchor at or slightly above your shoulder-level, holding the band with both hands in a pronated (overhand) grip. Option to use DB, KB or Cable machine. Return to start position and repeat. Banded Bicep Curl; Banded Hammer Curl; Banded Reverse Grip Curl; Banded Bicep 1.5-Rep Curl; Banded Bicep Curl 21s; Holding a band with a neutral grip (band pinned under your feet, or attached to a low anchor, palms facing together), set up so there is light tension in the band while your arms are straight down by your side. Hold this position for the prescribed duration, maintaining a straight line from shoulder to hip to to knee to ankle, before lowering back to the start position with control. Avoid breaking at the hip and hyperextending through the spine. 20 seconds), or if prescribed as reps (e.g. If you dont have access to a box, you can perform these onto a sturdy bench, ledge, or stairs. Pistol Squat, Single Leg Press, Split squat variations, Lunge variations, Single Leg Leg Extension, other unilateral lower body work. For each prescribed repetition, perform a rep with a full range of motion, then perform an additional half rep (from the bottom until your elbows reach 90-degrees) thats considered one 1.5 rep. Keep the upper arm stationary and curl the dumbbell while contracting the biceps. Can be performed with both arms simultaneously or alternating if not explicitly prescribed just be sure to perform the total prescribed reps as reps per arm. Think about pushing the feet through the floor while squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips forward, hingeing at the hips. Can be performed all repetitions on one side before moving to the other side, or by alternating opposite arm/opposite leg with each rep. Any core series (deadbugs, bird-dogs, planks, l-sit, hanging leg raises). Bring one foot at a time in, bending the knee and hip. Try to pick a box where your elevated leg has no more than a 90-degree angle at the knee at the deepest position. With a dumbbell in each hand, approach the bench in a prone (face down) position, with your torso supported by the bench so that you cannot move at the waist. Control the weight on the way back to the bottom. See demo link above (shown as 3+3+3 using a straight bar rather than 7+7+7 with an EZ bar). Alternating Side Lunge; Pistol squat; Single Leg Press; any other unilateral lower body movement. The range of motion is only a few inches, and our goal is active control through the shoulder blades and engagement of the lats. Slider Pike, Slider Fallouts, Planks; Hanging Leg Raises; L-Sit. left arm and right leg; or right arm and left leg). Romanian Deadlift (BB or DB), Stiff-legged deadlift, Good Mornings, Reverse Hyperextensions, Glute Ham Raise. Extend your arm by contracting your triceps, until you lockout overhead. The training block where we focused on biceps was amazing for my biceps. Starting with your arms extended and your body in a straight line (with an engaged core), pull your chest towards the bar maintaining the same straight body positioning and then lower back to an extended start position. Once your elbows are bent at 90-degrees, externally rotate your shoulders while holding your upper arms in position (making an L-shape with your elbows). Some amount of hip movement is natural as we move up and down throughout the repetition, whereas our hips would remain at a fixed height in a Stiff Leg Deadlift. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions, then rest. Lie on floor with feet flat on the ground. Set up the same as a traditional DB Front Raise, but hold the weight or resistance isometrically at shoulder height (arms extended) for the prescribed time. 3. Split Squat Variations; Lunge Variations; Box Step-Up Variations; any other unilateral lower body exercises. Loop a band around a sturdy upright at knee height, and loop the other end around the back of your front knee. Modified (Knees Down) Push-Up; Traditional Push-Ups; Single Arm Banded Chest Press; Modified Handstand Push-Ups; Bench Dips; DB Bench Press, Machine Chest Press, Barbell Bench Press variations. Then, begin rocking forward and backwards, aiming to maintain your position throughout the entire range of motion. Tuck ribs down and press lower back into the floor. Widen your stance and angle your toes out until you are in a sumo position. Lower the band in the same movement pattern, and repeat for the prescribed repetitions. Can be performed bodyweight, holding a KB (goblet style), holding DBs in each hand, or loaded with a BB (either on your back or in a front-rack position). Perform these with your strongest grip width, maintaining head, shoulder, and hip contact with the bench and your feet pressed on the floor unless specified otherwise (e.g. Start with something in front of your torso (e.g. Bend elbows to descend the torso, hips and chest to lower, coming close to touching the ground. Single Arm Front Curl; Single Arm Banded Away Curl; Single Arm Banded Curl; Single Arm Banded Reverse Grip Curl; Single Arm Banded Hammer Curl; Single Arm Preacher Curl; Single Arm Cable Curl; Alternating DB Curl; Hammer Curl; DB Iso-Hold Curl. Push your hips back and bend the knee to lower into a squat. Neither are inherently right or wrong, and we recommend training a combination or alternating (for balance), or whichever is more comfortable for you. If performing these single arm (whether DB or Banded), perform the prescribed reps per side instead of total. Walking Lunges; Reverse Lunges; Box Step-Ups; Split Squat; Front Foot Elevated Split Squat; Single Leg Leg Press; B-Stance Squat. Can also be performed holding a one kettlebell in each hand, or a pair of DBs instead. Place your forearm on the ground with your elbow directly under your shoulder, then raise your hips off the ground. Perform your lunges by taking a step forward with one leg, dropping into a 90-90 lunge position while maintaining your upright torso. Unlike a Stiff-Leg Deadlift (where we start from the floor), we will be performing RDLs from the top down. Can be performed on an EZ curl bar, with DBs, or on cables. Increase tension by standing on more of the band, and decrease tension by allowing for more slack on the band between your feet and hands. These can also be performed at home or without access to a DB or KB load a backpack or suitcase with books, shoes, and other heavy items, and walk for the prescribed time. DB or Cable OH Tricep Extensions; Cable push downs; Skullcrushers; any other tricep-specific exercise, Cable Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension. Thats one repetition. We recommend keeping a roughly 45-degree angle between your arms and your torso, striking a balance between too flared out and too tucked in to your torso. Split squat variations; Lunge variations; Step Ups; Any other unilateral lower body movement (single leg press, single leg glute bridge, etc.). Keeping your arms extended, pull the band/rope across your body from shoulder to hip (high-to-low) or hip to shoulder (low-to-high). Any Delt Burnout of 15+ reps to failure; DB Lateral Raises; Prone Incline Y-Raises; Band Pullaparts; Face Pulls; DB or Plate Front Raises. Banded Front Raise; Front Plate Raise, DB Front Raise; Cable Front Raise; DB Overhead Press. Grab the bar with both hands, with an underhand grip. Can be scaled harder by elevating your feet on a bench or unstable surface (bosu ball, TRX, etc.). Can also be performed seated, and/or with specialty bars (eg. Box Jumps; Broad Jumps; Jump Squats; Jump Lunges. Can you change the exercise order? Aim to maintain a neutral posture (keeping your elbow by your sides, and hips & shoulders square facing towards the anchor), with the only movement coming from flexing your bicep. Holding a moderate set of DBs (similar or slightly lower in weight than you would use for a traditional standing/seated DB Overhead Press), sit on the floor with your legs extended and your torso upright. Neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing your glutes bench,,. ) ; any other tricep-specific exercise, Cable Single arm ( whether DB or Cable OH Extensions. Your ribs tucked down and Press lower back into the floor Press ; any other exercise... Perform your lunges by taking a step to the start position knee and hip and,! Flat on the floor this way: your day-to-day training goes through and. 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